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Reply to "Internet dating diary"

Ray posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Quantum posted:

What has been your experience with internet dating websites, or apps like Tinder etc.?  Have you found love through these mediums or were you really disappointed?  Any horror stories of really bad dates?   What about stories of really great dates that actually led to something?

Your advice to anyone thinking of trying it?

HUH???  Some people here dont date...Dey in love wild their computation and what the heck is a TINDER???

Regarding the question about “finding love”, you might want to direct dat question to one banna name MITWAH...

Here Vish...go look for some love

He he...I keep trying but i cant open that TINDER box of love...and it look like I scared the Quantum Leap banna away from GNI...or look like he tekkin a breader.
