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Originally posted by Bruddaman:
And he built it on a $500,000 per month salary. Oh yes, and then ther's the 29 containers of building materials that Mr Fraud Ahmad "gifted" him.

I pity you with your lies and wild insinuations, the President has paid for items shipped from abroad for his personal use. I am surprised that you never read the newspapers Big Grin


His Excellency The President of the Republic of Guyana
For twelve years, I have had the honour to serve as your President, and I wanted to take the opportunity today to thank you for that honour.

It has been the greatest privilege of my life to serve the people of this country, and to bear witness to the hard work and dedication of Guyanese from all walks of life, as you continue to create an ever better Guyana.


And he built it on a $500,000 per month salary.

Just like the bottom feeder of the AFC, bai you should remember that Mansion Number One which he did not like was sold for US$1.5 Million. Add that to his salary and you can get like two Pradoville Mansion. Big Grin

Now look out for your other stress at the poll tomorrow when the PPP/C will send the AFC/PNC into oblivion.


Republic Bank not putting any money in Marriott Project
November 27, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News

…was approached to prepare investor friendly packageβ€”says source

For several years now Kaieteur News has been raising questions about the various projects that have been and are being undertaken by the administration. One such project is the proposed Marriott Hotel that is slated to be built in Kingston.
Among the first of the controversies was the President’s inability to seemingly justify the project. Another was the fact that the sewerage system in the area where the project is proposed, had to be re-routed and that project was taken away from a local contractor (Courtney Benn Contracting Services Limited) and handed to an overseas firm.
When this was questioned the President had said that Guyana had lost capacity as a country and as such did not have the necessary capabilities to undertake such a project.
Several developers came along and conducted various undertakings but the global financial crisis was blamed for warding all of them away. But last Sunday there was a sod turning ceremony at the site for the proposed hotel in Kingston.
Atlantic Hotel Inc. is a special purpose company established to execute the project and own the hotel. To date the only person principally linked to that company is Winston Brassington.
He is also one of the chief government negotiators, the Chairman of the board of directors of the Privatization Unit and head of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited both of which have also been fingered in a number of controversial deals.
One of the controversial deals involved Queens Atlantic Investment Inc. and the Sanata Complex at Industrial Site Ruimveldt.
Brassington, during the sod turning ceremony, had explained that the project with its revised designs would cost some US$51M of which Republic Bank will be putting US$27M.
The only thing wrong about that statement is the fact that Republic Bank, the Group, will not be putting any money directly into the project.
Speaking with a very senior official of the local Branch of the Bank, it transpired that Republic Bank was only approached to prepare a package that would be attractive to investors and would manage the money as the investors come on board.
At present there is no money in any account representing any of the US$27M that Brassington mentioned and associated with Republic Bank.
Republic Bank was merely approached to prepare an investor friendly package at which point in time the bank would be approached to come on board with the project.
At present the investment by the Government of Guyana is represented by the land in Kingston which already represents several million dollars in investment but outside of this no other investors have been identified.
Minister of Agriculture Robert Persaud who is also currently functioning in the capacity of People’s Progressive Party Civic Campaign Manager recently told media operatives that while he is aware of the details as it relates to the consortium of investors, he would need the permission of the parties involved before information is divulged.
This claim by Persaud has been debunked by the Republic Bank Officials who said that at present the stage at which they are at is locating the investors that will put money in the project.
Persaud had told media operatives that queries can be forwarded to PU or NICIL but efforts to contact Brassington who heads both of the Units have proven to be futile.
Last July, the President said that the government was looking to seal a deal with Zublin Grenada Limited within three months but this quietly fell through.
Jagdeo had also said that the project would be financed by the government and the company, with the government putting one-third of the financing and Zublin Grenada investing the other two-thirds.
It was the same Grenada company that was upbraided over a year ago by the government for prematurely disclosing that it was working out a deal to build a Marriott-branded hotel here.
In mid-May 2010, the government reacted angrily when the company, Zublin Grenada, announced that it was seriously considering β€œa very attractive offer” by the Guyana Government to build the Marriott resort and casino.
In July 2010, the government advertised for interested contractors to make pre-qualification applications for construction of the hotel in the Kingston area next to the Guyana Pegasus Hotel.
Jagdeo said that two bids were received and the government decided to go with Zublin as the lower of the two bidders.
It was noted that the hotel will be operated by Marriott International and be built according to Marriott standards.
The works, it was advertised, would include the construction and erection of a 200,000 square- foot, 160-room hotel facility along with a 75,000 square foot β€œentertainment complex” outfitted with common services areas/amenities that will house a casino, restaurant, nightclub, and other spaces that will be rented.
But the deal appeared to be mired in controversy with City Mayor Hamilton Green in August, accusing the government of bullying the land away from the real owners, without their knowledge.
The Mayor claimed that part of the land the government has put into the hands of the developers of the Marriott Project belonged to the City Council.
β€œWe had no conversation about it,” Green had told this newspaper.
He was referring to the fact that the hotel plans submitted for the project seem to indicate that the project would encompass the area that was once the Luckhoo Swimming Pool – property of the Council.
The Mayor said that the Council was receiving project proposals for the said area.
Green said that among the proposals was one by international Guyanese singing superstar Eddy Grant, who wanted to construct a cultural complex. That proposal was being given favourable consideration, the Mayor said.
However, Green said that he received a call from President Bharrat Jagdeo telling him not to bother with those proposals, that there is a much bigger project for the area. At that time, Green said, he did not know that the project the President was talking about was the Marriott Project.
The recent sod turning ceremony was held at the site in Kingston prepared by the government for the hotel and was attended by several key members in society including Chairman of the Private Sector Commission Ramesh Dookhoo, former PSC Chairman and hotelier Captain Gerry Gouveia, People’s Progressive Party Civic Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar, Attorney General Charles Ramson Senior, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, and personal friend of President Jagdeo, CEO of Queens Atlantic Investment Incorporated Ranjisinghi β€˜Bobby’ Ramroop among others.
The Marriot Brand Hotel in Guyana has been a bone of contention ever since its announcement and over the years, information regarding the progress being made on the project proved to be elusive with the stakeholders changing over time.
On November 16 last following approval by Marriott of the revised designs, a β€˜design and build’ contract was executed with Shanghai Construction Group and Atlantic Hotels Inc to the value of $50.9M.
According to Brassington the cost encompasses the delivery of a 197-room facility built on a turnkey basis.
The hotel is slated to also accommodate a large ballroom, conference, casino, restaurant and nightclub facility among amenities, β€˜of a full service Marriott.’
Originally posted by Sheik101:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Sheik101:
In all seriousness. Where did this man get the money to build a house like this?

