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Reply to "Happy Phagwah"

@Mitwah posted:

Heh heh. Me bin wutliss too. Some of dem  boys used to leave dem palm prints on dem girls boobs and buttocks... ah mean on dem clothes.

Holi was a good time for spring cleaning the yard and burning all the trash.

Happy Holi


iz sch bais like ayu deez mek me nah like play Phagwah!!

me daadi was smart in banning us from going on the road to play with watah..

that is exactly wht he told my  mother

’dem bais guh use it as excuse to hold dem gal pickney’

n even whn people came to the house, he took all de ‘soaking’ because he dint like the. Idea of us wearing wet clothes that would CLING to our bodies….we didnt understand then, but looking back, it was very revealing !!
