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Former Member
1 - Know that you are unique and incredibly special.
There is no other person on this planet as unique as you are. You are one of a kind no matter what anyone tells you. Know, believe and be proud of this.

2 - Appreciate everything that you have.
Happiness goes hand in hand with appreciation of the things that we have in our lives. That goes for even the smallest of things like having the pleasure of eating nice food, and enjoying friends company.

3 - Approach each day with optimism.
From the moment you get out of bed, think of all the great things that you achieve each day. Negative and positive views are only interpretations, why not go with an interpretation that makes you happy...

4 - Set a new, fun and interesting goal for yourself.
We always try and improve, that's just how we work as human beings. Set a small goal that you can achieve each day to fuel the warm fire of accomplishment.

5 - Adapt to the constant changes that are happening.
Change is all around us and sometimes there is little we can do about it. Bruce Lee once said: 'Be like water my friend...'so take change as an opportunity to better yourself.

6 - Live each day as though it was your last.
Remember that no matter what you do, one day will actually be your last. So why wait until the last day to appreciate life to the fullest.

7 - Love yourself.
Love is a power that can move mountains. Love and appreciate yourself. This will give you an extra bit of self confidence as well.

8 - Understand the people around you.
Try and see the world from their eyes. Usually when you do this, you will feel sympathy or empathy and you will become a little bit wiser, a little bit gentler and a little bit less concerned about things that might be worrying you.

9 - Stop trying to be perfect.
It is impossible to be perfect all the time. The sooner you let go of this idea, the sooner will you feel a nice sense of relief.

10 - Laugh
This is probably my favorite. When you go through the day with a smile on your face, it seems like problems stay away from you. It's one of the oldest medicines of our world, but laughter will give you a long, positive and healthy life.

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