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Danyael posted:
Amral posted:

America is voting for a change  like Guyana for the first woman and the most competent individual ever to run for the office.

If she is the most competent we have a real problem. If Hillary couldn't run off an idiot like Trump how will she deal with Congress?  The GOP will spend the next 4 years trying to put her in jail.

caribny posted:
Danyael posted:
Amral posted:

America is voting for a change  like Guyana for the first woman and the most competent individual ever to run for the office.

If she is the most competent we have a real problem. If Hillary couldn't run off an idiot like Trump how will she deal with Congress?  The GOP will spend the next 4 years trying to put her in jail.

Yes she is the most prepared and competent we ever had running for office. Her credentials speak to that your personal gripes notwithstanding.

The nation is fiercely divided and the GOP itself is on a worse track. That clown, clowned his way through 16 competent republicans with lies and carney tricks. The media did not fight back. They are learning. There will be a lot of soul searching when this is over if they should let surrogates pivot ceaseless to talking points everyone know are lies an not shut them down. It let the campaign process become a circus and the narrative that the system is rigged proliferate.

Add to those parlor tricks the daily leeks and the email scandal ( a non issues since she used two systems which no one ever made clear and after 60000 mail only 3 were suspect. Check the sigma value of that against congress itself who deal with secrets and use gmail; the reason the DNC got hacked.

Danyael posted:

Yes she is the most prepared and competent we ever had running for office. Her credentials speak to that your personal gripes notwithstanding.


Folks said this about Obama and yet 8 years later little has been accomplished.  Yes we have recovered from the Bush train wreck but the "change" that we voted for in 2008 hasn't materialized.

It isn't that Obama broke promises. Its just that he couldn't control the GOP Congress.  Obama surely would have demolished Trump.

If Hillary hasn't been able to demolish a jackass like Trump, who should be easy to dispatch as his flaws are apparent to most sane people, then how will she control Congress?

Hillary is bright, but if she couldn't send Trump to victories only in WV, KY. TN, AL, and MI, then she will not be able to control Congress.  She should be stomping Trump in NC and FL, and having clear leads in GA and AZ.  Yet she is dead heat in the first two and most predict that she will lose the other two, even if she does better than Obama did.

Hillary needed to demolish Trump, so that the GOP would be forced to see the Satanic forces that it has allowed to control it.  We need a responsible GOP because we need a responsible Congress.

Congress will remain GOP controlled because it is gerrymandered, thanks to the fact that the GOP won more state houses in 2010 as part of a backlash against Obama.

RiffRaff posted:

FL, NC, NV, PA all will go Hillary

OH may shock some folks and also go Hillary...also watch out for GA

By 9:30PM. the race will be close to being over...if not called already

Recent polls showing FL for Trump with a very close margin. Ditto for NC.  Nail biters.

NV is going Clinton. Don't know why anyone will think otherwise. Ditto VA.

The election will be decided in the Midwest.  Hillary has a definite white working class problem and there are many of these in the Midwest. What is disturbing is that they traditionally voted for the Dems, which is why states like PA, and MI, 80% white, were secure Democratic bastions.  So if large numbers shift to Trump this can hurt.

No way GA is going Democratic, especially if there is a reduced black vote.

 If Danyael really wanted to help he would have been in Scranton teaching sense to people who get info from the media, and as a result have been fed a diet of Hillary emails.  To the point where they even think that both are equally dishonest so they got to go with the fraud who promotes a scam that he will "bring back jobs".   No point preaching to the choir.

Last edited by Former Member
RiffRaff posted:

Media trying to make it close because they want maximum viewers. 

This will be a blowout for Hillary

Why will Nate Silver, Barack Obama, and others want to do this?

Maybe they see what is happening on the ground and know that a 30% chance of being shot is too high a risk to take.

You are saying that all is well because you have a 70% chance of not getting shot.


Yep with this I am a much happier person today.  NC and FL might swing Hillary's way and I will be shocked if PA, MI, and WI don't as well.

In addition this means that Ryan will not be wasting the people's time on some silly attempt to impeach Hillary. He will have to investigate what exactly happened with the FBI and Comey.

Yuji is in deep tears. Or is it Cobra. One of these Indo KKK was promising good news for Monday morning.

Good news for Hillary that is.

caribny posted:
Danyael posted:
Amral posted:

America is voting for a change  like Guyana for the first woman and the most competent individual ever to run for the office.

If she is the most competent we have a real problem. If Hillary couldn't run off an idiot like Trump how will she deal with Congress?  The GOP will spend the next 4 years trying to put her in jail.

Political campaigning is a different exercise than governing. Why does this simple phenomenon escape you?

cain posted:

I've heard the blacks will be out there full force for Hillary.

