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The Humane nature of the emotions stirred by the riveting soulful songs of Mukesh Chand Mathur once in a while brings out the feelings from the depth of our heart.
After losing a dear one sometime or the other, it is perfectly normal to express that emotions by the shedding of tears and rememberence, even after the beloved Departed Soul has long gone towards the great beyond.......memories of their kindness and loving nature stirred by extreme emotional songs, brings on a jolt in our memory reflecting a "moment of serene joy"
Emotions, a psychological phenomenon, can be seen as an angry or serene experiences which sometimes or the other we all go through. I truly believe you shed the tears, speak about it, get it off your chest and the better a person, you are for it.

My Apologies Bhai Saeed, and still my Dua's for your departed Mom.
Why am I thinking that she is looking down at you from Jannah with a smile; you are a "good son"

Mukesh is getting us all to emotional, but the project continues........
