sad three young people lives gone
for a parking spot.
That's how the redneck family is spinning it. North Carolina is a redneck state. It's sad to see three young lives wiped off the face of the earth in a flash. I still believe it's a hate crime.
sad three young people lives gone
for a parking spot.
That's how the redneck family is spinning it. North Carolina is a redneck state. It's sad to see three young lives wiped off the face of the earth in a flash. I still believe it's a hate crime.
It took over 13 hours for the main stream media to cover it and only after social media started to lambast them. and even then it was only given a few mins.
boy what a different news day in America would it be if this is what the killer looked like #ChapelHillShooting
sad three young people lives gone
for a parking spot.
What parking spot.
It took over 13 hours for the main stream media to cover it and only after social media started to lambast them. and even then it was only given a few mins.
There are many reasons why there could be a delay in the mainstream media getting a story. To simply speculate that it's because these victims were Muslim, the media deliberately withheld coverage on the story is simply ludicrous. I was working from home this morning and the TV was on CNN. The story was on their revolving list of stories being run every hour and it is still there so what nonsense are you talking about a few minutes. I checked news sites on the Internet such as Google News, CNN and even Faux News when I heard this ridiculous claim and the story was right at the top. If you were to check news sites right now it is still there. All the major newspapers websites have the story. There is blanket coverage on this story so stop your whining and lying.
A failed attempt to whip up the false narrative of murderous American Islamophobia against our poor innocent Muslim population.
Three people were killed over a parking spot. It's terrible. But it's routine rage murder. This wasn't a man driven by a political agenda, member of an extremist militant organization, bent on murdering Muslims to bring into reality Jesus' Caliphate. The fact that he killed three "Muslims" is the least relevant point of this whole story.
The murderer is an atheist. Atheists make anti-religious remarks all the time. To everyone. An atheist will go to a restaurant an order a table "for two atheists." I'm not sure atheism is a motivation for murder.
sad three young people lives gone
for a parking spot.
What parking spot.
A roommate of the victims who lived in the condo stated that there was an ongoing parking dispute between the victims and the man who is accused of killing them. He came to their condo a few times to complain and he also complained to the property managers that they were not parking in their assigned spots. The wife of the accused also confirmed that there was a dispute between her husband and the victims. Not that I believe that they should be killed for illegally parking but this is what was reported.
sad three young people lives gone
for a parking spot.
What parking spot.
A roommate of the victims who lived in the condo stated that there was an ongoing parking dispute between the victims and the man who is accused of killing them. He came to their condo a few times to complain and he also complained to the property managers that they were not parking in their assigned spots. The wife of the accused also confirmed that there was a dispute between her husband and the victims. Not that I believe that they should be killed for illegally parking but this is what was reported.
Sounds like these students just messed with the wrong dude.
Almost everyone who lives near a university knows just how awful students are to the local resident especially when it comes to parking and noise pollution.
The fact that this guy personally complained to them tells me he was most likely in the right and made a good faith effort to work it out. Then he went to their property manager after they blew him off. And then he lost it one day.
Lots of murders happen this way. Victims behave unreasonable in a social situation. Murderer flips out at their lack of reason and loses it.
It took over 13 hours for the main stream media to cover it and only after social media started to lambast them. and even then it was only given a few mins.
There are many reasons why there could be a delay in the mainstream media getting a story. To simply speculate that it's because these victims were Muslim, the media deliberately withheld coverage on the story is simply ludicrous. I was working from home this morning and the TV was on CNN. The story was on their revolving list of stories being run every hour and it is still there so what nonsense are you talking about a few minutes. I checked news sites on the Internet such as Google News, CNN and even Faux News when I heard this ridiculous claim and the story was right at the top. If you were to check news sites right now it is still there. All the major newspapers websites have the story. There is blanket coverage on this story so stop your whining and lying.
So you are saying that if the shooter was a Muslim and the victims were non muslims the same would have happened?
This incident happened yesterday afternoon not this morning.
The first news outlet to carry this story was not from the US bit the Independent in ENGLAND
Muslims, though not a race or tribe, must have a gene for lying. The human genome project should look into this.
Probably everyone in America and the whole world knows about this story for the sole reason that they are Muslims.
This is how special and protected you people are. If these were three black people, we wouldn't know about this. The media doesn't run headlines like "Three Black Christians Killed Over Parking Spot."
The bodies aren't even cold yet but you professional Muslim victims are already looking at ways to milk this for maximum political advantage.
I'm sure the usual choir of useful kuffar idiots will rub your shoulders and tell you how sorry they are that you Muslims must endure the modern day Holocaust that is America for Muslims.
It took over 13 hours for the main stream media to cover it and only after social media started to lambast them. and even then it was only given a few mins.
