Lil abc story..
so whn i started primary sch, almost all f the classes had 2 teachers. My mom n the senior tr for lil ABC were friends so she knew me before I started sch.. Not so long after I started sch, the HM left n Ms B became acting HM n then retired. They planned a farewell event. Since I was her fave kid, her assistant (who was left alone to teach lil ABC) picked me to do poem on stage (10 little fingers..). Well Fri aft used to be play time so there i was running n playing all messed up n I went up on the stage n did wht i had to do. The kids were all laughing as i was all ruffled up..
my big sis who used to look after me dress me n comb hair etc was livid because she was embarrassed ..i was untidy!! She took pride in seeing that we were all neat n tidy n presentable for sch..n there i was onstage..
she scolded be badly after sch..asking why i didnt tell her that iw as picked to go on stage..then she would have combed back my hair after lunch n change my white shirt other words ‘clean me up’