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skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

Moses didn't leave the PPP because he couldn't tolerate its corruption and authoritarianism. He was there during the time that he now accuses them of being corrupted and authoritarian. He even sais that he would have to be a neemakharam to leave the PPP for the AFC. Moses' departure from the PPP directly coincided with Ramotar being selected as the presidential candidate for the PPP. It also came after he claimed that Cheddie Jagan told him on his death bed that he was to become the President after Cheddie dies. But being the p ussy that he is, he didn't dare lie to Janet's face that Cheddie told him that. When Janet chose Jagdeo as her successor, he still was a p ussy and didn't dare claim that Cheddie chose him because Janet was still alive and he was too much of a p ussy to lie to her face. Now comes the time that Jagdeo was finished his two terms and neither Cheddie or Janet was no longer alive, his p ussiness can no longer be challenged by those two Jagans so he came up with the nonsense that he was supposed to succeed Cheddie. Somehow, he allowed Hinds, Janet and Jagdeo to step over him just like how he is forced to let Granger and Harmon step over him now. I would even bet that junior PNC ministers are now stepping on Moses. Bottom line, Moses left the PPP because he was not named Presidential candidate in 2011. Bottom line, he is exactly what he labeled himself. A neemakharam.

When Janet was alive Moses hid like a cat in the corner as if a pit bull was watching him. Now that the pit bull is gone, he wanted to take over the pit bull's job. He failed miserably and started to behave like a worn out PU**Y.

He is really worn out as even now that he is PM, Harmon is on his ass like white on rice.

kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Bhai,my mother (Sugar Worker) in 1965,squatted on a piece of estate land and built a zinc house with mud floor,that is what i grew up with as a teenager.Later days in my 20's we rebuilt with wooden floor.Another squatter and herself was every day at Irfaan office,to get transport for the land,they did succeed,all the squatters got title in the area,thanks to the PPP a party she supported until her demise.There was as pic in Guyana Chronicle front page,Irfaan handing over title to my mother.

I saw that pic.

So under Dr. Jagdeo's government Django's family benefited with legal house lot. Today, you have to get PNC card to qualify.


Let's be fair. She had already lived on that puny piece of land for 40-odd years. All Irfaan did was to give her title. Legally, she had prescriptive rights.

kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Bhai,my mother (Sugar Worker) in 1965,squatted on a piece of estate land and built a zinc house with mud floor,that is what i grew up with as a teenager.Later days in my 20's we rebuilt with wooden floor.Another squatter and herself was every day at Irfaan office,to get transport for the land,they did succeed,all the squatters got title in the area,thanks to the PPP a party she supported until her demise.There was as pic in Guyana Chronicle front page,Irfaan handing over title to my mother.

I saw that pic.

So under Dr. Jagdeo's government Django's family benefited with legal house lot. Today, you have to get PNC card to qualify.


That what you get from what i wrote ?

My mother [born 1932] from the age of 17 yrs to attaining pension, toiled in the Sugar Industry,squatted in 1965 on the Sugar Estate Land,

Getting title for the land you called benefit from the PPP,

also she was always vocal and beside GAWU,in the struggles for the sugar workers upliftment.

dude you need some self examination.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Bhai,my mother (Sugar Worker) in 1965,squatted on a piece of estate land and built a zinc house with mud floor,that is what i grew up with as a teenager.Later days in my 20's we rebuilt with wooden floor.Another squatter and herself was every day at Irfaan office,to get transport for the land,they did succeed,all the squatters got title in the area,thanks to the PPP a party she supported until her demise.There was as pic in Guyana Chronicle front page,Irfaan handing over title to my mother.

I saw that pic.

So under Dr. Jagdeo's government Django's family benefited with legal house lot. Today, you have to get PNC card to qualify.


That what you get from what i wrote ?

My mother [born 1932] from the age of 17 yrs to attaining pension, toiled in the Sugar Industry,squatted in 1965 on the Sugar Estate Land,

Getting title for the land you called benefit from the PPP,

dude you need some self examination.