There are many reasons why there could be a delay in the mainstream media getting a story. To simply speculate that it's because these victims were Muslim, the media deliberately withheld coverage on the story is simply ludicrous. I was working from home this morning and the TV was on CNN. The story was on their revolving list of stories being run every hour and it is still there so what nonsense are you talking about a few minutes. I checked news sites on the Internet such as Google News, CNN and even Faux News when I heard this ridiculous claim and the story was right at the top. If you were to check news sites right now it is still there. All the major newspapers websites have the story. There is blanket coverage on this story so stop your whining and lying.
So you are saying that if the shooter was a Muslim and the victims were non muslims the same would have happened?
This incident happened yesterday afternoon not this morning.
The first news outlet to carry this story was not from the US bit the Independent in ENGLAND
Once again. There are many reasons why there could be a delay in the mainstream media getting a story. To simply speculate that it's because these victims were Muslim, the media deliberately withheld coverage on the story is simply ludicrous.
A parking dispute in Hicksville does not necessarily get media attention right away.
Actually the only reason why it is getting national coverage is because there are Muslim victims. If it was one crazy redneck killing three more over a parking spot, it might have never gone national.
It took over 13 hours for the main stream media to cover it and only after social media started to lambast them. and even then it was only given a few mins.
There are many reasons why there could be a delay in the mainstream media getting a story. To simply speculate that it's because these victims were Muslim, the media deliberately withheld coverage on the story is simply ludicrous. I was working from home this morning and the TV was on CNN. The story was on their revolving list of stories being run every hour and it is still there so what nonsense are you talking about a few minutes. I checked news sites on the Internet such as Google News, CNN and even Faux News when I heard this ridiculous claim and the story was right at the top. If you were to check news sites right now it is still there. All the major newspapers websites have the story. There is blanket coverage on this story so stop your whining and lying.
So you are saying that if the shooter was a Muslim and the victims were non muslims the same would have happened?
This incident happened yesterday afternoon not this morning.
The first news outlet to carry this story was not from the US bit the Independent in ENGLAND
Once again. There are many reasons why there could be a delay in the mainstream media getting a story. To simply speculate that it's because these victims were Muslim, the media deliberately withheld coverage on the story is simply ludicrous.
A parking dispute in Hicksville does not necessarily get media attention right away.
Actually the only reason why it is getting national coverage is because there are Muslim victims. If it was one crazy redneck killing three more over a parking spot, it might have never gone national.
So you saying that the media is not bias against Muslims?
So you saying that the media is not bias against Muslims?
Here we go. Crazy Muslim conspiracy shyte. Where would our current events be without the biased media, the CIA, International Jews, and the Mossad?
The media is quite biased when in comes to Muslims. Biased in their favor. Which is why the American media censors Muhammad cartoons, South Park censored Muhammad, why "Islamophobia" is a word, and why we're talking about three Muslims who got shot because they couldn't stop parking in their neighbor's spot.
We would not be talking about any other people who got shot for something so remarkably stupid and trivial. Only Muslims.
It took over 13 hours for the main stream media to cover it and only after social media started to lambast them. and even then it was only given a few mins.
There are many reasons why there could be a delay in the mainstream media getting a story. To simply speculate that it's because these victims were Muslim, the media deliberately withheld coverage on the story is simply ludicrous. I was working from home this morning and the TV was on CNN. The story was on their revolving list of stories being run every hour and it is still there so what nonsense are you talking about a few minutes. I checked news sites on the Internet such as Google News, CNN and even Faux News when I heard this ridiculous claim and the story was right at the top. If you were to check news sites right now it is still there. All the major newspapers websites have the story. There is blanket coverage on this story so stop your whining and lying.
So you are saying that if the shooter was a Muslim and the victims were non muslims the same would have happened?
This incident happened yesterday afternoon not this morning.
The first news outlet to carry this story was not from the US bit the Independent in ENGLAND
Once again. There are many reasons why there could be a delay in the mainstream media getting a story. To simply speculate that it's because these victims were Muslim, the media deliberately withheld coverage on the story is simply ludicrous.
A parking dispute in Hicksville does not necessarily get media attention right away.
Actually the only reason why it is getting national coverage is because there are Muslim victims. If it was one crazy redneck killing three more over a parking spot, it might have never gone national.
So you saying that the media is not bias against Muslims?
To say that the media is biased against Muslims is simply being ignorant of what makes up the media and how they operate. The media is a broad representation of many different organizations with several different owners and agendas. Some no doubt have anti-Muslim biases, some are Muslim friendly and some are generally neutral.
It took over 13 hours for the main stream media to cover it and only after social media started to lambast them. and even then it was only given a few mins.
