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The daughter of Rafisaab remembers him:

Nasreen: For some strange reason, dad saw to it that none of us were associated with the film industry. We were kept away from the limelight and never allowed to meet anyone even if they came home. He was averse to the idea of any of his children getting into the film industry which is why he sent my brothers Mohd Khalid Rafi, Mohd Hamid Rafi and Mohd Saeed Rafi and me to London for education. I was only 12 years old then while my brothers were 16, 12 and 8 respectively. Yasmin and Shahid were too young and were made to stay back. He said it was in the interest of the children that he kept them away from the family. And every time he was on a world tour with his troupe he would always stop over at London to meet all of us. Most of the time our mother accompanied him as it was her chance too to meet us. There were some very rare times when we accompanied him to his rehearsals but we never got to see him at work.