Django, after Bookers left Guyana, my mother was forced to get a new title for the house we lived in. During Bookers' time, she was paying about $2.50(GY) annually as what they then called rates. She had to pay a good change to get it too.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Bhai,my mother (Sugar Worker) in 1965,squatted on a piece of estate land and built a zinc house with mud floor,that is what i grew up with as a teenager.Later days in my 20's we rebuilt with wooden floor.Another squatter and herself was every day at Irfaan office,to get transport for the land,they did succeed,all the squatters got title in the area,thanks to the PPP a party she supported until her demise.There was as pic in Guyana Chronicle front page,Irfaan handing over title to my mother.

I saw that pic.

So under Dr. Jagdeo's government Django's family benefited with legal house lot. Today, you have to get PNC card to qualify.


That what you get from what i wrote ?

My mother [born 1932] from the age of 17 yrs to attaining pension, toiled in the Sugar Industry,squatted in 1965 on the Sugar Estate Land,

Getting title for the land you called benefit from the PPP,

dude you need some self examination.

Django, after Bookers left Guyana, my mother was forced to get a new title for the house we lived in. During Bookers' time, she was paying about $2.50(GY) annually as what they then called rates. She had to pay a good change to get it too.

I know about that, my eldest aunt lived in the housing schemes that was developed by the Colonial Owners,those Housing schemes was developed after the Logies were abandoned.

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:

Moses didn't leave the PPP because he couldn't tolerate its corruption and authoritarianism. He was there during the time that he now accuses them of being corrupted and authoritarian. He even sais that he would have to be a neemakharam to leave the PPP for the AFC.Moses' departure from the PPP directly coincided with Ramotar being selected as the presidential candidate for the PPP. It also came after he claimed that Cheddie Jagan told him on his death bed that he was to become the President after Cheddie dies. But being the p ussy that he is, he didn't dare lie to Janet's face that Cheddie told him that. When Janet chose Jagdeo as her successor, he still was a p ussy and didn't dare claim that Cheddie chose him because Janet was still alive and he was too much of a p ussy to lie to her face. Now comes the time that Jagdeo was finished his two terms and neither Cheddie or Janet was no longer alive, his p ussiness can no longer be challenged by those two Jagans so he came up with the nonsense that he was supposed to succeed Cheddie.Somehow, he allowed Hinds, Janet and Jagdeo to step over him just like how he is forced to let Granger and Harmon step over him now. I would even bet that junior PNC ministers are now stepping on Moses. Bottom line, Moses left the PPP because he was not named Presidential candidate in 2011. Bottom line, he is exactly what he labeled himself. A neemakharam.

Excellent as usual from Brother Kaz. Moses will forever remain a footstool. 

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Bhai,my mother (Sugar Worker) in 1965,squatted on a piece of estate land and built a zinc house with mud floor,that is what i grew up with as a teenager.Later days in my 20's we rebuilt with wooden floor.Another squatter and herself was every day at Irfaan office,to get transport for the land,they did succeed,all the squatters got title in the area,thanks to the PPP a party she supported until her demise.There was as pic in Guyana Chronicle front page,Irfaan handing over title to my mother.

I saw that pic.

So under Dr. Jagdeo's government Django's family benefited with legal house lot. Today, you have to get PNC card to qualify.


That what you get from what i wrote ?

My mother [born 1932] from the age of 17 yrs to attaining pension, toiled in the Sugar Industry,squatted in 1965 on the Sugar Estate Land,

Getting title for the land you called benefit from the PPP,

dude you need some self examination.

Django, after Bookers left Guyana, my mother was forced to get a new title for the house we lived in. During Bookers' time, she was paying about $2.50(GY) annually as what they then called rates. She had to pay a good change to get it too.

I know about that, my eldest aunt lived in the housing schemes that was developed by the Colonial Owners,those Housing schemes was developed after the Logies were abandoned.

Is there any reason why they had to spend so much money to get what was entitled to them for their services to the country?

