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High tides break koker door at Stewartville

Workers installing a plank as they constructed the temporary door at the Stewartville Koker last night
Workers installing a plank as they constructed the temporary door at the Stewartville Koker last night

Spring tides yesterday battered the door of a koker at Stewartville, Region Three and posed a threat of major flooding in neighbouring communities. However as the tide fell the water that had accumulated on the land quickly began to recede.


Up to press time last night, GuySuCo workers were carrying out emergency works to install a temporary koker to prevent flooding from recurring during the next tide which is scheduled for 05:14 this morning at a height of 3.01 meters.

Just around 5pm yesterday, residents of Stewartville, West Coast Demerara said they observed the water levels in the drains and trenches rising rapidly. It was upon inspection, one resident said, that he learnt that the koker door had broken away.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

kp posted:

When the White man was Boss , all eleven of them had to be working, the country was more productive.

Those very people if given the opportunity to migrate to North America would take a job and work ten hours straight and even beg for overtime. The question is,Are Guyanese really patriotic  to Guyana?

You see wah a bin seying, White ppl demands progress either by the whip or by some means to ensure authority. Dey sey colored ppl goan tek over America, imagine the country under dem. By color I mean everybody who not Anglo-American.

Sean posted:

Imagine if Talib and Omar takes over !

America will be in serious trouble if Socialism takes over. The latest poll shows 70 percent of youths in America support socialism. The Democrats screwed the minds of a whole generation ! Bernie is busy preaching to the flock. 

Here we go. The specter of "socialism" dog whistle. Where are you when the rich screw up the economy and we taxpayers have to bail them out? Why no outcry against socialism for the rich?

kp posted:

High tides break koker door at Stewartville

Workers installing a plank as they constructed the temporary door at the Stewartville Koker last night
Workers installing a plank as they constructed the temporary door at the Stewartville Koker last night

Hey Knockabout Packoo (KP),

Dis ain't gat nothing to do with PNC, or because the majority of people in the picture are BLACK! This is a Guyanese ting dat going on since colonial times. Guyanese in the homeland, of all races, not known fuh fuss class wuk ethics. You of all people should know this.

Y'all sit here all day talking sheer skont! The country is a shithole after 28 years of PNC rule and counting, and 23 years of PPP rule. Yet y'all give this impression dat the PPP was golden years, when in fact is 50+ years of sheer underachieving by both parties and all Guyanese.

Imagine, you KP and the rest of kangalangs posting hay 24/7/365 can believe this pure shit, even after living in first world nations for decades. Y'all is a useless pack of dunces, guided by your BIGOTRY and nothing else!

skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

The Good life. PNC style. 

12 watching and one working. 

12 brains cannot figure how to replace a piece of wood. Only in PNC Guyana.

Another shithead speaks. Is not only in PNC Guyana. If you had an ounce of honesty in dat old swin gee body of yours dat gettin' ready fuh crop out, yuh would admit dat is a Guyanese ting, barring intervention from Massa.

But yuh kyant hide what a racist old skont you are. De black man dat help yuh primitive, muddy, bare foot rass get to America muss be rolling in deh grave.

Iguana posted:
kp posted:

High tides break koker door at Stewartville

Workers installing a plank as they constructed the temporary door at the Stewartville Koker last night
Workers installing a plank as they constructed the temporary door at the Stewartville Koker last night

Hey Knockabout Packoo (KP),

Dis ain't gat nothing to do with PNC, or because the majority of people in the picture are BLACK! This is a Guyanese ting dat going on since colonial times. Guyanese in the homeland, of all races, not known fuh fuss class wuk ethics. You of all people should know this.

Y'all sit here all day talking sheer skont! The country is a shithole after 28 years of PNC rule and counting, and 23 years of PPP rule. Yet y'all give this impression dat the PPP was golden years, when in fact is 50+ years of sheer underachieving by both parties and all Guyanese.

Imagine, you KP and the rest of kangalangs posting hay 24/7/365 can believe this pure shit, even after living in first world nations for decades. Y'all is a useless pack of dunces, guided by your BIGOTRY and nothing else!

Productivity is low, so wages are low and that’s why you have economic bottlenecks and poverty!  

You can hardly find workers because some getting remittances and don’t want to work and them working, six people doing the work of two!

