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Originally Posted by Chief:



SECONDLY  PLEASE READ THE ARTICLE AGAIN, THE protestors were targeting muslim business owners.

The sole purpose of relgion is to explain the sacred scriptures. Between the Jews and the Muslims, they strive to have an ownership of God. Allah cannot be God of the Jews, because a lot of Jewish Kings were drinking men and even Jesus on His first miracle turned water into wine. Please doan forget converted

muslims are not the ppl of the Book. It is stated, specifically, those ppl are Jews and the tribes of the Middle east.


The fact is Muslims have their own rules of behavior in their own communities and among their own people. If they want to beat their children or their brothers that is their own business. 

Non Muslims seem to be experts at giving advice and explaining Islamic behavior to Muslims.  They feel it is their right to interfere and advise Muslims on how they should and should not live, yet ignore the state of their own societies. 

Yet these experts are the first to agree when someone is thrown off a plane if they pray, or their headwear is banned, or quick to oppose the building of a mosque.

Maybe these experts should look at their own issues, and not be so quick to judge others. The world would be a better place.


Originally Posted by TI:

The fact is Muslims have their own rules of behavior in their own communities and among their own people. If they want to beat their children or their brothers that is their own business. 

Non Muslims seem to be experts at giving advice and explaining Islamic behavior to Muslims.  They feel it is their right to interfere and advise Muslims on how they should and should not live, yet ignore the state of their own societies. 

Yet these experts are the first to agree when someone is thrown off a plane if they pray, or their headwear is banned, or quick to oppose the building of a mosque.

Maybe these experts should look at their own issues, and not be so quick to judge others. The world would be a better place.


You are out of your damn mind. We are not in Saudi or Pakistan. The principle of non injury and non curtailing of liberty except one is authoritative by the state is hard and fast.


Yes we are hard and fast with rules in a society under a principle and that mu slims live here does not mean we must bend to their rules. We do not ask Catholics or Hindus or any to do any other than Muslims are ask to do. We do not prescribe the exercise of their religion in so far as it does not intrude on the state's prerogative to govern in  a plurality.


No one has the right to beat up on another or to force another to do what he/she does not willingly want to do. It matters not if one believes that person is a brother sister, cousin or of the same religion.


The state is the state with all its failure. It is the only model in a consensus democracy. People argue and differ but do not demand others confirm.  I do not give a damn what Muslims or any believe in their sanctimonious yapping about their clean living.


I can see why the Taliban does as they do. If you in this society with an understanding of its fundamental organization believes a muslim has a right to beat up on another muslim because the one doing the beating presumes he knows the right rules then you are just as fundamentalist in thinking as the taliban.


Originally Posted by TI:

D2 piling up his rocks for the protest against the new mosque they putting up in Manhattan.  

I do not give a damn about churches or mosques or ashrams or sacred tree. I care you do not force it down my throat or on account of your holy writ presumes you are the authority on my life.


As I said, were to be religious I would be a Buddhist and next an animist of whatever ilk The most unfortunate that we are stuck with Abraham and his dysfunctional children. Abrahamic religions have been the bane of us all for 2000 years.


You are out of your damn mind. We are not in Saudi or Pakistan. The principle of non injury and non curtailing of liberty except one is authoritative by the state is hard and fast.


Does pelting bricks at these fellows conform to these principles? Or are there caveats granted to the experts in these matters?


Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by TI:

D2 piling up his rocks for the protest against the new mosque they putting up in Manhattan.  

I do not give a damn about churches or mosques or ashrams or sacred tree. I care you do not force it down my throat or on account of your holy writ presumes you are the authority on my life.


As I said, were to be religious I would be a Buddhist and next an animist of whatever ilk The most unfortunate that we are stuck with Abraham and his dysfunctional children. Abrahamic religions have been the bane of us all for 2000 years.

What, you are still not protesting vociferously about building of mosques in Manhattan? Are you denying your convictions as Peter denied Jesus? Woe be to you!

