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Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Rev, do Gilbakka a favor nuh.

Tell me which book or magazine you does crib dese things from.




Bwoy Gilbakka:


* Rev started reading Readers Digest since he was 10 years old. You know how many thousands of tidbits I collect over the years.



Thank you, sir.

My uncle used to subscribe to the Readers Digest in Guyana in the early 1960s. When I left school and got a job I subscribed too and paid for gift subscriptions to some girlfriends.

But, around 1974 Dear Papa Burnham said the oil crisis ate up Guyana's foreign exchange so I couldn't pay for RD anymore.

When I came to Canada 18 years ago I started a new subscription. That was when my problems with Readers Digest began. They filled my mailbox with all kinds of "special offers." And, boy, was I a sucker!

I bought Readers Digest music CDs, condensed books, watches and what not. I took out gift subscriptions for my Greek landlord and my Lithuanian boss at work.

By year's end, when I tallied my cheque stubs, Readers Digest had already grabbed CAD$1,900 from me.

To sober myself up, I bought a bottle Jack Daniels No. 7 and resolved not to give Readers Digest one penny more.

I got so sick with myself I don't even read Readers Digest online for free.

But I don't blame RD. I blame ME.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

By year's end, when I tallied my cheque stubs, Readers Digest had already grabbed CAD$1,900 from me.

To sober myself up, I bought a bottle Jack Daniels No. 7 and resolved not to give Readers Digest one penny more.


ha ha ha ha ha


* Thanks for the laugh Gilbakka. You always have an interesting story to share.



Originally Posted by Rev:

1. If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for
being in the country illegally, you live in a country run by idiots.

You are a royal ass. The compartmentalization of the implementation of laws so because of privacy concerns among other thing. No quack in the hunting and fishing enforcement need to have access to that depth. It makes for abuse. He or she needs to be concerned with what is his jurisdiction.

Originally Posted by Rev:

2. If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or take an
aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion, you live in a country run by idiots.

Here again, the permission for the aspirin or trip is withing the purview of the parents over whom the authority of the child exists. There are laws regulating abortions and minors without their parents consent. Every state is different; some requiring one parent or both or that the teen get an exemption from a judge.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You are a royal ass.

* Short man Leslie, you said you're 5ft 6", why you always have to be so peevish and cantankerous ?


* Listen Stormborn! The Rev is a classy guy and in future I expect you to be mannerly and polite when you post on any of my threads. Keep your crude and ghetto like behavior for GNI  POLITICAL.







Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by warrior:

rev stop being a idiot




* The Rev will have to refer you to the Grammar monster for a lesson in using a and an. 




Use an before a word that starts with a vowel sound. If it does not start with a vowel sound, use a.  For example:


* A gentleman(like the Rev).


* An IDIOT like ???


The key word here is sound. It is not a question of whether the word starts with a vowel. It is a question of whether it starts with a vowel sound


* If you are a gentleman warrior you will say "Thanks Rev". If you're an idiot you will cuss and be vulgar. The choice is yours.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by warrior:

rev stop being a idiot




* The Rev will have to refer you to the Grammar monster for a lesson in using a and an. 




Use an before a word that starts with a vowel sound. If it does not start with a vowel sound, use a.  For example:


* A gentleman(like the Rev).


* An IDIOT like ???


The key word here is sound. It is not a question of whether the word starts with a vowel. It is a question of whether it starts with a vowel sound


* If you are a gentleman warrior you will say "Thanks Rev". If you're an idiot you will cuss and be vulgar. The choice is yours.



i will stay silent.if you have any love for the brother go find a job 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by warrior:

rev stop being a idiot




* The Rev will have to refer you to the Grammar monster for a lesson in using a and an. 




Use an before a word that starts with a vowel sound. If it does not start with a vowel sound, use a.  For example:


* A gentleman(like the Rev).


* An IDIOT like ???


The key word here is sound. It is not a question of whether the word starts with a vowel. It is a question of whether it starts with a vowel sound


* If you are a gentleman warrior you will say "Thanks Rev". If you're an idiot you will cuss and be vulgar. The choice is yours.



on second though go ***** yourself

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You are a royal ass.

* Short man Leslie, you said you're 5ft 6", why you always have to be so peevish and cantankerous ?


* Listen Stormborn! The Rev is a classy guy and in future I expect you to be mannerly and polite when you post on any of my threads. Keep your crude and ghetto like behavior for GNI  POLITICAL.







