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3 More Commit Suicide – As Guyana University Linked to Major Scam

Three more students from India who had paid monies to attend the Alexander American University in Guyana are reported to have killed themselves between Tuesday and today, after discovering that the Guyana-based offshore university was being operated by now-imprisoned scammer Venkata Rao Gopi, who was arrested last Friday in Barbados after news surfaced that he is one of India’s most wanted Fraudsters.

This now brings the total number of students to have committed suicide as it relates to Alexander American University and its Barbados counterpart, Washington American University, to a total of 7 deaths in ten days.

It was widely reported that Gopi had fleeced hundreds of students in India, and took their monies to set up the Alexander American University in Guyana and the Washington University in Barbados, laundering millions of scam dollars in the process.

Some 200 students who had paid monies in India and more than fifty who had paid monies in Nigeria are now stuck with nothing more than zero-value payment receipts and admission slips to the bogus Guyana university and its subsidiary in Barbados.

Some of the students told the Guyana Guardian that they were to be assigned to another offshore medical university in Guyana, from which they are now trying to recover monies that were paid through Gopi.
The other offshore university in question had been in the news repeatedly, and students are coming forward with new information that has linked that university’s recruitment practices to Venkata Rao Gopi.

While many of the defrauded students were forced to resort to counseling, this publication has been reliably informed that a total of 7 students and two parents have since committed suicide as a result of realizing that they are now left with 10-year mortgages for a medical degree that would no longer be.

It is a widely known fact that many of the students became distressed, knowing that their parents had taken out loans, sold their worldly possessions, and created humongous debts to pay fees for them to attend the bogus University in Guyana and Barbados respectively.

Now, they are in a state of despair, as the Alexander American University which is housed at Buddy’s on Sheriff Street, Georgetown will have to be shuttered.

It is understood that the bogus university owed Buddy’s Shivraj millions of dollars in unpaid rent, forcing the businessman to serve them legal notices to move.

Interestingly, the fly-by-night offshore university was easily granted accreditation status by Guyana’s National Accreditation Council, a fact that continues to baffle many of the students, who accused the body of being part and parcel to an international fraud.

“How can Guyana’s National Accreditation Council (NAC) accredit a bogus university, knowing fully well that students will be investing their hard earned cash into something that is really a massive fraud”, ask Aaradhya Moti, one of the victims who had signed up in Uttar Pradesh.

Guyana has a long list of shady offshore medical universities with many surfacing under questionable circumstances.

Though there are laws regarding the accreditation of these institutions, observers are insisting that the NAC is not appropriately equipped to accredit medical degrees, Masters, Ph.D.’s, and most technical fields of study, at the graduate level.

They are adamant that there needs to be a commission of inquiry into the operations of these offshore universities so that a more proactive policy can be developed as it relates to their planned and existing operations in Guyana.

“They are transferring Guyana into an academic scam capital’, asserted a UG student in an online post on Facebook.

With the University of Guyana being the only institution whose medical degrees are recognized outside of Guyana, students pursuing medical degrees at many of these offshore universities are often doing so, at their own risk.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

So sarry foh read this. Nuff Nuff huksters, pushers and fradsters dey down there. Dem PPP bais dey bringing dem in and dem PNC bais love de easy degree because dem is all prestige wh0$3es. Den yuh gat de VC at UG giving heself bonus. Ayoo hear public university giving bonus? Hey hey hey...


I remembered Jagdeo chased out the religious scam artists (Fortune-Tellers) from India in Guyana, who preys and cashed-in on the poor and vulnerable people that believed in them. How in God's name could they allow scam in offshores University to happen in Guyana? The student's family have made ends-meet to come up with money to support their children in hope to attain a degree and ends up committing suicide when they learn the truth. This is devastated by just reading about it much less to understand what the victims must feel.  


Indians have a hunger and thirst for higher education makes the susceptible to such scams.  When I lived there cases were publicized where parents sold a kidney each to send a child abroad for university education.  