Immediately a rooster crowed and Peter remembered the word of Jesus who had said to him, 'Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.' So he went out and wept bitterly." (Matt. 26:69-75)

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by TI:

D2 piling up his rocks for the protest against the new mosque they putting up in Manhattan.  

I do not give a damn about churches or mosques or ashrams or sacred tree. I care you do not force it down my throat or on account of your holy writ presumes you are the authority on my life.


As I said, were to be religious I would be a Buddhist and next an animist of whatever ilk The most unfortunate that we are stuck with Abraham and his dysfunctional children. Abrahamic religions have been the bane of us all for 2000 years.

What, you are still not protesting vociferously about building of mosques in Manhattan? Are you denying your convictions as Peter denied Jesus? Woe be to you!

Immediately a rooster crowed and Peter remembered the word of Jesus who had said to him, 'Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.' So he went out and wept bitterly." (Matt. 26:69-75)

 What did I deny? I said my piece. It was not on account on the need to build a mosque but as that idiot above said, he wants to build a mosque on the ruins of Buckingham palace and Westminster Abby. That is the Muslim way. Why do you think we have the Dome on the rock and minarets on Haga Sophia etc Muslim triumphalism. Now where in the world or on what macabre reasoning you bring st Peter into this?

Originally Posted by TI:

You are out of your damn mind. We are not in Saudi or Pakistan. The principle of non injury and non curtailing of liberty except one is authoritative by the state is hard and fast.


Does pelting bricks at these fellows conform to these principles? Or are there caveats granted to the experts in these matters?


Pelting rocks is defense. One has a right to fight. No expertise need arbitrate the matter. If a bully wants to give you 40 lashes because he believes you are not in compliance with his faith....out comes my rock.

Originally Posted by TI:

The fact is Muslims have their own rules of behavior in their own communities and among their own people. If they want to beat their children or their brothers that is their own business. 

Non Muslims seem to be experts at giving advice and explaining Islamic behavior to Muslims.  They feel it is their right to interfere and advise Muslims on how they should and should not live, yet ignore the state of their own societies. 

Yet these experts are the first to agree when someone is thrown off a plane if they pray, or their headwear is banned, or quick to oppose the building of a mosque.

Maybe these experts should look at their own issues, and not be so quick to judge others. The world would be a better place.


Are you saying Muslims should practise physical abuse without repercussions? Is that why some of them kill their girl children? If they live in a society which this is not the norm, should they be held to a different standard?

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by TI:

The fact is Muslims have their own rules of behavior in their own communities and among their own people. If they want to beat their children or their brothers that is their own business. 

Non Muslims seem to be experts at giving advice and explaining Islamic behavior to Muslims.  They feel it is their right to interfere and advise Muslims on how they should and should not live, yet ignore the state of their own societies. 

Yet these experts are the first to agree when someone is thrown off a plane if they pray, or their headwear is banned, or quick to oppose the building of a mosque.

Maybe these experts should look at their own issues, and not be so quick to judge others. The world would be a better place.


Are you saying Muslims should practise physical abuse without repercussions? Is that why some of them kill their girl children? If they live in a society which this is not the norm, should they be held to a different standard?

This here is not about killing girl children. These are threats against their Paki brothers. I for one don't care if Pakis drop lashes on other Pakis, whether it is right or wrong. The problem is that other people seem to care so much, they writing epistles on the subject. The British authorities have not mentioned anything, but GNIers are up in arms to see a Paki get some lash.

Meanwhile when Paki children get killed by drones, I hear nothing, except for some cheers!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by TI:

You are out of your damn mind. We are not in Saudi or Pakistan. The principle of non injury and non curtailing of liberty except one is authoritative by the state is hard and fast.


Does pelting bricks at these fellows conform to these principles? Or are there caveats granted to the experts in these matters?


Pelting rocks is defense. One has a right to fight. No expertise need arbitrate the matter. If a bully wants to give you 40 lashes because he believes you are not in compliance with his faith....out comes my rock.

