There was a banna who used to always come up to me every dam day with "stings" meaning he wanted some of what I had. I got so fed up with the constant "stings" so one day I took in a good serving of tambrin syrup (tamarind) with nuff nuff epson salts sprinkled in it. leh me tell you yeh, when ma boy jumped up to "stings" me, I gave him the whole thing.
Early afternoon class we hear ..Pffft...Pffft..Brat atat atat...then it got much louder as salts kicked in.
FRAAAP.. POOT, BLAT, BRAAAP, BRAAAACK, FRRRT, BLAAARP, PBBBBT..a bit later the banna jump up and tek off for de latrine. He rass never "stings" Iman again.
Funny part is, he was my best fren so just imagine if I din like 'im.