How can an economy grow?

antabanta posted:
Sean posted:

Imagine if Talib and Omar takes over !

America will be in serious trouble if Socialism takes over. The latest poll shows 70 percent of youths in America support socialism. The Democrats screwed the minds of a whole generation ! Bernie is busy preaching to the flock. 

Here we go. The specter of "socialism" dog whistle. Where are you when the rich screw up the economy and we taxpayers have to bail them out? Why no outcry against socialism for the rich?

Another self proclaimed Burnhamite socialist shows up ! All you try deh ! 
The picture is classic socialism and it’s effect at work. Granger boldly declared that the PNC will stay close to Burnham’s principles. Yes, from his own mouth.

Well, all you deal with the effects of socialism now. 

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
antabanta posted:

A lot of asinine assumptions being made about the people in the picture. Is this the kind of ignorance we can expect from PPP and their supporters?

One picture tells a thousand words. Yuh meking excuse fuh productivity. And the politicians want foreign ivestments.

Perhaps you can allay your ignorance by reading the article and try to understand the plank was a small part of the project. As you can see and maybe chose not to, it's night. They must have been working all day and all night. I know how things are done in Guyana with the limited resources available. You and the other moutho-prekkes, obviously, don't.

Amral posted:

that does happen right here in Toronto, one man digging a hole and 6 standing around making sure he nah bury heself

Happens all over America. I've seen it here on the west coast. Seen it when I travel to the East Coast to visit. Only these stupid, dimwitted, PPP people posting hay think it is the exclusive domain of blacks or the PNC (their euphemism for black people). Sheer nonsense!

Sean posted:
antabanta posted:
Sean posted:

Imagine if Talib and Omar takes over !

America will be in serious trouble if Socialism takes over. The latest poll shows 70 percent of youths in America support socialism. The Democrats screwed the minds of a whole generation ! Bernie is busy preaching to the flock. 

Here we go. The specter of "socialism" dog whistle. Where are you when the rich screw up the economy and we taxpayers have to bail them out? Why no outcry against socialism for the rich?

Another self proclaimed Burnhamite socialist shows up ! All you try deh ! 
The picture is classic socialism and it’s effect at work. Granger boldly declared that the PNC will stay close to Burnham’s principles. Yes, from his own mouth.

Well, all you deal with the effects of socialism now. 

Thank you for the label. Without a derogatory label you and your kind have no argument and can only scream your ignorance for all and sundry. Why don't you be a man and refute my point about socialism for the rich?

Sean posted:

That’s  what socialists do all day long. What if this and what if that ! They can’t find meaningful employment or generate wealth !

Still nothing to offer, huh? Come-on, my brother. You have a computer at your fingertips. Do some basic research. If you can't use Google, you can use Bing to research how to use Google.

antabanta posted:
Sean posted:
antabanta posted:
Sean posted:

Imagine if Talib and Omar takes over !

America will be in serious trouble if Socialism takes over. The latest poll shows 70 percent of youths in America support socialism. The Democrats screwed the minds of a whole generation ! Bernie is busy preaching to the flock. 

Here we go. The specter of "socialism" dog whistle. Where are you when the rich screw up the economy and we taxpayers have to bail them out? Why no outcry against socialism for the rich?

Another self proclaimed Burnhamite socialist shows up ! All you try deh ! 
The picture is classic socialism and it’s effect at work. Granger boldly declared that the PNC will stay close to Burnham’s principles. Yes, from his own mouth.

Well, all you deal with the effects of socialism now. 

Thank you for the label. Without a derogatory label you and your kind have no argument and can only scream your ignorance for all and sundry. Why don't you be a man and refute my point about socialism for the rich?

There were some excesses!  But there were also real risk to the system, some due to government policy!

You would not like to know what would have happened if the Govt did not intervene!

You statement reeks ignorance of the financial markets and interdependencies!

Baseman posted:

There were some excesses!  But there were also real risk to the system, some due to government policy!

You would not like to know what would have happened if the Govt did not intervene!

You statement reeks ignorance of the financial markets and interdependencies!

The "excesses" were not just in the banks. The advocates of subsidized housing who made the GSE's out to be criminals and fostered a culture that led to maids in California who were making $25K a year buying $900K homes (also an "excess") also had something to do with it. These folks, think then Congressman Barney Frank and his cohorts, were screaming about "fair housing", and unfair lending practices. The resulting lower lending standards and guarantees to banks (govt.  being the backstop) in essence created the problem.

