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Reply to "What's cooking today"

@Mitwah posted:

@Lynn, get a sprayer like the HDX from Home Depot and spray the soil around the Rose bushes as well as under the leaves with the Dawn detergent mix. The fungus is in the soil. When it rains the spores get splattered up to under the leaves. Water the roots also  and feed them with Bone meal for root development. Every so often I would spray my garden by using either Dawn or Laundry detergent in a watering can.


we did that but it didnt that time i didnt know wht it was, but a friend from UK knew  abt black spot fungus (as shehad seena gardening show on TV there) n she told  me to get the fungicide.  It was extensive n killed all the roses..n yes we were told that the spores would live in the huny treated soil in spring. Yet the bottom leaves of new rose plants had a bit of black spots n yellowing of leaves, so hubby treated it again.

buti will follow it up with dawn n for sure will get spray(hubby has a good spray but im  not sure if itis HDX

Thanx a mil for the tips Mits Bhaiya.

oh the squash..thos dried leaves r from ‘bramble’

my gf told me it is the heat that is making the vine n  leaves wither (hubby waters morn n evening)

here is a pix of the withered leaves 7C9D44A2-3A27-4F1E-814A-0275F60B85CC


Images (1)
  • 7C9D44A2-3A27-4F1E-814A-0275F60B85CC