The black elites are trying to do this.  Whether the final turn out matches 2012 is left to be seen.

Even if it matches this the Democratic party needs to learn that support from blacks, based only on their fear of the racist elements within the GOP isn't sustainable. 

Hillary will get votes based on fear of Trump, that faith that she will be transformative in a way that Obama failed to be.  What did he do after all to reduce the implicit bias that raises the barriers for black professionals and business owners than it does for others?  He couldn't even help himself, as he too suffered this!

The GOP have already proven that if they come correct to blacks they can get 20-30% black support.   This is why NJ is a total blue state, yet has a GOP governor.   Christie won 21% of the black vote (40% of the YOUNG black vote) and 50% of the Hispanic vote. This is also why 85% Democrat NYC locked Democratic mayors out of office for 20 years.  Bloomberg in fact won the Caribbean vote in his second term, though he didn't in his last.

I suggest that the Democratic party prepare for the day when the GOP catch their senses, rid their party of its Satanic elements, and mount aggressive campaigns to win over minority voters.

The GOP fully knows that if it can capture the black middle class (the ones who agree with Cosby's assessment of the black underclass) it can wreak severe damage on the Democratic party.

Blacks after all are socially conservative, and there is an ethos of self reliance which permeates BOTH Southern and Caribbean blacks, and the black upper middle class don't like paying taxes any more than do others.  Blacks also want school vouchers as they have given up on the public school system.

I was in Harlem once when Jack Kemp was walking around with some local politicians. You should have seen the cheers  from ordinary Harlemites.

It will shock Danyael and Kari that whole swathes of the black population yearn for a GOP candidate who they can get behind, of for no other reason than to tell the black and white liberal elites that the Dems don't own them.

Kari posted:

Political campaigning is a different exercise than governing. Why does this simple phenomenon escape you?

Yes we do know that campaigning is one thing, but governing is another.

FACT.  Chatter about the "change" that was spoken of in 2008 seems silly. Even liberals laugh at this.  When asked why it didn't happen the assessment is that Obama didn't know how to get Congress to work with him. He had TWO years when he controlled both the House and the Senate, and yet after 2 years he lost the House, and then he lost the Senate.

This despite the fact that the GOP was beaten down and humiliated by the damage that George Bush had done, not only to the USA, but to the entire world. 

A man like LBJ would have known what to do.  After 6 months the GOP, despite being weak, due to the Bush fiasco, refused to cooperate. Obama should have then pushed through his Infrastructure Bank which would have funded the "shovel ready" projects that he was talking about, and that the country needs, given its crumbling infrastructure.

He lost the House in 2010 because he didn't seem to care about the fact that millions of people were still jobless and in desperate financial straits.

But instead he tried to appease the GOP, who sensed that his need to do this was a source of power for them. So instead the focused on capturing the House and the State legislatures. Proceeded to gerrymander congressional districts, once they had achieved this, and the rest is history. 

This because his stimulus was inadequate, because he sought love from the GOP, instead of doing what was needed.  A virtual Marshall Plan for the USA.

Blacks, the group most loyal to him, still can be gunned down in the streets, for "Driving While Black" this 8 years after having a black president. 

Last edited by Former Member

And Kari the economy didn't recover because of Obama. It recovered because the Feds printed money, so kept interest rates low. This created an asset bubble. 

The slow recovery was because that printed money accrued to the elites as asset valuations ballooned, instead of being used to buy bonds issued by the Infrastructure Bank.  That would have funded projects which would have created job growth earlier on in the recovery, as well as stimulated consumption. It might have reduced the degree of income inequality, which in fact got worse since 2008, and is only now beginning to become some what less drastic. This after 7 years.

Obama had too many Rich White Liberals around him, whose focus is on alternate energy, though not in places where they live, or (white) gay rights, or some other cause that celebrities love to babble about.

Last edited by Former Member

Obama's 2008 change, for those who forgot, is about how America deals with its disadvantaged and the rest of the world (following 8 years of duplicitous relationships and a wrecking of the housing and credit markets) - as seen by Obamacare and Obama's foreign policy.

You have an argument about that Caribny?

Have you forgotten about Obama's deliberate policy to save a major American industry (and not your hero Federal Reserve) - the automobile industry?

Have you forgotten the green energy initiatives?

You would, because a Black President did not give you handouts and because he had some smart white people along with influential people at Justice and National security. You're just an Obama hater.

Kari posted:

Obama's 2008 change, for those who forgot, is about how America deals with its disadvantaged

And how is life for the disadvantaged improved?  Every one concedes that income inequality has gotten worse and in fact the rise of Bernie Sanders and Trump should let you know that there is a pox on both the Democrats AND the GOP.

Well the GOP say that people are poor because they are lazy, so we clearly don't expect solutions from them.