Labba posted:

So sarry foh read this. Nuff Nuff huksters, pushers and fradsters dey down there. Dem PPP bais dey bringing dem in and dem PNC bais love de easy degree because dem is all prestige wh0$3es. Den yuh gat de VC at UG giving heself bonus. Ayoo hear public university giving bonus? Hey hey hey...

A while back had a discussion with one of my customers who was pursuing  Nursing Degree,wanted to cut cost of tuition,she mentioned Guyana,warned her to check the institution for Accreditation.Told her flatly seek somewhere else.

Baseman posted:

Indians have a hunger and thirst for higher education makes the susceptible to such scams.  When I lived there cases were publicized where parents sold a kidney each to send a child abroad for university education.  

Damn that's tough sacrifice.


Another Guyana offshore university accused of defrauding students



By Andrea Fernandes

GEORGETOWN, Guyana — The largest selling English language daily newspaper in the world, the Times of India, has reported that another Indian-owned offshore university located in Guyana has been defrauding international students, seemingly with the blessing of Guyana’s National Accreditation Council (NAC).

The American International School of Medicine (AISM), which is operating out of Guyana with a makeshift branch in Coimbatore, India, had claimed that its degrees are recognized because it is registered with the NAC and the World Health Organization.

However, the World Health Organization has stated in an email response that such a claim is fraudulent and untrue, while the Times of India had found that the degrees that are issued by the institution are useless.

Authorities in India and South Africa have since suggested that the mere issuance of the degrees to their citizens by the Guyana-based university is an act of international money laundering and fraud.

They questioned the wisdom of the Guyanese authorities, who are apparently allowing these kinds of universities to operate in their country without due diligence.

An editorial staff member at the Times of Indiawho had also investigated the story told the Guyana Guardian that many of the affected students in India and their parents are blaming the lax policies of Guyana’s NAC since many of these questionable universities were easily able to defraud the students based upon the NAC’s supposed accreditation or alleged endorsement (via their website) of AISM’s degrees.

The investigative article on the AISM was published after the Times of India had agreed to lend its journalism support to an ongoing investigation by the Guyana Guardian into several Indian-operated “degree mills” that have been operating in Guyana and the Caribbean.

At least five senior reporters and contributors from the Guyana Guardian, the Huffington Post, Al Jazeera, and the Times of India had agreed to assist each other in their collective investigation of many of these offshore universities.

The investigations, which are still ongoing, have since yielded a dossier of embarrassing undercover information that the consortium of journalists intends to hand over to the US Federal Bureau of Investigations, after airing a related documentary on their findings in the second quarter of 2017.

The Guyana Guardian has been at the forefront of the investigations in Guyana and has so far published a number of articles on the subject matter, which initially focused on the Texila American University and the NAC.

Texila American University threatened to file a lawsuit against the Guyana Guardian, and at least one local education official, Vincent Alexander, sought to defend its operations in Guyana via a letter in the Stabroek News (a local private newspaper), in which he claimed that the Guardian’s articles were defamatory.

To date, no such lawsuit has been filed, even though the Guyana Guardian challenged Texila to do so.

Apart from Texila American University, and the American International School of Medicine (AISM), the international media is currently investigating the operations of several others, including the Georgetown American University, Greenheart Medical University, Rajiv Gandhi University of Science and Technology, and Alexander University, which are all offshore universities that were established by various Indian citizens, who are doing business in Guyana.

Alexander University reportedly operates out of the Buddy’s Night Club on Sheriff Street, while the others function out of rented properties.

Republished with permission of the Guyana Guardian

Base on this article PNC Vincent Alexander of the University Of Guyana is the local rep. 



Alexander American University School of Medicine (AAU)
Alexander American University School of Medicine (AAU) is an international medical school in Georgetown, Guyana, which is the only English speaking country in South America

Alexander American University offers a high-quality medical education that meets the integrates professional skills, career-focused education and hands-on practice, enabling students to develop and achieve their personal and career goals.

The Faculty and Staff at AAU are some of the best physicians, educators and researchers with certified in other specialities too. We strive to provide the students with quality medical knowledge to treat the human conditions in numerous ways. Besides preparing the students to be highly competent and caring physicians with the capability to specialize in varied fields of medicine, the School of Medicine also emphasizes the value of comprehensive health care approach.

