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Labba posted:

Crime did nat start in 2002. Was serious crime wave from eleckshun 1997 to 2002. De jailbreak tek it to anada level. Serious crimes. Dat added pon "wuk pon she"..."wuk pon she"...all day. Was breakdown in law order as de politician dem fight. 

axiomatic that crime did not start in 2002

but what is your definition of (what I am assuming is) a PNC led "crime wave" from 1997-2002?

please provide at least some real facts to support this

Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

Stay focus bai. We talking bout de crime spree resulting from de 2002 jailbreak. 

It all has its roots in the drug trade including 2002. 

Are you saying that drug trade was responsible for the crime spree that begun in 2002?

The explosion of serious crime in the last few decades has its roots in the drug trade. Do some research all over Latin America and you'll see the growth of the drug trade goes hand in hand with the increase in serious crime. Guyana is no exception. 

I am not arguing that. drugs does precipitate crime. However, your initial comment was about circa 2002.

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

Blame the PPP for facilitating drug trafficking because it was providing a huge boost to the economy. The serious crime that we have in Guyana today has its roots in the drug trade. Once Jagdeo made exportation of cocaine an industry in Guyana, it brought crime as it did in every one of our neighboring countries. 

But we don't have this issue now. They say that narco and money laundering plus crime are down. So we should be seeing growth but that nah happening.

Isn't it obvious to you that if you reduce earnings from the drug trade, it would affect growth negatively? We're having positive growth every year. Where have you been looking?

IF. That is not evidence. I didn't mean that we don't have growth. The topic was about 2017 performance of 2.1% growth vs projections of 2.9% and previous year of 3.3%. The narco excuse was a weak one.

Reducing earnings from any source will affect the economy negatively. I would expect you to understand this simple concept since it's not rocket science. We're still having positive growth as compared to the years of negative growth by the fake eCONomist Dr. Jagdeo.

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

Blame the PPP for facilitating drug trafficking because it was providing a huge boost to the economy. The serious crime that we have in Guyana today has its roots in the drug trade. Once Jagdeo made exportation of cocaine an industry in Guyana, it brought crime as it did in every one of our neighboring countries. 

But we don't have this issue now. They say that narco and money laundering plus crime are down. So we should be seeing growth but that nah happening.

Isn't it obvious to you that if you reduce earnings from the drug trade, it would affect growth negatively? We're having positive growth every year. Where have you been looking?

IF. That is not evidence. I didn't mean that we don't have growth. The topic was about 2017 performance of 2.1% growth vs projections of 2.9% and previous year of 3.3%. The narco excuse was a weak one.

PNC campaigned on giving utopia to the Guyanese people. Sugar will live forever, paddy will be sold for $9000.00 per bag, there will be lots of jobs created. What happened to the promises???? The drug trade is alive and thriving in Guyana. The corrupted PNC police take their share and turn a blind eye.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

 ... the Armed Forces in Guyana support the PNC so it is reasonable to suggest that they were more in collusion with the criminals than the government. The PPP couldn't lay off every police and soldier even though they didn't seen to follow their Commander or Chief's orders.

I don't intend to re-litigate here the chicken/egg question regarding drugs trafficking and extreme racial aspects of the mid-2000s murdering by fineman and others

but what I will not tolerate is your broad brush unreason and easily digestible slander of thousands of Black people who served in the GDF and police

Was Paul Slowe "in collusion" with the criminals?

can you tell us why he was sidelined and his career ruined by Jagdeo?

Bai, where did I mention the term black people? 

are you trying to be funny?

Nothing funny bai. I don't see where I used the term 'black people'.

keep playin yuh stupidee . . . defamation by race is not funny

and putting on a smiley face for this should be beneath you

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

Stay focus bai. We talking bout de crime spree resulting from de 2002 jailbreak. 

It all has its roots in the drug trade including 2002. 

Are you saying that drug trade was responsible for the crime spree that begun in 2002?

The explosion of serious crime in the last few decades has its roots in the drug trade. Do some research all over Latin America and you'll see the growth of the drug trade goes hand in hand with the increase in serious crime. Guyana is no exception. 

I am not arguing that. drugs does precipitate crime. However, your initial comment was about circa 2002.

My initial comment was about the negative growth rate achieved by the PPP God Jagdeo. Surely you don't think that the negative growth in 1998 and 2000 had anything to do with 2002?

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai, where did I mention the term black people? 

are you trying to be funny?

Nothing funny bai. I don't see where I used the term 'black people'.

keep playin yuh stupidee . . . defamation by race is not funny

and putting on a smiley face for this should be beneath you

Bai, stop yuh nonsense, this is politics but most Blacks are PNC sympathizers and most Indians are PPP sympathizers.  That's a fact!  So thinks follow a certain pattern!