Let me remind you. After almost 8 years we have a Black Lives Movement which is doing for Obama's most loyal supporters what Obama himself should have done. The man only speaks on this topic when his silence becomes embarrassing.

Yes Obama rescued the auto industry in 2009. What did he do after that. Need I remind you also that this same industry ridded itself of its black employees by first moving to the suburbs, and then shifting to parts of the South with LOW black populations!  Clearly the state of Detroit and Flint show scant benefits to blacks.

And what did Obama do to help Flint. It took him a long time to visit New Orleans, which was still suffering when he became president.

As far as I am concerned Obama is a mocha colored liberal white man.  The problems that blacks had in 2005 they still have today. Clearly showing up in record numbers to vote for him has brought scant benefits to them.

Kari posted:



You would, because a Black President did not give you handouts

Oh yes Kari. All blacks folks want is welfare.  Funny that this is what FOX TV peddles.

Kari if this is what the Democrats think then we have nothing to fear from the Republicans.

No wonder so many younger blacks think that voting is a waste of their time, if people like you harbor as racist attitudes towards them as do Republicans.

Its interesting how your latent disrespect for blacks occasionally shows, when you forget to be politically correct enough to hide it.

Yes the notion of the lazy black man peddled by baseman, yuji, druggie and KARI!

Accept the fact that Obama is a half white man, raised by whites and that none of his girlfriends before Michelle were black. And yes Kari I know people who knew him when he was young. Why you think he doesn't get into his life in NYC in his auto bio?  He had NOTHING to do with black people!

Last edited by Former Member

OW maaaan, carib here's what I think should play out. The blacks should sit on their asses and complain about how they were ignored by this body and that body so they aint gonna stand in no dam line and vote. Let Trump get in...they'll be standing in lines waiting their turn to be lynched.

Last edited by cain
caribny posted:

I was in Harlem once when Jack Kemp was walking around with some local politicians. You should have seen the cheers  from ordinary Harlemites.

It will shock Danyael and Kari that whole swathes of the black population yearn for a GOP candidate who they can get behind, of for no other reason than to tell the black and white liberal elites that the Dems don't own them.

I met Jack Kemp once. He lived in my hood and saw him often. I also liked his politics since he was a democrat in every way but party designation. Black people in general have been heavily inoculated against republicans. Only obviously strange ones like Tea bagger Kathrine  Pierson, Rev Mark Burnes,Bruce LeVell, Omorosa and the revolting "Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway and Rochelle “Silk” Richardson. Black people in general abhor these peoples. The reason is because they do the the GOP. It will take someone in the GOP we have not heard of to appeal to black people. I do not know any name in the GOP,  except Michael Steele, who can be tolerated by Black people



caribny posted:
Danyael posted:

Yes she is the most prepared and competent we ever had running for office. Her credentials speak to that your personal gripes notwithstanding.


Folks said this about Obama and yet 8 years later little has been accomplished.  Yes we have recovered from the Bush train wreck but the "change" that we voted for in 2008 hasn't materialized.

It isn't that Obama broke promises. Its just that he couldn't control the GOP Congress.  Obama surely would have demolished Trump.

If Hillary hasn't been able to demolish a jackass like Trump, who should be easy to dispatch as his flaws are apparent to most sane people, then how will she control Congress?

Hillary is bright, but if she couldn't send Trump to victories only in WV, KY. TN, AL, and MI, then she will not be able to control Congress.  She should be stomping Trump in NC and FL, and having clear leads in GA and AZ.  Yet she is dead heat in the first two and most predict that she will lose the other two, even if she does better than Obama did.

Hillary needed to demolish Trump, so that the GOP would be forced to see the Satanic forces that it has allowed to control it.  We need a responsible GOP because we need a responsible Congress.

Congress will remain GOP controlled because it is gerrymandered, thanks to the fact that the GOP won more state houses in 2010 as part of a backlash against Obama.

RiffRaff posted:

FL, NC, NV, PA all will go Hillary

OH may shock some folks and also go Hillary...also watch out for GA

By 9:30PM. the race will be close to being over...if not called already

Recent polls showing FL for Trump with a very close margin. Ditto for NC.  Nail biters.

NV is going Clinton. Don't know why anyone will think otherwise. Ditto VA.

The election will be decided in the Midwest.  Hillary has a definite white working class problem and there are many of these in the Midwest. What is disturbing is that they traditionally voted for the Dems, which is why states like PA, and MI, 80% white, were secure Democratic bastions.  So if large numbers shift to Trump this can hurt.

No way GA is going Democratic, especially if there is a reduced black vote.

 If Danyael really wanted to help he would have been in Scranton teaching sense to people who get info from the media, and as a result have been fed a diet of Hillary emails.  To the point where they even think that both are equally dishonest so they got to go with the fraud who promotes a scam that he will "bring back jobs".   No point preaching to the choir.