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:


Django, after Bookers left Guyana, my mother was forced to get a new title for the house we lived in. During Bookers' time, she was paying about $2.50(GY) annually as what they then called rates. She had to pay a good change to get it too.

I know about that, my eldest aunt lived in the housing schemes that was developed by the Colonial Owners,those Housing schemes was developed after the Logies were abandoned.

Is there any reason why they had to spend so much money to get what was entitled to them for their services to the country?


that's gov't for you nothing is free,our fore fathers and parents toiled in the cane fields and was measly rewarded.

The Colonials enjoyed from their sweat and blood and then our own continue the trend,check out the "tap daag" life styles in the homeland.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:


Django, after Bookers left Guyana, my mother was forced to get a new title for the house we lived in. During Bookers' time, she was paying about $2.50(GY) annually as what they then called rates. She had to pay a good change to get it too.

I know about that, my eldest aunt lived in the housing schemes that was developed by the Colonial Owners,those Housing schemes was developed after the Logies were abandoned.

Is there any reason why they had to spend so much money to get what was entitled to them for their services to the country?


that's gov't for you nothing is free,our fore fathers and parents toiled in the cane fields and was measly rewarded.

The Colonials enjoyed from their sweat and blood and then our own continue the trend,check out the "tap daag" life styles in the homeland.

But these are the same people that promised the sugar workers a better life. What happened? Where is the better life? It's not only one party. We have to choose the better of the two evils.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:


Django, after Bookers left Guyana, my mother was forced to get a new title for the house we lived in. During Bookers' time, she was paying about $2.50(GY) annually as what they then called rates. She had to pay a good change to get it too.

I know about that, my eldest aunt lived in the housing schemes that was developed by the Colonial Owners,those Housing schemes was developed after the Logies were abandoned.

Is there any reason why they had to spend so much money to get what was entitled to them for their services to the country?


that's gov't for you nothing is free,our fore fathers and parents toiled in the cane fields and was measly rewarded.

The Colonials enjoyed from their sweat and blood and then our own continue the trend,check out the "tap daag" life styles in the homeland.

But these are the same people that promised the sugar workers a better life. What happened? Where is the better life? It's not only one party. We have to choose the better of the two evils.

Both the "two peas from the same pod" are no GOOD. Mean while the people have to bear until some one will come forth,who will have their well being at heart.

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:

Moses didn't leave the PPP because he couldn't tolerate its corruption and authoritarianism. He was there during the time that he now accuses them of being corrupted and authoritarian. He even sais that he would have to be a neemakharam to leave the PPP for the AFC. Moses' departure from the PPP directly coincided with Ramotar being selected as the presidential candidate for the PPP. It also came after he claimed that Cheddie Jagan told him on his death bed that he was to become the President after Cheddie dies. But being the p ussy that he is, he didn't dare lie to Janet's face that Cheddie told him that. When Janet chose Jagdeo as her successor, he still was a p ussy and didn't dare claim that Cheddie chose him because Janet was still alive and he was too much of a p ussy to lie to her face. Now comes the time that Jagdeo was finished his two terms and neither Cheddie or Janet was no longer alive, his p ussiness can no longer be challenged by those two Jagans so he came up with the nonsense that he was supposed to succeed Cheddie. Somehow, he allowed Hinds, Janet and Jagdeo to step over him just like how he is forced to let Granger and Harmon step over him now. I would even bet that junior PNC ministers are now stepping on Moses. Bottom line, Moses left the PPP because he was not named Presidential candidate in 2011. Bottom line, he is exactly what he labeled himself. A neemakharam.

You nail it Kaz.

Django posted:
kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Bhai,my mother (Sugar Worker) in 1965,squatted on a piece of estate land and built a zinc house with mud floor,that is what i grew up with as a teenager.Later days in my 20's we rebuilt with wooden floor.Another squatter and herself was every day at Irfaan office,to get transport for the land,they did succeed,all the squatters got title in the area,thanks to the PPP a party she supported until her demise.There was as pic in Guyana Chronicle front page,Irfaan handing over title to my mother.

