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Oh.. the love letter I got!!

No boys ever paid attention to me.. haha.  My 2 classmates (gf) were gorgeous n they had all the admirers. But then this guy in my 5th form asked me to borrow my Bio notes (I had 2 textbooks so i combined wht was taught in class n my texts so I had a lot more info) . Remember  we used to paper our exercise books  with brown paper? So this guy returned  my notes  ( it was 2 exercise books in 1 ..) n hid a letter inside the cover but i didnt realize until I was using my notes later n felt the ‘bump’ in the cover!

So I was staying at a friend’s sister’s during the last 6 months of high sch n my gf used to come by after  dinner to study with me. I showed her the letter as i was scared to open it! She read it n approached the guy(they were friends) n scolded , saying  that i was quiet n had no interest in boyfriends etc n that i was focused only on studies!!

Well, she told me the guy was serious n madly in love n he assured her that he respected me n wont fool around etc. So she felt sorry for him as he said he was having problem studying So my gf replied to the letter n said that im only interested in books n signed my name n put it in the bio notebook n gave it to this guy. He replied that  he was willing to wait but if we can just b friends . Then  he wrote a letter everyday n gave to my gf ..nothing romantic, just everyday  stuff like wht he did after sch n if he dreamt of me .. but he signed ‘Love you’ . My gf kept replying in similar manner n after a while, i took over. I used to go in the toilet (latrine) to read though because The letters  were so long (we never gyaffed  in school but he used to helpme with Mechanics(Physics) n my gf sat in the middle of the bench
Well 1 day during mock exams  , i went back to sch early after lunch break n saw him cozy with 2 girls who were not speaking to me ( 1 was his ex ) . I sat alone ,  waiting for him to join me before exam began n he didnt. I stopped talking to him n focused on exams . During  the summer  holidays we all had to get a vaccine at the  cottage  hosp in yr (amral) area n he tried to talk with me but i walked away.

2 yrs later I ‘ran into him ‘ at UG n i just said Hi. 1 yr after i grad n was wrking at PHG he was getting a medical for a scholarship in UK  He saw me in the compound n proposed to me but he needed an answer in 1 day’s time as he was leaving  country a few days later.  He said he was going to wait outside the hosp at 4 pm the following  day n  guess wht? I left the compound before 4 pm..

He never forgave me !
Years later On  an Old yrs night at Pegasus .. he was there with a girl kept staring at me n my hubby! Hubby noticed n told me that there is a guy who was looking at me all night !

PS.. those letters were long .. he used the LONG writing paper n wrote on both sides 6-8 pages .. his handwriting was so neat !
once he said he called out my name in his dream n his mom heard n asked “who is J.. ?

well, life is short! We were kids! I would love to say thanks for helping me with Physics esp since I got a B(O’Levels) even though I didn't own  the textbook.  He was doing Add Maths so he had a good understanding of “Mechanics” in Physics

ps i got another love letter from another classmate but it was after I left HS.. oh boy! I rrad 1 st paragraph n it was corny like a Mills n Boon book n i tore it n threw in garbage. I hated this guy.. because he harassed n disrespected me !!
