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Reply to "Top Ten - Authors and Books!"

Originally posted by antabanta:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by TAS:
Originally posted by warrior:
he receive the hightest award in america by a US PRESIDENT

L'amour was quite prolific.

He wrote more than 100 books.

How do you feel about his books now? (having lived in North America)

Any change at all?
i real all his books i have all his collection i have my young child reading his books now and she love it some time i will take down one and read it last week i read back daybreakers
I used to go crazy for L'Amour, the Sudden series, the Nobody series, the Dusty Fog Series, James Hadley Chase, Nick Carter, Ludlum, Leon Uris, Forsythe, etc. etc.

At one time I think I had read all their works combined, up to that time. I find those books boring now. The plots are all the same, the characters are all the same, the themes are all the same. The last 10 to 15 years I've become a big fan of interpretive literature, short stories and the classics.

WRT - the last paragraph - I am with you here.

I guess we change with time. A read a lot of more "serious" books now and quite a bit on non fiction.

Will start another thread on this.