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Reply to "Summer garden"

@Mitwah posted:

Perhaps you have rats chewing on the tomatoes. Squirrels normally don't chew on tomatoes. Rats and mice go after the flowers for the nectar.

No ..even my italian neighbors saying squirrels exiting her tomatoesn zucchini..

they bit the big green tomatoes..

never in history since we havebeen here ..25 yrs in this yard..

tomatoes grew without any issues ..

all the sqUSH LAST YR,..none were bitten..the karaila were bitten off the vine..not the karaila itself..

this time they bit off a big squash..cut it iff the vine..n it had 4 smaller ones ..they took those..n then they BIT the nowitis drying up

my other italian friend who lived abt 3mins drive from u said they r doing same for her zucchini..n they never ate her zucchini before …

Last edited by Lynn