Banks are not stupid! They won't make loans to high risk individuals and jeopardize their system! The govt. , including Barney Frank and his buddies, gave the wink and nod. I recall several years before the crisis the then White House warned of "systemic risk" in the system. Frank and his buddies screamed about the white house destroying housing for the poor!

This is the history to the bailouts in 2008. And yes, Congress was a huge part of causing the crisis, not just the banks. Frank got off scot free, just like the bankers. Sits around pontificating now, talking shit, and collecting he pension. No penalty for him, just like no penalty for the bankers!

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
Baseman posted:

There were some excesses!  But there were also real risk to the system, some due to government policy!

You would not like to know what would have happened if the Govt did not intervene!

You statement reeks ignorance of the financial markets and interdependencies!

The "excesses" were not just in the banks. The advocates of subsidized housing who made the GSE's out to be criminals and fostered a culture that led to maids in California who were making $25K a year buying $900K homes (also an "excess") also had something to do with it. These folks, think then Congressman Barney Frank and his cohorts, were screaming about "fair housing", and unfair lending practices. This fool and his friends put a gun to the bankers heads, had them lower the lending standards, and essentially guaranteed the bailouts of GSE's and insurers by the banks.

Banks are not stupid! They won't make loans to high risk individuals and jeopardize their system! The govt. , including Barney Frank and his buddies, gave the wink and nod. I recall several years before the crisis the then White House warned of "systemic risk" in the system. Frank and his buddies screamed about the white house destroying housing for the poor!

This is the history to the bailouts in 2008. And yes, Congress was a huge part of causing the crisis, not just the banks. Frank got off scot free, just like the bankers. Sits around pontificating now, talking shit, and collecting he pension. No penalty for him, just like no penalty for the bankers!

That’s why I said govt policy.  They loosen the regulations which created [artificial] demand and the banks did their thing, all insured by the Govt!  This then spawned the mushroom derivative market aided again by loosening regulation!

Sooner or later the piper had to be paid!

So blaming the bankers in general is a red herring!  when  liberals start talking about prosecuting bankers, it was to quell the outrage and shield their own hides!  They had their hands deep in the mess!

The whole shyte started under Clinton!

Baseman posted:

There were some excesses!  But there were also real risk to the system, some due to government policy!

You would not like to know what would have happened if the Govt did not intervene!

You statement reeks ignorance of the financial markets and interdependencies!

You completely missed the point. The excesses served the elite. The financial markets serve the elite. The removal of restrictions served the elite. The government bail out served the elite. (By serve I mean fill their pockets.) Had the economy collapsed who would have suffered most? That is socialism for the rich. The financial markets are not rocket science. I'm an active trader with substantial investments in the markets plus rental property.

antabanta posted:
Sean posted:

That’s  what socialists do all day long. What if this and what if that ! They can’t find meaningful employment or generate wealth !

Still nothing to offer, huh? Come-on, my brother. You have a computer at your fingertips. Do some basic research. If you can't use Google, you can use Bing to research how to use Google.

Yuji knows how to google but not Sean Lakeram.

Iguana posted:
kp posted:

High tides break koker door at Stewartville

Workers installing a plank as they constructed the temporary door at the Stewartville Koker last night
Workers installing a plank as they constructed the temporary door at the Stewartville Koker last night

Hey Knockabout Packoo (KP),

Dis ain't gat nothing to do with PNC, or because the majority of people in the picture are BLACK! This is a Guyanese ting dat going on since colonial times. Guyanese in the homeland, of all races, not known fuh fuss class wuk ethics. You of all people should know this.

Y'all sit here all day talking sheer skont! The country is a shithole after 28 years of PNC rule and counting, and 23 years of PPP rule. Yet y'all give this impression dat the PPP was golden years, when in fact is 50+ years of sheer underachieving by both parties and all Guyanese.

Imagine, you KP and the rest of kangalangs posting hay 24/7/365 can believe this pure shit, even after living in first world nations for decades. Y'all is a useless pack of dunces, guided by your BIGOTRY and nothing else!

Hey GT pick pocket specialist, Did I mentioned anything about Backman or PNC, you quick to jump to conclusion. Look at the blasted Photo, it speaks volumes. Anyway you too dunce to understand, they didn't teach you comprehension in jail.

antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:

There were some excesses!  But there were also real risk to the system, some due to government policy!