I saw that pic.

So under Dr. Jagdeo's government Django's family benefited with legal house lot. Today, you have to get PNC card to qualify.


That what you get from what i wrote ?

My mother [born 1932] from the age of 17 yrs to attaining pension, toiled in the Sugar Industry,squatted in 1965 on the Sugar Estate Land,

Getting title for the land you called benefit from the PPP,

also she was always vocal and beside GAWU,in the struggles for the sugar workers upliftment.

dude you need some self examination.

Our fore parents all sacrificed blood and tears to make it better for us today, this was started in the Colonial days with the White masters, so when the locals took over and emulated the Whiteman. Still we choose to pick only one 10 year period to criticize in over 150 years, and that's the Jagdeo era. WHY.What can be said of Jagdeo, is that he was a good student, he learnt well from his masters.When the Black rulers screwed us,we accepted it as normal, that was expected. As soon as one our own did the same, he betrayed us.This is typical of the Crab Mentality, if one is successful we question that person, our conclusion is ,he thief. Maybe is the envy within.

kp posted:

Our fore parents all sacrificed blood and tears to make it better for us today, this was started in the Colonial days with the White masters, so when the locals took over and emulated the Whiteman. Still we choose to pick only one 10 year period to criticize in over 150 years, and that's the Jagdeo era. WHY.What can be said of Jagdeo, is that he was a good student, he learnt well from his masters.When the Black rulers screwed us,we accepted it as normal, that was expected. As soon as one our own did the same, he betrayed us.This is typical of the Crab Mentality, if one is successful we question that person, our conclusion is ,he thief. Maybe is the envy within.

No it's not "Crab Mentality"

Jagdeo need to be condemned,he was poor and became "never see come for see".Janet Jagan give him the break.

What he have done screw his own people,the Sugar workers who supported his party. He took 273 % Presidential Salary Increase in the year 2006,fool the poor sugar workers,telling them" i got your back" now you all blaming Naga and Khemraj.

Last edited by Django
kp posted:
Django posted:
kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Bhai,my mother (Sugar Worker) in 1965,squatted on a piece of estate land and built a zinc house with mud floor,that is what i grew up with as a teenager.Later days in my 20's we rebuilt with wooden floor.Another squatter and herself was every day at Irfaan office,to get transport for the land,they did succeed,all the squatters got title in the area,thanks to the PPP a party she supported until her demise.There was as pic in Guyana Chronicle front page,Irfaan handing over title to my mother.

I saw that pic.

So under Dr. Jagdeo's government Django's family benefited with legal house lot. Today, you have to get PNC card to qualify.


That what you get from what i wrote ?

My mother [born 1932] from the age of 17 yrs to attaining pension, toiled in the Sugar Industry,squatted in 1965 on the Sugar Estate Land,

Getting title for the land you called benefit from the PPP,

also she was always vocal and beside GAWU,in the struggles for the sugar workers upliftment.

dude you need some self examination.

Our fore parents all sacrificed blood and tears to make it better for us today, this was started in the Colonial days with the White masters, so when the locals took over and emulated the Whiteman. Still we choose to pick only one 10 year period to criticize in over 150 years, and that's the Jagdeo era. WHY.What can be said of Jagdeo, is that he was a good student, he learnt well from his masters.When the Black rulers screwed us,we accepted it as normal, that was expected. As soon as one our own did the same, he betrayed us.This is typical of the Crab Mentality, if one is successful we question that person, our conclusion is ,he thief. Maybe is the envy within.

KP some of us choose to be blind, Jagdeo had a stuff time governing the country while PNC was controlling the police and army ... everyone ignore this . I live through and experience what Indians went through. Jagdeo is the only charismatic leader currently for Guyana.

PPP had a difficult time controlling the crime . The Phamptom squad was not a birth by Jagdeo or PPP ... it’s from business men and the squad gets greedy and other stuff flow . While Indians were disappearing from the backdam and still can’t accounted for , everyone blame PPP. 

