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Da Gimpex,


I guess you have more in common with Sir James Douglas, the son of wealthy Scottish British Guiana estate slaveowners, and a colonial governor than you do with a person like The Baroness Amos, a woman from humble origins in the Essequibo who crawled her way up to command the House of Peers in the seat of Empire.


I bet the Noble Baroness knows what cow foot soup is. I doubt Sir James does. And yet you instinctively went for some obscure white man who is dwarfed by the achievements and power of someone who is arguably more of a "Guyanese" than Sir James ever was or ever claimed to be.


The Right Honourable Baroness Amos, full name Valerie Ann Amos, was born at Wakenaam at the same location where many of my maternal ancestors and family still live.


I have published numerous articles about her on GNI, long before she became the Leader of the House of Lords, UK.


She has long vacated the post in the House of Lords and is prominent at the United Nations.


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