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Originally posted by Riya:
Originally posted by asj:

Also we have to include 'Chandan Sa Badan' from movie 'Saraswati Chandra'


Thats a really nice song. I would love to see the translation for that one.

'Chandan Sa Badan' from 'Saraswati Chandra'.

chandan saa badan, chanchal chitavan

Your body is as cast of sandalwood, you have a lively mind

dhiire se teraa yah musakaanaa

Your smile creeps across your visage so gently ...

mujhe dosh na denaa jag vaalo.n ho jaauu.N agar mai.n diivaanaa

Let the world find no fault with me, if I do fall in love with you.

yah kaam-kamaan bha.nve terii

Your brows finely pencilled, bent like a bow

palako.n ke kinaare kajaraare

Your eyes tinged with kohl

maathe pe si.nduurii suuraj

A flaming vermilion sun on your forehead

ho.nTho.n pe dahakate angaare

Simmering embers on your lips

saayaa bhii jo teraa pa.D jaaye

Even your mere passing shadow

aabaad ho dil ka viiraanaa

Causes the wildernesses in my heart to bloom again

tan bhii sundar man bhii sundar

Your mind is as beautiful as your body

tuu sundarataa kii muurat hai

You are the very incarnation of beauty

kisii aur ko shaayad kam hogii

Maybe someone else needs you as well,

mujhe terii bahut zaruurat hai

But I need you more than anyone else

pahale hii bahut mai.n tarasaa huu.N

I have already suffered a lot without you

ab aur na mujhako tarasaanaa

Pray make me suffer no more