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Reply to "Insanity"

Originally Posted by raymond:

rice is the killer for me...



If you want to successfully lose weight---like anything in life----you have to decide that you will be disciplined.


* Cut the sugar from your coffee or tea


* No more soda or beer---drink water only---arrite maybe a can of coke/soda once ever 2 weeks.


* Reduce the portion of your meals----if you usually have 2 slices of pizza----have one---if you have a whole basin of rice---cut that by half.


* Cut the rice you eat by half and increase the veggies


* Use Metamucil---ornage flavor---your digestive track needs fiber.


* Go walking every day---don't over exercise---it makes you hungry.


* Take your Mom's advice---start using vitamins.




DONT WASTE MONEY ON DIETS---just eat half of what you usually eat---drink lots of water---cut out sugar---OK have a sundae once in a while.


Good luck!




