Musician:........Laxmikant Pyarelall
Lyrics:..........Bharat Vyas
(Jyot Se Jyot Jalate Chalo)2
Light the fire from the flame
(Prem Ki Ganga Bahate Chalo)2
let the love's of the Ganges flow
(Raah Mein Aaye Jo Deen Dukhi)2
if you encounter anyone troubled or sad
Sab Ko Gale Se Lagate Chalo
go on and give an embrace
Prem Ki Ganga Bahate Chalo
let the love's of the Ganges flow
Kaun Hai Uu.Nchaa Kaun Hai Niichaa
Who is high? Who is low?
Sab Me.N Vo Hii Samaayaa
He is present in everyone
Bhed Bhaav Ke Jhuuthe Bharam Me.N
With the burden of falsehood
Ye Maanav Bharamaayaa
Humans are caught in the web of deceit
(Dharm Dhvajaa)2 Phaharaate Chalo,
The flag of Righteousness, Let's hoist/fly it
Prem Kii Ga.Ngaa ...
(Jyot Se Jyot Jalate Chalo)2
Light the fire from the flame
(Prem Ki Ganga Bahate Chalo)2
let the love's of the Ganges flow
Saare Jag Ke Kan Kan Me.N Hai
He is ever present even in the smallest particle (atom) in the entire universe
Divya Amar Ik Aatmaa
The light burns forever in each soul
or the knowledge resides forever in every soul
Ek Brahm Hai Ek Satya Hai
Only one creater and only one truth
Ek Hii Hai Paramaatmaa
Only one Supreme Soul
(Praano.N Se Praan)2 Milaate Chalo,
While we have this gift (the breath) of life, let's greet everyone (with love).
Prem Kii Ga.Ngaa .
(Jyot Se Jyot Jalate Chalo)2
Light the fire from the flame
(Jyot Se Jyot Jalate Chalo)2
Light the fire from the flame
(Prem Ki Ganga Bahate Chalo)2
let the love's of the Ganges flow
TransMitwah: Panditji: Saeed