Fortunately , the phampton squad clean up the 400 plus criminals... mainly Afro and Indians then had peace of mind. 

Lots of people on this site never live through those days and they speak from their  Arss like know all .

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

President Jagdeo became a powerful leader. No one gives you anything if they think that they can control you behind the scenes.

That's what he did while fattening himself and friends,"baby kong" copied well from the Kabaka.

BS... what nonsense you speaking . I still waiting on the evidence of Jagdeo corruption, greed and fake .

which political leader is  perfect .. 

dude, I have no idea why you are so bitter about Jagdeo when you should be mad as hell with Congress place / PNC that cause you to leave guyana .


The best thing Jagdeo did was look the PNC bullies in the eyes and declared, "I am not afraid of you". That statement is still having the Coalition government shaking in their boots. Prior to Jagdeo, PPP leaders were bullied by PNC one for nearly 4 decades.

Secondly, Jagdeo is no Burnham. Jagdeo presided over a democratic government whereas Burnham never did. The way things are going, Granger will only have this term as a democratic term which is still suspect as there is still an open question about the true result of the 2015 general elections.


I will say it again. I will never support the PNC. Why? I don't think the PNC will ever change their wicked ways.

As soon as Granger got into government, he started working on his award list and lo and behold, he picked a bunch of old PNC crooks. But even more than that. He instituted regular pilgrimages to Burnham's gravesite which shows exactly who is his hero. I refuse to believe that Granger is a decent person. Just because he makes those regular pilgrimages to Burnham's gravesite proves he is not a decent person.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

 Jagdeo is the only charismatic leader currently for Guyana.

Dude are you for real,think deeply about Democracy.

Seems like Guyanese are comfortable with Dictatorship.

Please clarify your nonsense. Every single PPP leader was democratically elected. No one can say the same about the PNC. They gave us three Black Dictators.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

 Jagdeois the only charismaticleader currently for Guyana.

Dude are you for real,think deeply about Democracy.

Seems like Guyanese are comfortable with Dictatorship.

Django bai, at what point was Jagdeo not the democratically elected President of Guyana?

Bhai Kasz,take a look at the highlighted in Dave sentence,hence my response.

Mitwah posted:

Wonder who will run against Harmon in 2020?

That should not be a concern for you. It was people like you who assisted in electing scamps and conmen. What are you doing about conmen Moses, Ramjattan and Granger's plans to rig ?

Those should be of concern.

How do you sleep at night knowing that you supported a bunch of scamps ? Have you no conscience ?

Gil is an honourable man, you should try to learn a thing or two from him.

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

Like him or hate him, Jagdeo is up there with Burnham as the most powerful leader that Guyana ever produced.  It is a true honor for the East Indian community of Guyana to have produced a leader like him.

You are correct,East Indians give high praises for a leader who used criminals to prove that he is great,he is a coward using HOI thugs for protection and intimidation.

Bear in mind ones actions does come back to bite.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

 Jagdeois the only charismaticleader currently for Guyana.

Dude are you for real,think deeply about Democracy.

Seems like Guyanese are comfortable with Dictatorship.

Django bai, at what point was Jagdeo not the democratically elected President of Guyana?

Bhai Kasz,take a look at the highlighted in Dave sentence,hence my response.

I am guessing that Dave was not suggesting that Jagdeo is the current President. Maybe he meant of all Guyanese Presidents of maybe he meant it as him being the Opposition leader.

Django posted:
Prashad posted:

Like him or hate him, Jagdeo is up there with Burnham as the most powerful leader that Guyana ever produced.  It is a true honor for the East Indian community of Guyana to have produced a leader like him.

You are correct,East Indians give high praises for a leader who used criminals to prove that he is great,he is a coward using HOI thugs for protection and intimidation.

Bear in mind ones actions does come back to bite.

Actually that was brilliant. Had Jagdeo not brought the HOI on his side, they would have been operating for the PNC in undermining the sitting government. Jagdeo is no coward. Not the way he looked the Coalition government in the eye and declared, "I am not afraid of you". They are still having shitting from that declaration.

yuji22 posted:
Mitwah posted:

Wonder who will run against Harmon in 2020?

