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Reply to "Happy Mother’ Day"

@cain posted:

I know it is late but I hope all moms had a great special day.

Wait and minute, I ain't late, mother’s day should be every day.

U so rite bai Cain..

everyday is Mother’s Day…

how d wed da up yr end??

Whnu visitng we frenno? Was her bday d odda day..

well abt mudda day..

men my 3 gf (aged 73-75)  went to lunch at a Caribbean restaurant called Mystic (fuss time i had their food..recommended by  a gf )..n enjoyed the hang out..

my girls ere both in Spain n hubby went golfing..

same gf’s kids were away or bz doing dem own thing .

I brought home take out for

the evening before, I got invite to join a friend ashe was taking him mom n sister out..but it was all d way in Markham n it was Malaysian/ nah like da kinda food, so i turned down d invite

1 of my girls is back. Yesterday . she went to London from Spain n the other went to Portugal.  She will be home next week

so we will have our ‘Mother’s Day next weekend (n also Pop’s bday as they missed that too) ..

enjoy d nice weather …cheers
