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23 Celebs Marriages That Did Not Work Out!

Martini Shots, Bollywood, September 04, 2016, Authors: Zinia Bandyopadhyay (Editorial Team), 

Love is forever. Well maybe. But that does not necessarily mean that it has to be with the same partner!

As much as the first saying is true, it is also true that love is blind, and sometimes we choose a wrong partner thinking that it is going to last forever!

Well, this has happened to almost all of us at some point of time, isn't it? Our favourite TV celebs are no diffrent than us in this matter.

Here's a list of 23 celebs who had found love, taken a leap and got married, only to realise that it was a wrong choice before heading for a divorce:

Rahul Mahajan and Shweta Singh 

Uploaded by Zinia Bandyopadhyay on 04 Sep, 2016

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