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Reply to "School daze…ah mean days"

True true story .. how life throws unexpected curves at times !
Glad U reconnected though !

Whn I was at UG a junior guy used to gyaff with me n ask abt the courses I had completed, borrowed notes etc . I had no idea he was interested ( naive 18 yr old) as he just talked abt studies n folks that i knew from his high sch n became good friends. My sis was very ill in hospital n i used to b so sad after visiting her n he used to listen to me as I needed to talk to someone.

but after being good friends for a yr , i found out that he had told everyone that he was in love with me n people assumed we were a pair as they saw us chatting ! i was mad like hell  (young gal) that he gave people  that impression n i stopped talking to him . After a while he started to chat up a sch kid n they eventually got married.

Few yrs later We became friends (platonic) again n to this day we r good friends! Very decent guy, family man !
He came with his wife n 2 kids to visit us here as he knew my hubby before i got married .
i liked him as a friend.. nothing more !
