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Reply to "Hello Tola Baby"

Curly_Sue posted:

Tola baby like you sail off into the Ocean without me..I miss you!!

Curly, in addition to other things,  we are having more forest fire evacuees in our town and we try to accommodate their needs. They are worried if their house will still be there when they get back. So its a busy time for many in our town, plus we receive another Syrian refugee family soon.

Hopefully things will calm down when the wx cool off, but the temp been between 30-40 C without rain,   that is not good for a dry forest.  Smoke has masked many northern towns and its sometimes hard to drive.  

We have hundreds more people from other countries  fighting the fires, but  some fires will be left to burn out  by them self. Terrain too steep and dangerous to fight some fires.

Its a sad and  worrying time for many, especially some people who do not have fire insurance. Hopefully the government might be able to help, but they already spent hundreds of millions fighting the fires, including cost for overseas fire fighters. 

Everyone are doing their best, but we need rain. 

Is there someone on GNI who can do the rain dance ? PLEASE HELP. Unlimited supply of BC BUD is available  and we have the 'young at heart' senior group to entertain.     

Last edited by Tola