You would not like to know what would have happened if the Govt did not intervene!

You statement reeks ignorance of the financial markets and interdependencies!

You completely missed the point. The excesses served the elite. The financial markets serve the elite. The removal of restrictions served the elite. The government bail out served the elite. (By serve I mean fill their pockets.) Had the economy collapsed who would have suffered most? That is socialism for the rich. The financial markets are not rocket science. I'm an active trader with substantial investments in the markets plus rental property.

It’s a philosophical viewpoint!  What does active trading have to do with it?

kp posted:

Hey GT pick pocket specialist, Did I mentioned anything about Backman or PNC, you quick to jump to conclusion. Look at the blasted Photo, it speaks volumes. Anyway you too dunce to understand, they didn't teach you comprehension in jail.

Hey Knockabout Packoo,

See bolded above. Since yuh suh smart and I dunce, try getting yuh tenses right and writing the queen's english correctly, arite?

You don't need to mention anything. You and the Indian posse hay are KNOWN, your objectives pellucid! Would you have started this topic and posted that picture if it was a bunch of Indians in standing around in the cane field? Doan worry bai, I know yuh answer to that question! Alyuh transparently racist!

Baseman posted:
antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:

There were some excesses!  But there were also real risk to the system, some due to government policy!

You would not like to know what would have happened if the Govt did not intervene!

You statement reeks ignorance of the financial markets and interdependencies!

You completely missed the point. The excesses served the elite. The financial markets serve the elite. The removal of restrictions served the elite. The government bail out served the elite. (By serve I mean fill their pockets.) Had the economy collapsed who would have suffered most? That is socialism for the rich. The financial markets are not rocket science. I'm an active trader with substantial investments in the markets plus rental property.

It’s a philosophical viewpoint!  What does active trading have to do with it?

What do you think active trading has t do with it? What viewpoint is philosophical?

Iguana posted:
kp posted:

Hey GT pick pocket specialist, Did I mentioned anything about Backman or PNC, you quick to jump to conclusion. Look at the blasted Photo, it speaks volumes. Anyway you too dunce to understand, they didn't teach you comprehension in jail.

Hey Knockabout Packoo,

See bolded above. Since yuh suh smart and I dunce, try getting yuh tenses right and writing the queen's english correctly, arite?

You don't need to mention anything. You and the Indian posse hay are KNOWN, your objectives pellucid! Would you have started this topic and posted that picture if it was a bunch of Indians in standing around in the cane field? Doan worry bai, I know yuh answer to that question! Alyuh transparently racist!

How you so sure that is all Blackman standing around, I see Lazy Guyanese. I copied this article from the PNC mouth piece, if it is good for them, it's good for me.

 If someone didn't see your picture, just by reading your replies would know you are a Black Racist.

kp posted:
Iguana posted:
kp posted:

Hey GT pick pocket specialist, Did I mentioned anything about Backman or PNC, you quick to jump to conclusion. Look at the blasted Photo, it speaks volumes. Anyway you too dunce to understand, they didn't teach you comprehension in jail.

Hey Knockabout Packoo,

See bolded above. Since yuh suh smart and I dunce, try getting yuh tenses right and writing the queen's english correctly, arite?

You don't need to mention anything. You and the Indian posse hay are KNOWN, your objectives pellucid! Would you have started this topic and posted that picture if it was a bunch of Indians in standing around in the cane field? Doan worry bai, I know yuh answer to that question! Alyuh transparently racist!

How you so sure that is all Blackman standing around, I see Lazy Guyanese. I copied this article from the PNC mouth piece, if it is good for them, it's good for me.

 If someone didn't see your picture, just by reading your replies would know you are a Black Racist.

It’s the end of the month for this *****. Ayo ignore he skont. Silence kill. 
this nincompoop has a mental problem, he will appears suddenly and swing at everyone and disappear. 

ayo nah notice even Djanjo stays away for that day and baseman does kiss he Arss and hug he up. Ayo watch wah go on nah man. 


Dave posted:
kp posted:
Iguana posted:
kp posted:

Hey GT pick pocket specialist, Did I mentioned anything about Backman or PNC, you quick to jump to conclusion. Look at the blasted Photo, it speaks volumes. Anyway you too dunce to understand, they didn't teach you comprehension in jail.

