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Reply to "What's cooking today"

@Mitwah posted:

@Lynn, because of the heat that squash needs more water. To get the squash to produce, pick one male flower and use the stamen to tickle the other flowers. This will trick the vine to feel as if the bees are around. Do not wet the leaves as this help the spores of the fungus to take over. Build up the soil around the root to form like a mini pond to retain the water.  My Guyanese neighbor grows it on his cherry tree and the fruit is about 9 to 10 feet . Love it with black tiger shrimp and fried Banga Mary on the side.

My hubby waters in morn n evening..n yes, we dont see many  Bees around so we have to pollinate manually..( hubby uses  Qtip )

last yr i got at least 8 squash for the tree..this yr only 3  but 1 dried uo whn it was abt 4-5 ins .

.now no more  flowers.

We have 1 growing on our plum tree but it doesnt get much sun ..i think there is 1 small 1 coming up !

stew squash..plenty tomatoes n wiri wiri with fat shrimps or chicken is my  #3 (after katahar n seim ) on  my list of fave hot with oil roti or sada, not rice!

Last edited by Lynn