Mars posted:

Reducing earnings from any source will affect the economy negatively. I would expect you to understand this simple concept since it's not rocket science. We're still having positive growth as compared to the years of negative growth by the fake eCONomist Dr. Jagdeo.

You may have noticed that the 2016 growth rate was higher than it was in 2015. Then it was reduced in 2017 beyond the reduced 2017 projections. So how are these sources really working? Clearly the narco excuse isn't credible. It is more reasonable to conclude in the incompetence of the current government.

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai, where did I mention the term black people? 

are you trying to be funny?

Nothing funny bai. I don't see where I used the term 'black people'.

keep playin yuh stupidee . . . defamation by race is not funny

and putting on a smiley face for this should be beneath you

Bai, stop yuh nonsense, this is politics but most Blacks are PNC sympathizers and most Indians are PPP sympathizers.  That's a fact!  So thinks follow a certain pattern!

Base, why worry? The reincarnation of ...()[]{}?

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai, where did I mention the term black people? 

are you trying to be funny?

Nothing funny bai. I don't see where I used the term 'black people'.

keep playin yuh stupidee . . . defamation by race is not funny

and putting on a smiley face for this should be beneath you

Bai, stop yuh nonsense, this is politics but most Blacks are PNC sympathizers and most Indians are PPP sympathizers.  That's a fact! 

i happen to agree with you

ummm . . . shouldn't you be directing your insights to Ksazma?

pay attention

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

 ... the Armed Forces in Guyana support the PNC so it is reasonable to suggest that they were more in collusion with the criminals than the government. The PPP couldn't lay off every police and soldier even though they didn't seen to follow their Commander or Chief's orders.

I don't intend to re-litigate here the chicken/egg question regarding drugs trafficking and extreme racial aspects of the mid-2000s murdering by fineman and others

but what I will not tolerate is your broad brush unreason and easily digestible slander of thousands of Black people who served in the GDF and police

Was Paul Slowe "in collusion" with the criminals?

can you tell us why he was sidelined and his career ruined by Jagdeo?

Bai, where did I mention the term black people? 

are you trying to be funny?

Nothing funny bai. I don't see where I used the term 'black people'.

keep playin yuh stupidee . . . defamation by race is not funny

and putting on a smiley face for this should be beneath you

I don't live in a race based circumstance so I can't relate to your emotions. Sorry bai. Lets move on.

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

Reducing earnings from any source will affect the economy negatively. I would expect you to understand this simple concept since it's not rocket science. We're still having positive growth as compared to the years of negative growth by the fake eCONomist Dr. Jagdeo.

You may have noticed that the 2016 growth rate was higher than it was in 2015. Then it was reduced in 2017 beyond the reduced 2017 projections. So how are these sources really working? Clearly the narco excuse isn't credible. It is more reasonable to conclude in the incompetence of the current government.

Did I make the claim narco earnings is an excuse for the economic performance in 2017? Reducing earnings from any source will affect the economy negatively. Eco 101 dude. 

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

I don't live in a race based circumstance . . .

indeed, the "race based circumstance" is in your head

But you can't possibly know what is in my head though right?

Mars posted:

Did I make the claim narco earnings is an excuse for the economic performance in 2017? Reducing earnings from any source will affect the economy negatively. Eco 101 dude. 

Okay, lets start over. What do you think is the cause for the 2.1% growth rate in 2017 vs 2.9% projection and 3.3% growth rate for 2016?

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

Did I make the claim narco earnings is an excuse for the economic performance in 2017? Reducing earnings from any source will affect the economy negatively. Eco 101 dude. 

Okay, lets start over. What do you think is the cause for the 2.1% growth rate in 2017 vs 2.9% projection and 3.3% growth rate for 2016?

Did you read and understand the article at the top of this thread? The minister clearly outlined the industries which underperformed and hence provided reduced earnings. No?

Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

Did I make the claim narco earnings is an excuse for the economic performance in 2017? Reducing earnings from any source will affect the economy negatively. Eco 101 dude. 

Okay, lets start over. What do you think is the cause for the 2.1% growth rate in 2017 vs 2.9% projection and 3.3% growth rate for 2016?

Did you read and understand the article at the top of this thread? The minister clearly outlined the industries which underperformed and hence provided reduced earnings. No?

Isn't a discussion forum to offer our own perspective? 

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

Did I make the claim narco earnings is an excuse for the economic performance in 2017? Reducing earnings from any source will affect the economy negatively. Eco 101 dude. 

