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Reply to "letting you know about me"

Jhosep posted:

i'm still here, i had been 2 days without electric energy, other advance possible only on socialist revolution, we are divided too, i wish can to kill all socialist guys in my country, i'm so much close to finish the formalities of my passport, i want leave of here fast, it's already unbearable for all.

i know the discuss among you is normal stormborn, but i personal, i hate the racism, i'm a white boy, but i really hate the racism.

Lo siento por tus problems Estás pasando por lo que nos pasó en un   régimen comunista durante los años 60, 70 y 80s. Todavía no estamos fuera de peligro.

Cain is Portuguese. Mi abuelo fue Scott. Mi abuela es de india. El vive en Canada, yo en los Estados Unidos. We are a mixed lot here. Most of us do not know each other.

We all hate racism but the reality is it exist and as long as we know we are not it does not matter if another misjudges us. It is nice to talk to you even if you have troubles.  Talking helps.

First, take thoughts of killing anyone out of your head. It simply confuses things. Pay attention to your goals and pursue it relentlessly. If you are leaving alone, travel light. Pack durable clothes, good shoes, and all in a good back pack. Taking too much waste cash you would otherwise need.

Find a couple of traveling companions with the same mind. It is good to have friends on your travels. There is talk that Guyana will try to accommodate Venezuelans. The UN already chastised Trinidad for deporting 80 last week. Brazil and Columbia are the only nations with a policy not to return anyone home. Guyana is trying to do its part.

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