There are many reasons why there could be a delay in the mainstream media getting a story. To simply speculate that it's because these victims were Muslim, the media deliberately withheld coverage on the story is simply ludicrous. I was working from home this morning and the TV was on CNN. The story was on their revolving list of stories being run every hour and it is still there so what nonsense are you talking about a few minutes. I checked news sites on the Internet such as Google News, CNN and even Faux News when I heard this ridiculous claim and the story was right at the top. If you were to check news sites right now it is still there. All the major newspapers websites have the story. There is blanket coverage on this story so stop your whining and lying.
So you are saying that if the shooter was a Muslim and the victims were non muslims the same would have happened?
This incident happened yesterday afternoon not this morning.
The first news outlet to carry this story was not from the US bit the Independent in ENGLAND
Once again. There are many reasons why there could be a delay in the mainstream media getting a story. To simply speculate that it's because these victims were Muslim, the media deliberately withheld coverage on the story is simply ludicrous.
A parking dispute in Hicksville does not necessarily get media attention right away.
Actually the only reason why it is getting national coverage is because there are Muslim victims. If it was one crazy redneck killing three more over a parking spot, it might have never gone national.
So you saying that the media is not bias against Muslims?
To say that the media is biased against Muslims is simply being ignorant of what makes up the media and how they operate. The media is a broad representation of many different organizations with several different owners and agendas. Some no doubt have anti-Muslim biases, some are Muslim friendly and some are generally neutral.
So how come when similar incidents happens and the Muslim is the perpetrator he is cslled a terrorist and when a non muslim is the perpetrator he is anything but a terrorist. And in the majority of cases the non muslim perpetrator is deemed to be a mental case before he is evaluated.
It took over 13 hours for the main stream media to cover it and only after social media started to lambast them. and even then it was only given a few mins.
There are many reasons why there could be a delay in the mainstream media getting a story. To simply speculate that it's because these victims were Muslim, the media deliberately withheld coverage on the story is simply ludicrous. I was working from home this morning and the TV was on CNN. The story was on their revolving list of stories being run every hour and it is still there so what nonsense are you talking about a few minutes. I checked news sites on the Internet such as Google News, CNN and even Faux News when I heard this ridiculous claim and the story was right at the top. If you were to check news sites right now it is still there. All the major newspapers websites have the story. There is blanket coverage on this story so stop your whining and lying.
So you are saying that if the shooter was a Muslim and the victims were non muslims the same would have happened?
This incident happened yesterday afternoon not this morning.
The first news outlet to carry this story was not from the US bit the Independent in ENGLAND
Once again. There are many reasons why there could be a delay in the mainstream media getting a story. To simply speculate that it's because these victims were Muslim, the media deliberately withheld coverage on the story is simply ludicrous.
A parking dispute in Hicksville does not necessarily get media attention right away.
Actually the only reason why it is getting national coverage is because there are Muslim victims. If it was one crazy redneck killing three more over a parking spot, it might have never gone national.
So you saying that the media is not bias against Muslims?
To say that the media is biased against Muslims is simply being ignorant of what makes up the media and how they operate. The media is a broad representation of many different organizations with several different owners and agendas. Some no doubt have anti-Muslim biases, some are Muslim friendly and some are generally neutral.
So how come when similar incidents happens and the Muslim is the perpetrator he is cslled a terrorist and when a non muslim is the perpetrator he is anything but a terrorist. And in the majority of cases the non muslim perpetrator is deemed to be a mental case before he is evaluated.
Because Muslim terrorists are Muslim terrorists. And criminals are criminals. And criminals who are mentally insane are criminals who are mentally insane.
Stop fishing for tales of Muslim victim hood. They are few.
The moral of this story is to not be wrang and strang and maybe some madman won't shoot you in your head for said wrang and strang behavior.
So how come when similar incidents happens and the Muslim is the perpetrator he is cslled a terrorist and when a non muslim is the perpetrator he is anything but a terrorist. And in the majority of cases the non muslim perpetrator is deemed to be a mental case before he is evaluated.
This is a parking dispute between neighbors gone bad. Seems a bit different to the contemporary standard definition of terrorism, don't you think?
The moral of this story is to not be wrang and strang and maybe some madman won't shoot you in your head for said wrang and strang behavior.
Where is it reported that the victims were wrong and strong?
So how come when similar incidents happens and the Muslim is the perpetrator he is cslled a terrorist and when a non muslim is the perpetrator he is anything but a terrorist. And in the majority of cases the non muslim perpetrator is deemed to be a mental case before he is evaluated.
This is a parking dispute between neighbors gone bad. Seems a bit different to the contemporary standard definition of terrorism, don't you think?
It is a pity the victims cant tell their side of the story
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