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High tides break koker door at Stewartville

Workers installing a plank as they constructed the temporary door at the Stewartville Koker last night
Workers installing a plank as they constructed the temporary door at the Stewartville Koker last night

Spring tides yesterday battered the door of a koker at Stewartville, Region Three and posed a threat of major flooding in neighbouring communities. However as the tide fell the water that had accumulated on the land quickly began to recede.


Up to press time last night, GuySuCo workers were carrying out emergency works to install a temporary koker to prevent flooding from recurring during the next tide which is scheduled for 05:14 this morning at a height of 3.01 meters.

Just around 5pm yesterday, residents of Stewartville, West Coast Demerara said they observed the water levels in the drains and trenches rising rapidly. It was upon inspection, one resident said, that he learnt that the koker door had broken away.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

kp posted:

When the White man was Boss , all eleven of them had to be working, the country was more productive.

Those very people if given the opportunity to migrate to North America would take a job and work ten hours straight and even beg for overtime. The question is,Are Guyanese really patriotic  to Guyana?

You see wah a bin seying, White ppl demands progress either by the whip or by some means to ensure authority. Dey sey colored ppl goan tek over America, imagine the country under dem. By color I mean everybody who not Anglo-American.

Sean posted:

Imagine if Talib and Omar takes over !

America will be in serious trouble if Socialism takes over. The latest poll shows 70 percent of youths in America support socialism. The Democrats screwed the minds of a whole generation ! Bernie is busy preaching to the flock. 

Here we go. The specter of "socialism" dog whistle. Where are you when the rich screw up the economy and we taxpayers have to bail them out? Why no outcry against socialism for the rich?

kp posted:

High tides break koker door at Stewartville

Workers installing a plank as they constructed the temporary door at the Stewartville Koker last night
Workers installing a plank as they constructed the temporary door at the Stewartville Koker last night

Hey Knockabout Packoo (KP),

Dis ain't gat nothing to do with PNC, or because the majority of people in the picture are BLACK! This is a Guyanese ting dat going on since colonial times. Guyanese in the homeland, of all races, not known fuh fuss class wuk ethics. You of all people should know this.

Y'all sit here all day talking sheer skont! The country is a shithole after 28 years of PNC rule and counting, and 23 years of PPP rule. Yet y'all give this impression dat the PPP was golden years, when in fact is 50+ years of sheer underachieving by both parties and all Guyanese.

Imagine, you KP and the rest of kangalangs posting hay 24/7/365 can believe this pure shit, even after living in first world nations for decades. Y'all is a useless pack of dunces, guided by your BIGOTRY and nothing else!

skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

The Good life. PNC style. 

12 watching and one working. 

12 brains cannot figure how to replace a piece of wood. Only in PNC Guyana.

Another shithead speaks. Is not only in PNC Guyana. If you had an ounce of honesty in dat old swin gee body of yours dat gettin' ready fuh crop out, yuh would admit dat is a Guyanese ting, barring intervention from Massa.

But yuh kyant hide what a racist old skont you are. De black man dat help yuh primitive, muddy, bare foot rass get to America muss be rolling in deh grave.

Iguana posted:
kp posted:

High tides break koker door at Stewartville

Workers installing a plank as they constructed the temporary door at the Stewartville Koker last night
Workers installing a plank as they constructed the temporary door at the Stewartville Koker last night

Hey Knockabout Packoo (KP),

Dis ain't gat nothing to do with PNC, or because the majority of people in the picture are BLACK! This is a Guyanese ting dat going on since colonial times. Guyanese in the homeland, of all races, not known fuh fuss class wuk ethics. You of all people should know this.

Y'all sit here all day talking sheer skont! The country is a shithole after 28 years of PNC rule and counting, and 23 years of PPP rule. Yet y'all give this impression dat the PPP was golden years, when in fact is 50+ years of sheer underachieving by both parties and all Guyanese.

Imagine, you KP and the rest of kangalangs posting hay 24/7/365 can believe this pure shit, even after living in first world nations for decades. Y'all is a useless pack of dunces, guided by your BIGOTRY and nothing else!

Productivity is low, so wages are low and that’s why you have economic bottlenecks and poverty!  

You can hardly find workers because some getting remittances and don’t want to work and them working, six people doing the work of two!

How can an economy grow?

antabanta posted:
Sean posted:

Imagine if Talib and Omar takes over !

America will be in serious trouble if Socialism takes over. The latest poll shows 70 percent of youths in America support socialism. The Democrats screwed the minds of a whole generation ! Bernie is busy preaching to the flock. 

Here we go. The specter of "socialism" dog whistle. Where are you when the rich screw up the economy and we taxpayers have to bail them out? Why no outcry against socialism for the rich?

Another self proclaimed Burnhamite socialist shows up ! All you try deh ! 
The picture is classic socialism and it’s effect at work. Granger boldly declared that the PNC will stay close to Burnham’s principles. Yes, from his own mouth.

Well, all you deal with the effects of socialism now. 

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
antabanta posted:

A lot of asinine assumptions being made about the people in the picture. Is this the kind of ignorance we can expect from PPP and their supporters?

One picture tells a thousand words. Yuh meking excuse fuh productivity. And the politicians want foreign ivestments.

Perhaps you can allay your ignorance by reading the article and try to understand the plank was a small part of the project. As you can see and maybe chose not to, it's night. They must have been working all day and all night. I know how things are done in Guyana with the limited resources available. You and the other moutho-prekkes, obviously, don't.

Amral posted:

that does happen right here in Toronto, one man digging a hole and 6 standing around making sure he nah bury heself

Happens all over America. I've seen it here on the west coast. Seen it when I travel to the East Coast to visit. Only these stupid, dimwitted, PPP people posting hay think it is the exclusive domain of blacks or the PNC (their euphemism for black people). Sheer nonsense!


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