That should not be a concern for you. It was people like you who assisted in electing scamps and conmen. What are you doing about conmen Moses, Ramjattan and Granger's plans to rig ?

Those should be of concern.

How do you sleep at night knowing that you supported a bunch of scamps ? Have you no conscience ?

Gil is an honourable man, you should try to learn a thing or two from him.


ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

 Jagdeois the only charismaticcurrently for Guyana.

Dude are you for real,think deeply about Democracy.

Seems like Guyanese are comfortable with Dictatorship.

Django bai, at what point was Jagdeo not the democratically elected President of Guyana?

Bhai Kasz,take a look at the highlighted in Dave sentence,hence my response.

I am guessing that Dave was not suggesting that Jagdeo is the current President. Maybe he meant of all Guyanese Presidents of maybe he meant it as him being the Opposition leader.

Bhai,what i gather from Dave,

Jagdeo is the only Leader currently to rule Guyana,due to being charismatic.

Jagdeo had his stint,time to let go.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

Like him or hate him, Jagdeo is up there with Burnham as the most powerful leader that Guyana ever produced.  It is a true honor for the East Indian community of Guyana to have produced a leader like him.

You are correct,East Indians give high praises for a leader who used criminals to prove that he is great,he is a coward using HOI thugs for protection and intimidation.

Bear in mind ones actions does come back to bite.

Actually that was brilliant. Had Jagdeo not brought the HOI on his side, they would have been operating for the PNC in undermining the sitting government. Jagdeo is no coward. Not the way he looked the Coalition government in the eye and declared, "I am not afraid of you". They are still having shitting from that declaration.

Bhai,the Coalition is having a field day with him around.

His presence is a blessing in disguise for the the current Gov't.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

Like him or hate him, Jagdeo is up there with Burnham as the most powerful leader that Guyana ever produced.  It is a true honor for the East Indian community of Guyana to have produced a leader like him.

You are correct,East Indians give high praises for a leader who used criminals to prove that he is great,he is a coward using HOI thugs for protection and intimidation.

Bear in mind ones actions does come back to bite.

Actually that was brilliant. Had Jagdeo not brought the HOI on his side, they would have been operating for the PNC in undermining the sitting government. Jagdeo is no coward. Not the way he looked the Coalition government in the eye and declared, "I am not afraid of you". They are still having shitting from that declaration.

Bhai,the Coalition is having a field day with him around.

His presence is a blessing in disguise for the the current Gov't.

I don't see it that way. They are obsessed and scared out of their wits of him. Not about a rigged election though as even Jagdeo is immune to that. Look how Jordan has been wandering cluelessly since Jagdeo reprimanded him over that first Budget in 2015. He feels Jagdeo's shadow everywhere. He has actually become very paranoid as the past 30 months have progressed. 

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

Like him or hate him, Jagdeo is up there with Burnham as the most powerful leader that Guyana ever produced.  It is a true honor for the East Indian community of Guyana to have produced a leader like him.

You are correct,East Indians give high praises for a leader who used criminals to prove that he is great,he is a coward using HOI thugs for protection and intimidation.

Bear in mind ones actions does come back to bite.

Actually that was brilliant. Had Jagdeo not brought the HOI on his side, they would have been operating for the PNC in undermining the sitting government. Jagdeo is no coward. Not the way he looked the Coalition government in the eye and declared, "I am not afraid of you". They are still having shitting from that declaration.

Bhai,the Coalition is having a field day with him around.

His presence is a blessing in disguise for the the current Gov't.

Seems like Dave is pushing for a third term or acknowledging that there is no other than Jagdeo to lead the PPP come 2020. 

ksazma posted:

Actually that was brilliant. Had Jagdeo not brought the HOI on his side, they would have been operating for the PNC in undermining the sitting government. Jagdeo is no coward. Not the way he looked the Coalition government in the eye and declared, "I am not afraid of you". They are still having shitting from that declaration.



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