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Ball, to get you seven coins, first me don't have to know you, you don't have to be a Canadian citizen  and you have to sit near me on a plane.  Den, if your can talk bout de bes bush-rum in Guyana fa an hour, you might get a set of coins.

I have a  large collection  of stamps starting before King George days. I inherited our family collection from my Dad and big brothers.

I had many Guyanese and international penfriends in the 1960s and would collect a handful letters from the post office every day. I kept those envelopes in scrap books and would do penfriends presentations in schools here. I just left instructions to leave the collection for our grandkids.

After graduating from school in Guyana,  I was the radio dispatcher and telephone operator at Albion Estate. I was fascinated about working on ships and see the world for free,  My career as radio officer on board ships and decades into electronics in Canada,  started when a penfriend in England sent me a wireless diary in 1964. One of the wireless institutions listed in the diary from  Vancouver, accepted me as a student and 50 years later  I am still here, disliking every winter.  

One of my prized coins is titled 'United Colony of Essequibo and Demerara 1832'. The other side of the coin has the bust of William IV, who was friend of William Wilberforce.

The DVD movie Amazing Grace tells the story about Wilberforce  efforts to abolish slavery, the year the coin was minted.  Berbice became part of Guyana in 1831, thus some confusion regarding dating the coin.

The hymn Amazing Grace was written by John Newton, who was a slave ship captain and Wilberforce worked on his ship. Wilberforce compassion for the suffering of the slaves, motivated him to see them free.Unfortunately, he died a year after slavery was abolished in the British Empire.

Newton later became a pastor in London, when he wrote Amazing Grace.

Two movies that tells about our Guyanese history is Amazing Grace and 1838, that was filmed in Berbice with  some  crew members from India.

Rass Tolabhai, you long-winded bad bad... de man ask jus one lil question        
