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Reply to "Sholay 1975"

Sholay 1975 Continues........

'Sholay' flopped. The critics were harsh, the performance at the box-office was mixed, and the industry, waiting for the smallest hint to knock the mega project of the brash young director, was merciless. For the first time since Salim-Javed narrated the four-line idea two and half years ago, Ramesh panicked. The weeks leading up to the release had been a blur. Ramesh was bug-eyed from lack of sleep. The climax re-shot and re-mix had increased the birth pangs ten-fold. Prints and negatives were flying between Mumbai and London. There was no time to savour the finished product. Meanwhile the hype had assumed a life of its own. The trade could talk of little else. Every day there was a new rumour: the film was being offered an 'Adults only' certificate; the censor board wanted further cuts; the 70mm prints were not ready, so the Sippy's postponing the release date... and on and on. A column in 'Trade Guide', the industry trade magazine, wrote: 'Wherever we went, we heard nothing but 'Sholay'... sometimes we also thought we would get allergic to it. Everyone wanted to see nothing but 'Sholay.' Many people in the industry preffered to discuss 'Sholay' to their own film.
