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Of interest to me is how and why Jones chose Guyana to set up camp. Look at this piece of information on Guyana. Maybe D2 can shed some light on this.




To understand the significance of next occurred, one has to go back more than one hundred years.  It was then, in the Northwest District of Guyana, that a prophet named Smith issued a call to the country's disenfranchised Amerindians, summoning them to a redoubt in the Pakaraima Mountains---the land of El Dorado.

Akawaios, Caribs and Arawaks came from all around to witness what they were told would be the Millennium.  "They would see God," Smith promised, "be free from all calamities of life, and possess lands of such boundless fertility, that a...(large) crop of cassava would grow from a single stick."

But Smith had lied. And "when the Millennium failed to materialize, the followers were told they had to die in order to be resurrected as white people...

"At a great camp meeting in 1845, some 400 people killed themselves."


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