Okay, lets start over. What do you think is the cause for the 2.1% growth rate in 2017 vs 2.9% projection and 3.3% growth rate for 2016?

Did you read and understand the article at the top of this thread? The minister clearly outlined the industries which underperformed and hence provided reduced earnings. No?

Isn't a discussion forum to offer our own perspective? 

The minister knows a lot more about the Guyana economy than I do. I don't see any reasons for me to doubt the numbers that are published. 

Mars posted:

The minister knows a lot more about the Guyana economy than I do. I don't see any reasons for me to doubt the numbers that are published. 

Similarly, when Jagdeo was President, he knew more about how to govern it than you did. Yet you had no trouble questioning his methods.

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

The minister knows a lot more about the Guyana economy than I do. I don't see any reasons for me to doubt the numbers that are published. 

Similarly, when Jagdeo was President, he knew more about how to govern it than you did. Yet you had no trouble questioning his methods.

Methods and numbers are two different things. Aren't they?

Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

The minister knows a lot more about the Guyana economy than I do. I don't see any reasons for me to doubt the numbers that are published. 

Similarly, when Jagdeo was President, he knew more about how to govern it than you did. Yet you had no trouble questioning his methods.

Methods and numbers are two different things. Aren't they?

Not as they pertain to your objections. You would still object to Jagdeo's numbers, wouldn't you?

ksazma posted:
Mars posted:
ksazma posted:
Mars posted:

The minister knows a lot more about the Guyana economy than I do. I don't see any reasons for me to doubt the numbers that are published. 

Similarly, when Jagdeo was President, he knew more about how to govern it than you did. Yet you had no trouble questioning his methods.

Methods and numbers are two different things. Aren't they?

Not as they pertain to your objections. You would still object to Jagdeo's numbers, wouldn't you?

Numbers and methods are different in any circumstance. If Jagdeo told me that the sugar production for a given year was X amount and it seemed reasonable, I have no basis on which I can doubt him. I don't count every tonne of sugar produced. If he gave me a number that did not seem to fit in the ballpark of what the production numbers should be, then I would have a reason to doubt him. If he said that they produced 10 tonnes or 10 million tonnes of sugar in one year, then I would doubt him. I would do the same for Jordan.

In any case, you're just wasting my time with frivolities. I'm going in the yard and do something useful.

Last edited by Mars
D2 posted:

There are many incidental change not a function of the PPP's creativity but a consequence of the world changing. We still suck where communication is concerned. Here we see the direct result of PPP incompetence. They implanted PPP neophytes to manage growth here and because of them Guyanese still struggle with 1.6kb bandwidth.

As I said, the Petrocarbide deal which if managed well could have bootstrapped the rice industry and much of the industrial base. including sugar. Instead the money was siphoned off to PPP cronies who leeched off every aspect of opportunities here to the point that rice failed.

That the PNC stopped the give away of our prized hardwoods like wamara and bullet wood for me is reason alone to keep them in office. The pigs in the PPP sold that off to every chinese who can offer the party 30 pieces of silver.

Any dunce with a good heart could have managed guyana a hundred times better.

What is your opinion about the the coalition handling of the oil negotiations and alleged give away of Guyana's resources at bargain basement price? Or is the cessation of the "giveaway" of hardwood sufficient enough for people to also overlook this bungled oil negotiations?

Labba posted:

A see ayoo talkin bout growth. What effect "wuk pon she"..."wuk pon she"..."wuk pon she" had pon de growth? What effect racial voting gat pon growth? Hey hey hey...

you friken to answer my question, but I find out what it meant anyway

Labba as dog whistling OBEAHMAN

ronan posted:
Labba posted:

A see ayoo talkin bout growth. What effect "wuk pon she"..."wuk pon she"..."wuk pon she" had pon de growth? What effect racial voting gat pon growth? Hey hey hey...

you friken to answer my question, but I find out what it meant anyway

Labba as dog whistling OBEAHMAN

Bai me like me kali mai puja and abeah. Mr Forbes like he kali mai puja too. Hey hey hey...what queshton yuh gat foh labba now?

Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

A see ayoo talkin bout growth. What effect "wuk pon she"..."wuk pon she"..."wuk pon she" had pon de growth? What effect racial voting gat pon growth? Hey hey hey...

you friken to answer my question, but I find out what it meant anyway

Labba as dog whistling OBEAHMAN

Bai me like me kali mai puja and abeah. Mr Forbes like he kali mai puja too. Hey hey hey...what queshton yuh gat foh labba now?

me jus bin wan know wuh "wuk pon she" mean and de context

but meh GT peeps who bin round dat time clue me in


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