quote:Originally posted by Saeed:
Thanks Sad, good to know who to come to if I am stumped with the orthodox sanskrit again... I made a couple of minor changes which I hope you will approve of.. Lynn I mailed it to you and ASJ bhai with other stuff.
Off for a valima dinner (gawd .. don't understand why it has to be so late at night) .. . and its a working day tomorrow... grrr
ok thnx mere dost!
what i s a VALIMA dinner..???

listen ..u need to explain yr pakistani culture here..we nah psychic u know!!!

u need to teach us a lilbit about things that go on overthere...ahrite!!

and is why u stuffing yuslef up suh late at nite???

..u already seh yuh gat 380lbs!!!

u need fuh excercise some self control mere dost!!!!
ok ok..
well, let us know alld e yummy things u comsumed at yuh dinnah!!!