I guess from the sale of his first Mansion.

Now yuh got me thinking. where did he get the funds for that one. Let's hear your honest opion, jannab Big Grin Big Grin

The first one was always a struggle, it took him about six seven years to conceptualise, then save on his Presidential Salary, and the rest we all know. Last Qustion Janaab, are you going to Juman's Wedding, will see you there if you are. Big Grin

Sugar workers tell Jagdeo β€˜Too late too late shall be the cry’
November 27, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News

Sugar workers of the Berbice estates on Friday told Head of State, Bharrat Jagdeo, that it is too late now to make more promises. They said this to him when he met with them in an emergency session at the Albion Community Centre.
The President had flown to the Ancient County to meet with the workers who had in the past supported the ruling party. Of late these sugar workers have been showing dissent and have been openly rejecting the party.
On Thursday some of the workers staged a protest in front of the PPP/C’s New Amsterdam headquarters, to highlight their dissatisfaction over the way they have been treated by the government they once trusted.
The latest protest had stemmed from the workers’ outrage over the tax deductions made on their recently received three per cent increase in salary.
Bharrat Jagdeo in his address to the not so enthused workers told them that recently he was told that they were not happy and he knows that they were disappointed with the government and with how things are going.
This, he said, has led many people to wonder about the future of the sugar industry, but things will change, he assured them.
He said that over the years the industry has been taking a beating due to various reasons. He told them that the government likes the sugar workers and is interested in them. That is why the government invested over US$200M in the Skeldon factory.
However, the factory which was built by a Chinese company has not functioned properly since its commissioning in August 2009.
Jagdeo told the workers that the intention is to take production up to over 400,000 tonnes (the sugar industry has been struggling to make over 200,000).
The President admitted that the Skeldon factory is not performing as it should and told the workers that they should not give up, that β€œwe have to fix it”. The workers were told that plans are being made to contract out certain jobs in the industry. The Enmore Packaging Plant in which a worker recently lost his life due to it malfunctioning was also mentioned.
He said that the Guyana Sugar Corporation has been running at a loss and has so far wracked up a massive debt of over $5B and the Government has been bailing out the industry with close to $6B in subsidy so far.
President Jagdeo pleaded with the workers to give the government some more time, at least another two years and things will happen.
Jagdeo said the government will be giving Guysuco another $450M to cover for the three percent increase.
The workers had a barrage of questions on the One Laptop per Family (OLPF) National Insurance Scheme and old age pensions, access to treated water, and street lights.
A group said that it saw the President’s visit as a last minute pitch to buy their votes. One worker said. β€œBoat gone ah falls, it cyan turn back”. Another shouted, β€œtoo late too late shall be the cry”. Each worker was paid for the day and given meal
Sugar Workers live in one of the greatest Democracy and are FREE to Vote for whoever they please. Yuh gun find out tomorrow, dont get yuh pressure up for nothing.
Originally posted by Jalil:
Sugar workers tell Jagdeo β€˜Too late too late shall be the cry’
November 27, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News

