(89) GAYE JA GEET MILAN KE.............MELA 1948
Lyrics:...........Shakeel Badayuni
(gaaye jaa giit milan ke, tuu apane lagan ke
sajan ghar jaanaa hai)2
O Bride to be! Sing songs expressing love for the one you have met in your life. Soon you will have to live with me in my home. It will be our home
kaahe chhalake nainon kii gagarii kaahe barase jal
Why are you crying so much
tum bin suunii saajan kii nagarii paradesiyaa ghar chal
Without your presence, our home will be desolate.
Our home will begin to shine as soon as you come away to live there – so come
pyaase hain diip nayan ke, tere darshan ke
My eyes are thirsty to have a glimpse of you.
sajan ghar jaanaa hai
gaae jaa giit milan ke, tuu apane lagan ke
sajan ghar jaanaa hai
lut na jaae jiivan kaa Dheraa mujhako hai ye gam
I am worried for the survival of our home.
ham akele, ye jag luteraa bichhare na milake ham
We are alone and the world loves to scheme and plunder other people's happiness
May you and I never become separated through scheming attitudes from people around us.
bigare nasiib na banake ye din jiivan ke
We must not lose the fortune of seeing such a great day in our lives
sajan ghar jaanaa hai
gaae jaa giit milan ke, tuu apane lagan ke
sajan ghar jaanaa hai
Dole nayanaa priitam ke dvaare milane kii hai dhun
My eyes are anxious to see you at my door.
baalam teraa tujhako pukaare yaad aanevaale sun
Listen! You will remember in days to come how I called out to you.
saathii milenge bachapan ke khilenge phuul man ke
There was a time we were children, and we have now grown to become married. Our heart's desire will now be fulfilled.
sajan ghar jaanaa hai
gaae jaa giit milan ke, tuu apane lagan ke
sajan ghar jaanaa hai
Transaltion: Atma Geet
Submitted by:Mitwah