Hey Knockabout Packoo,

See bolded above. Since yuh suh smart and I dunce, try getting yuh tenses right and writing the queen's english correctly, arite?

You don't need to mention anything. You and the Indian posse hay are KNOWN, your objectives pellucid! Would you have started this topic and posted that picture if it was a bunch of Indians in standing around in the cane field? Doan worry bai, I know yuh answer to that question! Alyuh transparently racist!

How you so sure that is all Blackman standing around, I see Lazy Guyanese. I copied this article from the PNC mouth piece, if it is good for them, it's good for me.

 If someone didn't see your picture, just by reading your replies would know you are a Black Racist.

It’s the end of the month for this *****. Ayo ignore he skont. Silence kill. 
this nincompoop has a mental problem, he will appears suddenly and swing at everyone and disappear. 

ayo nah notice even Djanjo stays away for that day and baseman does kiss he Arss and hug he up. Ayo watch wah go on nah man. 


Watch your pocket Choke and Robber is hanging out on GNI.

Amral posted:

that does happen right here in Toronto, one man digging a hole and 6 standing around making sure he nah bury heself

Not to such a extent. And if the workers are unionized yes it’s required. Insurance and lawsuits can be factor in extra workers. 

That picture is a everyday occurrence in Sweet Guyana ...  Nothing new. 

Our delivery trucks require 4 person. A driver, 2 porter and a security guard. They will pack a case of milk on the trolly and chat for 5-10 mins and continue the same sequence  after. A chick passing, they will stop, whistle like bird and tell she about her umbrella and so. Them Guyanese Appy Appy . 

And the same delivery will be done by ONE driver in Canada. 

Django posted:
Dave posted:

ayo nah notice even Djanjo stays away for that day and baseman does kiss he Arss and hug he up. Ayo watch wah go on nah man.

You keeping check on Django ? everyday i must show up here on time ?

Sure banna, have to mek sure you are  ok ... you are the sugar stick on this forum, this forum is slow without you dude. 😊

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

ayo nah notice even Djanjo stays away for that day and baseman does kiss he Arss and hug he up. Ayo watch wah go on nah man.

You keeping check on Django ? everyday i must show up here on time ?

Sure banna, have to mek sure you are  ok ... you are the sugar stick on this forum, this forum is slow without you dude. 😊

And don't forget that the man got to feed he grand pickney with slop can money earned by post count in favor of pnc. 


Almost all of us on GNI is Guyanese still living in Guyana or abroad. Guyana is a laid back country and most of us have experienced this lazy ass moment one time or another. This amusement is meant for hard-working folks, not to those who have accustomed to the lazy ass tradition. When all you go pusser-pusser about who moving one piece of wood, all you are worse than the lazy ass Guyanese you talking about. Lord have mercy. 

Prince posted:

Almost all of us on GNI is Guyanese still living in Guyana or abroad. Guyana is a laid back country and most of us have experienced this lazy ass moment one time or another. This amusement is meant for hard-working folks, not to those who have accustomed to the lazy ass tradition. When all you go pusser-pusser about who moving one piece of wood, all you are worse than the lazy ass Guyanese you talking about. Lord have mercy. 

Bannas talk for yourself.

kp posted:
Iguana posted:


Suh now yuh reading "PNC mouthpiece", eh Kunta Persaud. ?

You can call me by any which name, I am still KP and not a slime ball reptile. Out of all the names you choose iguana, maybe that's your birth name. If I had that name I would also be a thief.

Iguana is germane to Guyana and being Guyanese. So I chose that nick. As is Labba. Something you in yuh lil racist bubble won't know about since India is yuh true homeland.

You should've chosen Packoo as yuh nick. You were stupid and dunce enough to brag right hay that you were a free loading teefman and bribe taker of fried rice and duck curry in GT. You ain't gat no shame. LOL.

Dave posted:

It’s the end of the month for this *****. Ayo ignore he skont. Silence kill. 
this nincompoop has a mental problem, he will appears suddenly and swing at everyone and disappear. 


I'm a professional not a hustler like you that sit can sit hay 24/7/365 and call yuhself "businessman". I only peep in to see the madness and how all yuh hate speech mongers and racists doing.

