Pookni (poker) n chimta(tongs)
I never cooked at my parents home ..my sisters did n we didnt have stove until my sis got a job in 1975 n she bought a 2 burner kero stove. Once my sister askedme to ‘blow’ d fire as it was ‘dying’ . Well nobody toldme how to blow n i mek wan big blow!! Me out-out the fiah n sucked in smoke as well..me nearly choke to death!! There is an ‘art’/technique in using the pookni.
As for the chimta..that also is an ‘art’ to keep the fire going by moving up the firewood n once again i failed as i just shoved the firewood anyhow n -out-out- d fiah!!
As for chunkay..i was scared to chunkay the dhal..as it ‘pitched up’ so high n burn u
saapie (pot holder)..my sis/mom made these using old rice bags or old cotton clothes ..