quote:Originally posted by Mr.T:quote:Originally posted by Saeed:
ASJ Bhai .. something you said made me think.. let me tell you about it..
When I first started translating on the lyrics forum I stayed with the concept and ignored the literal meanings.. see below:
chaahe dvaar hriday ke band karo
No matter if you close the doors to your heart
... worked well enough but someone later mentioned that he could follow most of the hindi but there were holes in his knowledge of the language which the translated text filled.
had a rethink ... should I stay in step with the hindi text - try to translate in chunks so that literal meanings too become apparent..
raahon mein kahiin/ nazar aayaa/apane hee khayaalon kaa saayaa
in the pathways somewhere/ I saw /the shadow of my thoughts
this version becomes slightly disjointed.
I would like to hear what our friends would like to see... should I make for a flowing translation that expresses the concept or go for the original verse' structure and content?
And most importantly, what do you say, Bhiya?
Whilst waiting for ASJ to come back to you, I hope you don't min dme butting in:
Your suggestion is most original in its concept and I cick myself for not thinking of it first. Being multi-lingual (they speak at least 6 main languages in Surinam and the average person has to manage 3 in order to survive.) the concept makes sense to me. Many a times singers and writers use their artistic liberties to play with words, add double meanings in order to dodge the censors, etc. Your thoughts on an alternative lay out is more likely to make apparent these artistic play of words.
We have to remember that these lyrics are from films. The lyrics are in reference to what you are supposed to be seeing on screen whilst those lyrics are expressed.
Modern Western music tends to make videos that have little or no relation to the lytrics. This has distorted the view of many with respect to the indian film presentation of both sound and vision.
Just my two rupees..
Your two rupees are worth more than my ten paisas;

Bhai Saeed,
Before there was darkness, you came on the board like a breath of fresh air, now there is light all around, most of us are now familiar with a word or two, we are getting the jist of the songs, which we appreciate very much.
Whatever you are doing are making sense perfectly, if I am looking for the meaning of a song.......I would "not" like to see texts that which might be literally correct but does not seems to make sense to me or others.
Hey yaar, you are like our Ustad.........and your work so far has been fine with me, others can speak for themselves,
So I guess that takes care of ".. worked well enough but someone later mentioned that he could follow most of the hindi but there were holes in his knowledge of the language which the translated text filled."
Sometimes the Urdu were so ancient that we can hardly make out what the lyricist wanted to say, we have to figure it out and then get it flowing, that is what you have been doing and that is what I personally enjoyed......rather than looking to some translated word which might be textually correct, but a layman looking at it, would confuse the hell out of him.
I love the continuous flow of your translations, keep it the way coming as it is, sometimes as the editor, I might edit a word or two (hope you don't mind) all for the betterment and the continous flowing of the English text.
Yaar, who can ever do a 100% correct hindi/urdu text translations, one can only give it a best shot, your method and best shot is good enough for me.