Classes are conducted in English and the Curriculum is based after the best medical schools in Caribbean and USA with both Basic Sciences and Clinical Rotations, is specifically designed to meet the licensing requirements in USA and other nations around the globe.

We focus in training physicians along with extensive hands-on patient care training as a part of their professional development process. Students attending AAU enjoy the benefits of a thriving multi-cultural environment on a beautiful campus, offering all the amenities and technologically- advanced facilities in Health care delivery.


Admissions at AAU

AAU is one of the best universities of its kind giving the vast array of diversity in spheres of international relations and a multitude of student culture. The core essence of AAU lies in its excellent academic program and safe environment which always welcomes the aspiring students to fulfill their dreams.

Welcome to AAU office of Admissions. Submitting your application is the first step and also the easiest part of the admission process. AAU School of Medicine accepts students into our top MD Program three times a year - January, May and September. We do not require the MCAT.


AAU accepts the student’s applications from different diversities that are enthusiastic, passionate and dedicated to health care delivery and also limits enrollment to students meeting specific requirements in order to maintain high academic standards and ensure that students receive the best education possible.

The school serves students without regard to race, color, gender, religion, disability, or age to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally made available to students at the school in keeping with its goals of providing quality and affordable education and training. Student’s enrollment is based on academic skills, assessments, interviews, previous achievements and other criteria.


About Guyana

Guyana is South America's little-known curiosity that lies between Suriname, Brazil and Venezuela. It is the only English speaking country in South America and covers an area of 83,000 square miles. Guyana is derived from an Indigenous Amerindian language and means "land of many waters". The Caribbean Community (CARICOM), of which Guyana is a member, is headquartered in Guyana's capital and largest city, Georgetown. English is the official language of Guyana and is used for education, government, media, and services. The main economic activities in Guyana are agriculture (production of rice and Demerara sugar), bauxite mining, gold mining, timber, shrimp fishing and minerals.

The present population of Guyana is racially and ethnically heterogeneous, with ethnic groups originating from India, Africa, Europe, and China, as well as indigenous or aboriginal peoples. Despite their diverse ethnic backgrounds, these groups share two common languages: English and Creole. Most Indo-Guyanese are descended from Bhojpuri-speaking Bihari and Uttar Pradesh migrants. Many Indo-Guyanese are also descended Tamil speaking Tamils from Tamil Nadu, and Telugus of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh in South India.

Guyana is well connected to the world. There are direct flights to Guyana from Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago. There are regular connecting flights from Barbados and Port of Spain. Many international airlines fly from Atlanta New York, Miami and Toronto to these connecting destinations and then to Guyana.

Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program — 5.5 years

If you are passionate about health, bio sciences and caring for people, then a Career in Medicine would be a great fit! Success in Medicine requires you to have a thirst for life-long learning and academic excellence!

Alexander American University offers an innovative Doctor of Medicine (MD) program designed for the students to meet their requirements in the premedical program and who do not hold a first degree but wish to earn a Doctor of Medicine degree. The program delivers advanced clinical and academic training to ensure students are prepared for the challenges of medical internship!

Developed in consultation with the doctors, healthcare professionals, students and leaders in the research sectors, the MD programs are developed to meet the current and future need of the students, patients and the changing healthcare sector.




Dave posted:

Base on this article PNC Vincent Alexander of the University Of Guyana is the local rep. 

And under which administration did all these INDIANS come to Guyana and set up these fraudulent schools, eh PACOO? Burnham? Or Rat man? De point is whateva de party, Guyanese gat a TEEFING PROBLEM at all levels!!!! No scruples, no morals, no integrity, no class. It all erode over 50+ years of governance by BOTH parties!!!!

Suh while alyuh sitting hay in North America talking shit about whether PNC or PPP better, de proof staring yuh straight in yuh face. NEITHER.

And while pacoo like you and de Yugli man talking about black man lazy and indian man bright and industrious, pulling fuh yuh mattie, yuh doan realize dat Guyana will only survive when all ah we realize we is Guyanese first.

