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Originally posted by Saeed:
Whatever you are doing are making sense perfectly, if I am looking for the meaning of a song.......I would "not" like to see texts that which might be literally correct but does not seems to make sense to me or others.


Thank you gentlemen but I guess I am still without a clear mandate (hehehe) so I will continue to pander to my whims Smile

What nice things to say, ASJ Bhai... I am embarassed, feel like looking down bashfully and kicking dirt.

Thank you for inviting me to this forum. All of you have enriched me.[/QUOTE]
what r u not clear about??
u want me to open my big mouth and buse yuh down?????? Roll Eyes
hehehe lol dunno

look here man! Wink...b4 u came on board here, many of us had only a vague understanding ( maybe none) of the songs we have loved for decades..
now u r brining much more understanding of these melodies, causing us to love and appreciate them even more...
those who wish to get 'technical', my sugggestion is that they look for a hindu scholar elswhere...
when asj bhai and i invited u here, it was for the sole purpose of u givng us an insight into poetry ..
and u have done and excellent job so far and we r extremely grateful for yr contribution!!....

so keep on doing what u have been doing..we never asked for perfection here..ok??