I do not know there was ever a tall genius...maybe Aquinas or John Hunter or Maxwell but not very many others. But short or tall you are still a shallow, pretentious, air headed, ninny.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I do not know there was ever a tall genius...



* So you fancy yourself to be a genius, huh ?LOL


* Well, if madness is a form of genius, then you are definitely a genius Storm bai.


* OK Leslie!



* I don't want to read any long-winded, convoluted bullshit from you. Just give me the answer. Any grade 8 math student would solve that.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I do not know there was ever a tall genius...



* So you fancy yourself to be a genius, huh ?LOL


* Well, if madness is a form of genius, then you are definitely a genius Storm bai.


* OK Leslie!



* I don't want to read any long-winded, convoluted bullshit from you. Just give me the answer. Any grade 8 math student would solve that.



The last number is the sum of the two on the left side and the preceding one the difference between the two on the left side. 


What's so difficult about this?

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I do not know there was ever a tall genius...



* So you fancy yourself to be a genius, huh ?LOL


* Well, if madness is a form of genius, then you are definitely a genius Storm bai.


* OK Leslie!



* I don't want to read any long-winded, convoluted bullshit from you. Just give me the answer. Any grade 8 math student would solve that.



The last number is the sum of the two on the left side and the preceding one the difference between the two on the left side. 


What's so difficult about this?

Damn he is 410 lbs.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Rev, do Gilbakka a favor nuh.

Tell me which book or magazine you does crib dese things from.




Bwoy Gilbakka:


* Rev started reading Readers Digest since he was 10 years old. You know how many thousands of tidbits I collect over the years.



Thank you, sir.

My uncle used to subscribe to the Readers Digest in Guyana in the early 1960s. When I left school and got a job I subscribed too and paid for gift subscriptions to some girlfriends.

But, around 1974 Dear Papa Burnham said the oil crisis ate up Guyana's foreign exchange so I couldn't pay for RD anymore.

When I came to Canada 18 years ago I started a new subscription. That was when my problems with Readers Digest began. They filled my mailbox with all kinds of "special offers." And, boy, was I a sucker!

I bought Readers Digest music CDs, condensed books, watches and what not. I took out gift subscriptions for my Greek landlord and my Lithuanian boss at work.

By year's end, when I tallied my cheque stubs, Readers Digest had already grabbed CAD$1,900 from me.

To sober myself up, I bought a bottle Jack Daniels No. 7 and resolved not to give Readers Digest one penny more.

I got so sick with myself I don't even read Readers Digest online for free.

But I don't blame RD. I blame ME.




Did you buy any Readers Digest records (LP) ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Rev, do Gilbakka a favor nuh.

Tell me which book or magazine you does crib dese things from.




Bwoy Gilbakka:


* Rev started reading Readers Digest since he was 10 years old. You know how many thousands of tidbits I collect over the years.



Thank you, sir.

My uncle used to subscribe to the Readers Digest in Guyana in the early 1960s. When I left school and got a job I subscribed too and paid for gift subscriptions to some girlfriends.

But, around 1974 Dear Papa Burnham said the oil crisis ate up Guyana's foreign exchange so I couldn't pay for RD anymore.

When I came to Canada 18 years ago I started a new subscription. That was when my problems with Readers Digest began. They filled my mailbox with all kinds of "special offers." And, boy, was I a sucker!

I bought Readers Digest music CDs, condensed books, watches and what not. I took out gift subscriptions for my Greek landlord and my Lithuanian boss at work.

By year's end, when I tallied my cheque stubs, Readers Digest had already grabbed CAD$1,900 from me.

To sober myself up, I bought a bottle Jack Daniels No. 7 and resolved not to give Readers Digest one penny more.

I got so sick with myself I don't even read Readers Digest online for free.

But I don't blame RD. I blame ME.




Did you buy any Readers Digest records (LP) ?

Not in Guyana. And when I came here I followed the CD trend. Now, those Readers Digest are gathering dust as I play the MP3 and online YouTube versions.


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I do not know there was ever a tall genius...



* So you fancy yourself to be a genius, huh ?LOL


* Well, if madness is a form of genius, then you are definitely a genius Storm bai.


* OK Leslie!



* I don't want to read any long-winded, convoluted bullshit from you. Just give me the answer. Any grade 8 math student would solve that.



you have to be joking! at least Drub devised an algorithm  to test me. You had to be your usual stupid self and pretend mathematics is about meaningless pattern recognition.


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