Most alyuh indians hay haven't gotten that far yet. So say goodbye to Guyana and all tings "Guyanese" and get ready for yuh new masters - chinese, brazilians and venuezuelans. And of course people like Rat man, Alexander and all dem gon gladly seh "yes senor" once they get a nice fat payoff.

This is the reality that escaping low IQ people like you.


Look at this racist POS Gwana.

This the third time that I am challenging you to provide evidence that I stated that blacks are lazy. Hey you racist POS, go crawl in hole.

We are ALL Guyanese. Nothing wrong in people being proud of their Indo roots and culture. The problem with Black Supremists like you is that you get angry and jealous when Indos declare and express pride in their identity and culture.

Everytime you Visit this board, you bring your race filth about “you Indos this and you Indos that”.

D2 posted:

We discussed this university and Guyana's accredation scheme here a few years back. The general conclusion is that it was a scam and the Guyanese authorities were in on it.

Yea...doh is absolutely true. Dem Guyanese palaticians in on de con. Burnham son in law, PPP and some AFC fradsters in on de con. Hey hey hey...


Ayoo gat de present Minister of Education of Phagwah fame doing he online dactarate wid one fraud outside Guyana. Dem people going and do fradsta dactarate in leadership. Nuff nuff peopkle. But all dis boil down to de failure at UG. And non politician wid wan fradsta dactarate will change it. Dactarate is is to signal presitge wh0rism and not foh dedicate one life foh science and knowledge creation. Hey hey presiige wh0re culta is too deep now foh change. Hey hey hey...

yuji22 posted:

Look at this racist POS Gwana.

This the third time that I am challenging you to provide evidence that I stated that blacks are lazy. Hey you racist POS, go crawl in hole.

Read the link below you weak ass punk. Don't you EVER challenge me again you effeminate WORM. Let me extract yuh slimy, racist, dribble that come from yuh nasty Hindutva mind.

YUGI: Fact is that Immigrants are taking jobs that lazy black Americans do not want and becoming rich by owning homes and educating their children.

Lazy Black Americans are having children and 75 percent of young blacks are raised with single parents in welfare and poverty.

Blacks need to own up other problems otherwise they will remain at the bottom of the economic ladder and remain in poverty and welfare.

yuji22 posted:

Where did I state that ALL Blacks are lazy ? Listen antiman, please try again.

heh heh heh...yuh get ketch wid yuh doti off. LMAO. the original thread gives the full context of yuh dutty remarks punk.

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
Dave posted:

Base on this article PNC Vincent Alexander of the University Of Guyana is the local rep. 

And under which administration did all these INDIANS come to Guyana and set up these fraudulent schools, eh PACOO? Burnham? Or Rat man? De point is whateva de party, Guyanese gat a TEEFING PROBLEM at all levels!!!! No scruples, no morals, no integrity, no class. It all erode over 50+ years of governance by BOTH parties!!!!

Suh while alyuh sitting hay in North America talking shit about whether PNC or PPP better, de proof staring yuh straight in yuh face. NEITHER.

And while pacoo like you and de Yugli man talking about black man lazy and indian man bright and industrious, pulling fuh yuh mattie, yuh doan realize dat Guyana will only survive when all ah we realize we is Guyanese first.

Most alyuh indians hay haven't gotten that far yet. So say goodbye to Guyana and all tings "Guyanese" and get ready for yuh new masters - chinese, brazilians and venuezuelans. And of course people like Rat man, Alexander and all dem gon gladly seh "yes senor" once they get a nice fat payoff.

This is the reality that escaping low IQ people like you.

You are the most racist person on this site. Now gawn so.... You’re NOT worth my time. 

Dave posted:

You are the most racist person on this site. Now gawn so.... You’re NOT worth my time. 

...heh, heh heh....anodda wan get ketch wid he panty down. Ow Devanand, all yuh had to do wuz admit all dese kanta school was formed unda Rat man and he surrogate rule.

yuji22 posted:

You lying POS, I challenge to prove where I stated that ALL Blacks are lazy. deh right deh in black and white. Given your poor command of de English language and the fact that you are an uneducated dullard you don't grasp the implications. Guh get an education slime ball!!!!


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