BTW...see how yuh looking over yuh shoulder in yuh avatar? Keep practicing that. Good fuh when yuh guh to prison. LOL.

Iguana posted:
kp posted:
Iguana posted:


Suh now yuh reading "PNC mouthpiece", eh Kunta Persaud. ?

You can call me by any which name, I am still KP and not a slime ball reptile. Out of all the names you choose iguana, maybe that's your birth name. If I had that name I would also be a thief.

Iguana is germane to Guyana and being Guyanese. So I chose that nick. As is Labba. Something you in yuh lil racist bubble won't know about since India is yuh true homeland.

You should've chosen Packoo as yuh nick. You were stupid and dunce enough to brag right hay that you were a free loading teefman and bribe taker of fried rice and duck curry in GT. You ain't gat no shame. LOL.

I shake down you black fat lazy ass in GT. People like you I walk all over and piss in your mouth. The only thing you good at is Choke and Rob , look nah you living off the welfare system.  Get up from your fat ass and earn a living coming hey looking for hand out. It's  late go and play with yourself in the corner. 

kp posted:

I shake down you black fat lazy ass in GT. People like you I walk all over and piss in your mouth. The only thing you good at is Choke and Rob , look nah you living off the welfare system.  Get up from your fat ass and earn a living coming hey looking for hand out. It's  late go and play with yourself in the corner. 

....LOL...another one running crazy. Imagine, a lazy civil service free loader and duck curry teef from Guyana calling a productive member of American society "choke and rob". Funny shit.

kp posted:
Iguana posted:
kp posted:
Iguana posted:


Suh now yuh reading "PNC mouthpiece", eh Kunta Persaud. ?

You can call me by any which name, I am still KP and not a slime ball reptile. Out of all the names you choose iguana, maybe that's your birth name. If I had that name I would also be a thief.

Iguana is germane to Guyana and being Guyanese. So I chose that nick. As is Labba. Something you in yuh lil racist bubble won't know about since India is yuh true homeland.

You should've chosen Packoo as yuh nick. You were stupid and dunce enough to brag right hay that you were a free loading teefman and bribe taker of fried rice and duck curry in GT. You ain't gat no shame. LOL.

I shake down you black fat lazy ass in GT. People like you I walk all over and piss in your mouth. The only thing you good at is Choke and Rob , look nah you living off the welfare system.  Get up from your fat ass and earn a living coming hey looking for hand out. It's  late go and play with yourself in the corner. 


Dave posted:
Iguana posted:
Dave posted:


...the sound you'll hear when you're behind bars, looking over yuh shoulder, winking and smiling like yuh avatar pic.

Good  you can confirm that sound pus$y. I don’t bugger man so don’t get turn on by my pic you parasite . 

I gonna rip you mother fkers to pcs tonight. 

Iguana posted:
Dave posted:

It’s the end of the month for this *****. Ayo ignore he skont. Silence kill. 
this nincompoop has a mental problem, he will appears suddenly and swing at everyone and disappear. 


I'm a professional not a hustler like you that sit can sit hay 24/7/365 and call yuhself "businessman". I only peep in to see the madness and how all yuh hate speech mongers and racists doing.

BTW...see how yuh looking over yuh shoulder in yuh avatar? Keep practicing that. Good fuh when yuh guh to prison. LOL.

Bannas, tell he rass, cleaning de whiteman toilet is an honorable profession. Dem call yall sanitation engineers. 

Dave posted:

It’s the end of the month for this *****. Ayo ignore he skont. Silence kill. 
this nincompoop has a mental problem, he will appears suddenly and swing at everyone and disappear. 

ayo nah notice even Djanjo stays away for that day and baseman does kiss he Arss and hug he up. Ayo watch wah go on nah man. 


Listen banna, I agree and disagree with posters on a point-by-point, post-by-post basis.  There are times I agree with you and times I disagree.  If I disagree, I don't co-mingle where I agree.  Where in my comment on this I agree or disagree with him or anyone for that matter?  Iggy could be an enigma at times!  So shut yuh rass.

On this, I also agree with Cain (another enigma) and others on their counter point.  It was a snap pic and you cannot draw conclusions on that.  I remember similar comments made when the Dem Bridge was being repaired.  However, it was back in (partial) service in 48 hours, so it could not only be the handy work of two people shown working in the pic!

