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1. Eggs Are Bad For Your Health 


That's a lie!



Eggs have  been demonized in the past because they contain a large amount of cholesterol,  which was believed to increase the risk of heart disease.

Bottom Line: Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on  the planet and do not raise your risk of heart disease. Eggs for breakfast can  help you lose weight.



Originally Posted by Rev:

2. A Calorie is a Calorie  



That's a lie---a calorie is not a calorie.


Bottom Line: All calories are not created equal. Different  foods go through different metabolic pathways and have varying effects on  hunger, hormones and health


 A calorie is a calorie ( be it small or the dietary measure) Metabolic pathways has little to do with calories and more with nutrition intake ( processing). Dieticians use the term empty calories to separate out categories of processed food ie fats that are solid at room temperature and pure sugar. These foods absent any substantial nutritional value and  that absence is what qualifies the caloric load as empty. There cannot in terms of energy calculations be empty calories.


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