Obama did a lot. I do not aim to list what he did and discount it against a wishlist of what should be done knowing the intransigence of a do nothing republican congress.

I also am not in the educating business. I am in the living the best life I can business. My aim is to do my part in making Mrs C president however little the contribution and let her go from there. She is as prepared as anyone can be so I am not worrying.

It is not my obligation to change minds in Scranton. They had their own lives to become self aware and observant of the media and its direction.  

cain posted:

. The blacks should sit on their asses and complain about how they were ignored by this body

Tell you what. If for 50 years you were the most loyal support base of a party, and that party ignored you, would you not have a right to complain?

The Democrats target every group except blacks, because they think that they own blacks. The result being a response to initiative proposed by white gays, white women, Hispanics and every other group.

The response for blacks is that if you don't vote for us the KKK will burn cross.

This is why many blacks yearn for a GOP which is less ridiculous, so that we can threaten the Democratic party with a shift if they continue their disrespect.

Without black support the Democrats lose. Its that simple.

Take warning. Young blacks are registering as Independents in large numbers. They cannot register as Republicans for obvious reasons, but those days may not be that far off.

I suggest that you learn that the black millennial is NOT the loyal soldier that their grandparents are, because they consider LBJ and the Civil Rights movement as ancient history.

In fact I just heard that for Hillary to win in PA she needs a huge black turn out, and she is running around like mad to get it. Maybe if the Democrats didn't ignore the black vote they wouldn't have to be this desperate in terms of trying to get black turn out.

Let us say that next time the GOP fields a guy like Kasich, or even Rubio you think that the Democrats can scare out the black vote. Hillary better do what Obama didn't do and that is given blacks a reason to think that their support is valued.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:

Obama did a lot.

You don't have to tell people what he did. Understand that Hillary might be a one term president if the GOP learn their lesson and select some one like Kasich or Rubio last time.

These aren't scary folks and the black millennials and young Gen Xers who are skeptical about the Democratic party mightn't vote for them, but to run around at the last minuet screaming that "if you don't vote for us the KKK will ride" will look silly.

Sorry the Dems take their black vote for granted just as the PPP takes the Indian vote, and the PNC takes the black vote for granted.

Its a pattern that when asked what the Dems did for blacks over the past 8 years the response is like yours. Yet tomorrow you will be begging blacks to vote, because that is the only way that the overwhelming white working class vote in the rest of the state can be offset.

Chief posted:

Blacks will vote for Hillary, put that in your pipe and smoke it.

The youngest black is aware of what is stacked against them!

They will this time because it is Trump who is a monster.

Next time if it is a man like Kasich, if the Dems don't give them a reason to vote many will not.

The relationship between the Dems and blacks is like that of being an abused spouse. At some point the abuse needs to end.

Christie won 20% of the black vote and 50% of the Hispanic vote last time. Bloomberg won a big chunk of the black vote, especially the Caribbean component.

So don't think that its impossible for a reason GOP candidate can do serious damage to the Democrats by splitting the black vote.

If the GOP lose badly tomorrow they might well begin to understand that they need to change. 

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:

Blacks will vote for Hillary, put that in your pipe and smoke it.

The youngest black is aware of what is stacked against them!

You are 100% correct. That is for the ones who care to vote. They complain about being marginalized. However, they do not vote to change the system. If you don't vote, don't complain. Ain't nobody gat time for dat!!!!

Danyael posted:
caribny posted:

I was in Harlem once when Jack Kemp was walking around with some local politicians. You should have seen the cheers  from ordinary Harlemites.

It will shock Danyael and Kari that whole swathes of the black population yearn for a GOP candidate who they can get behind, of for no other reason than to tell the black and white liberal elites that the Dems don't own them.

I met Jack Kemp once. He lived in my hood and saw him often. I also liked his politics since he was a democrat in every way but party designation. Black people in general have been heavily inoculated against republicans.



In fact when Kemp was walking around Harlem he was with DEMOCRATIC black politicians and the crowds gave him strong response.

I think that you chat too much with the 70 year old grannies. It is they are the ones who think that they will go to hell if they don't vote for the Democrats.

Chat with their 30 y/o grandkids and you might get a good suck teeth.

There is a black generational transfer that is coming. The emerging group know nothing about the pre Civil Rights era, and so don't care.

What they care about is that 8 years of a black Democratic president who has to be dragged kicking and screaming to address issues raised by the Black Lives Movement. 

What they care about is the continued attitudes by people like Kari who equate their demands for equality to a demand for a handout. When white women demand the same Kari's response would be different. He would respect their right to do this, as in fact did the Obama administration, which has responded to blacks exactly as Kari did.


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