On my way home last night I saw a utility team, the back-hoe operator was operating, one guy was in a hole guiding him and four others stood by watching.  Take a snap-shot, it looks no different than what we saw with the koker!

Suh shut ayuh rass and let the people do them wuk!

Iguana posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

The Good life. PNC style. 

12 watching and one working. 

12 brains cannot figure how to replace a piece of wood. Only in PNC Guyana.

Another shithead speaks. Is not only in PNC Guyana. If you had an ounce of honesty in dat old swin gee body of yours dat gettin' ready fuh crop out, yuh would admit dat is a Guyanese ting, barring intervention from Massa.

But yuh kyant hide what a racist old skont you are. De black man dat help yuh primitive, muddy, bare foot rass get to America muss be rolling in deh grave.

Like you dumb negro skoant think I care what you say about me. Face it, people of your race are genetically lazy. You deal in the past, hundred years ago. Get over it. Your culture is to steal, burn, murder and rape. Check the stats all over the world on negroes.

Iguana posted:
Dave posted:


...the sound you'll hear when you're behind bars, looking over yuh shoulder, winking and smiling like yuh avatar pic.

Is your momma man behind bars and I watching over my shoulder for your kind the choke and rob and murder.. 

Here is how mentally you are a Fck up person. 

- you have problem with my avatar.

- you have problem with us owning  business in GT.

- you have problem with Kaz speaking of woman . 
- you have problem with KP . 
- you have problem with Nehru 

- you have problem with Skelly.

and you even went after poor DJ. 

and you have problem if we spend 24/7 on this site. Banna haul yo black mangee scum bag and get a fcking life. 

you bring no useful discussion on this site but one of envy and jealous.

the next time you peep in I hope you see a BLACK screen you fcking jerk. 

That person who opens the cage and let you out for peeping, needs a good trashing. Go sue your parents for making you stupid. 

Dave posted:
Iguana posted:
Dave posted:


...the sound you'll hear when you're behind bars, looking over yuh shoulder, winking and smiling like yuh avatar pic.

Is your momma man behind bars and I watching over my shoulder for your kind the choke and rob and murder.. 

Here is how mentally you are a Fck up person. 

- you have problem with my avatar.

- you have problem with us owning  business in GT.

- you have problem with Kaz speaking of woman . 
- you have problem with KP . 
- you have problem with Nehru 

- you have problem with Skelly.

and you even went after poor DJ.

and you have problem if we spend 24/7 on this site. Banna haul yo black mangee scum bag and get a fcking life.

you bring no useful discussion on this site but one of envy and jealous.

the next time you peep in I hope you see a BLACK screen you fcking jerk.

That person who opens the cage and let you out for peeping, needs a good trashing. Go sue your parents for making you stupid. 

Quite an observation !!!

skeldon_man posted:

.... Face it, people of your race are genetically lazy. ....Your culture is to steal, burn, murder and rape. Check the stats all over the world on negroes.'s a good thing the black people in your village who signed papers for you to get to America didn't live to see what an ungrateful, racist dog you are. Kean Gibson may be on to something with y'all. 

Dave posted:

Is your momma man behind bars and I watching over my shoulder for your kind the choke and rob and murder.. 

Here is how mentally you are a Fck up person. 

- you have problem with my avatar.

- you have problem with us owning  business in GT.

- you have problem with Kaz speaking of woman . 
- you have problem with KP . 
- you have problem with Nehru 

- you have problem with Skelly.

and you even went after poor DJ. 

and you have problem if we spend 24/7 on this site. Banna haul yo black mangee scum bag and get a fcking life. 

you bring no useful discussion on this site but one of envy and jealous.

the next time you peep in I hope you see a BLACK screen you fcking jerk. 

That person who opens the cage and let you out for peeping, needs a good trashing. Go sue your parents for making you stupid. 

...LMFAO...rantings of one of Guyana's "businessmen", driven to insanity by black man. LOL.

Iguana posted:
skeldon_man posted:

.... Face it, people of your race are genetically lazy. ....Your culture is to steal, burn, murder and rape. Check the stats all over the world on negroes.'s a good thing the black people in your village who signed papers for you to get to America didn't live to see what an ungrateful, racist dog you are. Kean Gibson may be on to something with y'all. 

Ain't no lazy negro helped me to get to America.


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