Will continue with wht aspect of Phagwah i enjoyed
but i forgot to mention another thing i hated was travelling to sch n getting wet on the road …Esp with the stink water from the ‘sailane’ trench by zeeburg sch..
there were some wicked young guys who used to wait for sch to be ‘over’. They sat on the bridge n lined up in the trench to pass buckets of dirty water
we had to play dodge byt timing in between as they refilled buckets n had to run as fast as we could to get over that bridge
u guys know that stink water??
Amral u know it..that trench by zeeburg sch..
wht is the correct name ‘sideline’?? We used to say ‘sai-lin’
man dat water stink bad!!! Imagine if u got wet with it n had to wear yr clothes for 3 yrs n travel on the bus n ferry ..
all yr head/hair wet with stinky water
so yes..i didnt like the way some people played Phagwah …