Sugar workers of the Berbice estates on Friday told Head of State, Bharrat Jagdeo, that it is too late now to make more promises. They said this to him when he met with them in an emergency session at the Albion Community Centre.
The President had flown to the Ancient County to meet with the workers who had in the past supported the ruling party. Of late these sugar workers have been showing dissent and have been openly rejecting the party.
On Thursday some of the workers staged a protest in front of the PPP/C’s New Amsterdam headquarters, to highlight their dissatisfaction over the way they have been treated by the government they once trusted.
The latest protest had stemmed from the workers’ outrage over the tax deductions made on their recently received three per cent increase in salary.
Bharrat Jagdeo in his address to the not so enthused workers told them that recently he was told that they were not happy and he knows that they were disappointed with the government and with how things are going.
This, he said, has led many people to wonder about the future of the sugar industry, but things will change, he assured them.
He said that over the years the industry has been taking a beating due to various reasons. He told them that the government likes the sugar workers and is interested in them. That is why the government invested over US$200M in the Skeldon factory.
However, the factory which was built by a Chinese company has not functioned properly since its commissioning in August 2009.
Jagdeo told the workers that the intention is to take production up to over 400,000 tonnes (the sugar industry has been struggling to make over 200,000).
The President admitted that the Skeldon factory is not performing as it should and told the workers that they should not give up, that β€œwe have to fix it”. The workers were told that plans are being made to contract out certain jobs in the industry. The Enmore Packaging Plant in which a worker recently lost his life due to it malfunctioning was also mentioned.
He said that the Guyana Sugar Corporation has been running at a loss and has so far wracked up a massive debt of over $5B and the Government has been bailing out the industry with close to $6B in subsidy so far.
President Jagdeo pleaded with the workers to give the government some more time, at least another two years and things will happen.
Jagdeo said the government will be giving Guysuco another $450M to cover for the three percent increase.
The workers had a barrage of questions on the One Laptop per Family (OLPF) National Insurance Scheme and old age pensions, access to treated water, and street lights.
A group said that it saw the President’s visit as a last minute pitch to buy their votes. One worker said. β€œBoat gone ah falls, it cyan turn back”. Another shouted, β€œtoo late too late shall be the cry”. Each worker was paid for the day and given meal
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Sheik101:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Sheik101:
In all seriousness. Where did this man get the money to build a house like this?

I guess from the sale of his first Mansion.

Now yuh got me thinking. where did he get the funds for that one. Let's hear your honest opion, jannab Big Grin Big Grin

The first one was always a struggle, it took him about six seven years to conceptualise, then save on his Presidential Salary, and the rest we all know. Last Qustion Janaab, are you going to Juman's Wedding, will see you there if you are. Big Grin


Dem boys seh…Guyana got a commander in thief
November 27, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News

De Waterfalls Boss Man hear bout Bar Rat and he plan. De plan was fuh de Americans tek way de Boss Man visa. That is why Bar Rat guh pun de platform and talk how de Boss Man was into Backtracking.
But dem boys seh the Embassy people got brains and dem is not low life like he and he Kwameites. Dem Embassy people ignore him.
That is why he switch to talk how de Boss Man use to beat people and how he snitch pun de drugs people hoping that dem same drugs people woulda harm de Boss Man.
But even de drugs people got sense and dem and all ignore Bar Rat because dem know better.
De secret buss out yesterday after he send he farewell message to de media. One of de Bees who is a family member to de Boss Man know that Bar Rat time done and that he can’t give no more contract suh he buss de bag and spill de beans.
Dem boys know that is because dem at de Waterfalls paper expose all de corruption, from de thiefing of de Sanata Complex, de hydro seed wha get over size and deh way behind schedule, right down to de Marriott wha ain’t got no money yet, mek Bar Rat spite and then he target de Boss man.
Because of de spite of de Boss Man and de low life way Bar Rat carry heself mek de farewell message can’t guh in de Waterfalls paper. It can only get in de Waterfalls paper if Bar Rat and he kavakamites put back all wha dem thief.
But de Waterfalls Boss Man seh he praying and hoping to see nuff of dem in jail in de US or in a farrin land. Farrin jail got nuff space fuh of dem. Donald tell dem boys that nuff of dem Bees and de Rs and de Js and even de Ms going to jail as soon as dem step in de cold. But before that he gun jail dem right here. Only if he fail he gun try farrin.
And dem boys seh that is a funny thing. All over de world in all dem country got a Commander in Chief. We got a Commander in Thief.
Talk half and wait fuh see dem through de bars.
Not all of us have spectacle. yippie yippie
Originally posted by sachin_05:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Sheik101:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Sheik101:
In all seriousness. Where did this man get the money to build a house like this?

