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Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Sheik101:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Sheik101:
In all seriousness. Where did this man get the money to build a house like this?

I guess from the sale of his first Mansion.

Now yuh got me thinking. where did he get the funds for that one. Let's hear your honest opion, jannab Big Grin Big Grin

The first one was always a struggle, it took him about six seven years to conceptualise, then save on his Presidential Salary, and the rest we all know. Last Qustion Janaab, are you going to Juman's Wedding, will see you there if you are. Big Grin


Dem boys seh…Guyana got a commander in thief
November 27, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News

De Waterfalls Boss Man hear bout Bar Rat and he plan. De plan was fuh de Americans tek way de Boss Man visa. That is why Bar Rat guh pun de platform and talk how de Boss Man was into Backtracking.
But dem boys seh the Embassy people got brains and dem is not low life like he and he Kwameites. Dem Embassy people ignore him.
That is why he switch to talk how de Boss Man use to beat people and how he snitch pun de drugs people hoping that dem same drugs people woulda harm de Boss Man.
But even de drugs people got sense and dem and all ignore Bar Rat because dem know better.
De secret buss out yesterday after he send he farewell message to de media. One of de Bees who is a family member to de Boss Man know that Bar Rat time done and that he can’t give no more contract suh he buss de bag and spill de beans.
Dem boys know that is because dem at de Waterfalls paper expose all de corruption, from de thiefing of de Sanata Complex, de hydro seed wha get over size and deh way behind schedule, right down to de Marriott wha ain’t got no money yet, mek Bar Rat spite and then he target de Boss man.
Because of de spite of de Boss Man and de low life way Bar Rat carry heself mek de farewell message can’t guh in de Waterfalls paper. It can only get in de Waterfalls paper if Bar Rat and he kavakamites put back all wha dem thief.
But de Waterfalls Boss Man seh he praying and hoping to see nuff of dem in jail in de US or in a farrin land. Farrin jail got nuff space fuh of dem. Donald tell dem boys that nuff of dem Bees and de Rs and de Js and even de Ms going to jail as soon as dem step in de cold. But before that he gun jail dem right here. Only if he fail he gun try farrin.
And dem boys seh that is a funny thing. All over de world in all dem country got a Commander in Chief. We got a Commander in Thief.
Talk half and wait fuh see dem through de bars.