I guess from the sale of his first Mansion.

Now yuh got me thinking. where did he get the funds for that one. Let's hear your honest opion, jannab Big Grin Big Grin

The first one was always a struggle, it took him about six seven years to conceptualise, then save on his Presidential Salary, and the rest we all know. Last Qustion Janaab, are you going to Juman's Wedding, will see you there if you are. Big Grin


Head-in-sand-response with a twist of this a learned or aquired PPPite behavior

ΒΆ19. (C) Multiple sources have expressed fears to Ambassador
that not only has Khan penetrated almost every level of
Guyanese government and society, but that he will exert ever
greater influence over the political scene beginning with
this year’s elections. Most respected commentators believe
that Guyana has already become or is well on the way to being
a narco-state. If Guyana is a narco-state, then Khan is its
leader. Ambassador has spoken with GoG to little avail about
Khan’s drug activities and unaccounted wealth.

narco-trafficking in general. The GoG asks for hard evidence
and pretends not to know how Khan acquires his means.

Originally posted by Nehru:
Not all of us have spectacle. yippie yippie
Originally posted by sachin_05:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Sheik101:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Sheik101:
In all seriousness. Where did this man get the money to build a house like this?

I guess from the sale of his first Mansion.

Now yuh got me thinking. where did he get the funds for that one. Let's hear your honest opion, jannab Big Grin Big Grin

The first one was always a struggle, it took him about six seven years to conceptualise, then save on his Presidential Salary, and the rest we all know. Last Qustion Janaab, are you going to Juman's Wedding, will see you there if you are. Big Grin


Head-in-sand-response with a twist of this a learned or aquired PPPite behavior

ΒΆ19. (C) Multiple sources have expressed fears to Ambassador
that not only has Khan penetrated almost every level of
Guyanese government and society, but that he will exert ever
greater influence over the political scene beginning with
this year’s elections. Most respected commentators believe
that Guyana has already become or is well on the way to being
a narco-state. If Guyana is a narco-state, then Khan is its
leader. Ambassador has spoken with GoG to little avail about
Khan’s drug activities and unaccounted wealth.

The GoG has adopted a head-in-the-sand approach to Khan and
narco-trafficking in general. The GoG asks for hard evidence
and pretends not to know how Khan acquires his means.

Originally posted by asj:

Only a lazy good for nothing vagabond will critique President Jagdeo Achievement as the President of Guyana.

Well ofcours I mean like our Resident Welfare Bum and Scumbag. Big Grin

Demonstrably a thief. His industry has been at pilfering for the treasury. He ought to be on his knees praying the PPP is not a minority government in the morning. He will be the first among many jacked up.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by asj:

Only a lazy good for nothing vagabond will critique President Jagdeo Achievement as the President of Guyana.

Well ofcours I mean like our Resident Welfare Bum and Scumbag. Big Grin

Demonstrably a thief. His industry has been at pilfering for the treasury. He ought to be on his knees praying the PPP is not a minority government in the morning. He will be the first among many jacked up.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by asj:

Only a lazy good for nothing vagabond will critique President Jagdeo Achievement as the President of Guyana.

Well ofcours I mean like our Resident Welfare Bum and Scumbag. Big Grin

Demonstrably a thief. His industry has been at pilfering for the treasury. He ought to be on his knees praying the PPP is not a minority government in the morning. He will be the first among many jacked up.
From your diction one can fairly assume you are the fool left alone to demonstrate what is the height of incompetence
Thank you.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by asj:

Only a lazy good for nothing vagabond will critique President Jagdeo Achievement as the President of Guyana.

Well ofcours I mean like our Resident Welfare Bum and Scumbag. Big Grin

Demonstrably a thief. His industry has been at pilfering for the treasury. He ought to be on his knees praying the PPP is not a minority government in the morning. He will be the first among many jacked up.
From your diction one can fairly assume you are the fool left alone to demonstrate what is the height of incompetence
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by asj:

Only a lazy good for nothing vagabond will critique President Jagdeo Achievement as the President of Guyana.

Well ofcours I mean like our Resident Welfare Bum and Scumbag. Big Grin

Demonstrably a thief. His industry has been at pilfering for the treasury. He ought to be on his knees praying the PPP is not a minority government in the morning. He will be the first among many jacked up.

What nonsence, utter garbage, accusation without proof. You accuse the President for something that you and your AFC cronies can never prove. Even as a minority The PPP will form the Government, but since you like pratting I guess that you can keep talking, someday you'll say something intelligent! Big Grin

Even the Amerindians are having their best time ever in Guyana....go ahead spoil it, if you can.


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