So you are saying in effect, it is quite legitimate for you to pelt a rock on a protestor, maybe killing him in the process, in response to him making a threat to lash his brother?

 Maybe in your eyes, grievously wounding or killing a Muslim is quite reasonable and acceptable, whereas a Muslim lashing his brother is unacceptable?  

Seems quite contradictory to me.


May I remind you also, that Gentle Jesus (aka God as per some) drop lash on the moneylenders for more of less the same reason of tainting the sanctity of religion?  

Would you have thrown a brick on God too?


Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by TI:

The fact is Muslims have their own rules of behavior in their own communities and among their own people. If they want to beat their children or their brothers that is their own business. 

Non Muslims seem to be experts at giving advice and explaining Islamic behavior to Muslims.  They feel it is their right to interfere and advise Muslims on how they should and should not live, yet ignore the state of their own societies. 

Yet these experts are the first to agree when someone is thrown off a plane if they pray, or their headwear is banned, or quick to oppose the building of a mosque.

Maybe these experts should look at their own issues, and not be so quick to judge others. The world would be a better place.


Are you saying Muslims should practise physical abuse without repercussions? Is that why some of them kill their girl children? If they live in a society which this is not the norm, should they be held to a different standard?

This here is not about killing girl children. These are threats against their Paki brothers. I for one don't care if Pakis drop lashes on other Pakis, whether it is right or wrong. The problem is that other people seem to care so much, they writing epistles on the subject. The British authorities have not mentioned anything, but GNIers are up in arms to see a Paki get some lash.

Meanwhile when Paki children get killed by drones, I hear nothing, except for some cheers!

the British authorities has the fellow on constant surveillance. They call him an eminent threat. Their belief system is not that of a loud mouthed Paki wanting to fight another. The are a home grown cell of osama adherents. They insist he is their spiritual example.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by TI:

You are out of your damn mind. We are not in Saudi or Pakistan. The principle of non injury and non curtailing of liberty except one is authoritative by the state is hard and fast.


Does pelting bricks at these fellows conform to these principles? Or are there caveats granted to the experts in these matters?


Pelting rocks is defense. One has a right to fight. No expertise need arbitrate the matter. If a bully wants to give you 40 lashes because he believes you are not in compliance with his faith....out comes my rock.

So you are saying in effect, it is quite legitimate for you to pelt a rock on a protestor, maybe killing him in the process, in response to him making a threat to lash his brother?

 Maybe in your eyes, grievously wounding or killing a Muslim is quite reasonable and acceptable, whereas a Muslim lashing his brother is unacceptable?  

Seems quite contradictory to me.


May I remind you also, that Gentle Jesus (aka God as per some) drop lash on the moneylenders for more of less the same reason of tainting the sanctity of religion?  

Would you have thrown a brick on God too?


I did not say pelting a rock at a protestor. That inference is completely Spurious. Is if there is a group intending my neighbor or friend or even myself harm because they insist that individual does not comply with what the deem is their faith compliance system then I will willingly defend my friend if needs be.


BTW, jesus was in the temple that was infested by a crooked prelature.

The only thing contradictory is your apparently attempts at making it seems that the have a right to enforce their rules on their people. No such rights exist. And to Christians he is god, so there is no AKA.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by TI:

D2 piling up his rocks for the protest against the new mosque they putting up in Manhattan.  

I do not give a damn about churches or mosques or ashrams or sacred tree. I care you do not force it down my throat or on account of your holy writ presumes you are the authority on my life.


As I said, were to be religious I would be a Buddhist and next an animist of whatever ilk The most unfortunate that we are stuck with Abraham and his dysfunctional children. Abrahamic religions have been the bane of us all for 2000 years.

What, you are still not protesting vociferously about building of mosques in Manhattan? Are you denying your convictions as Peter denied Jesus? Woe be to you!

Immediately a rooster crowed and Peter remembered the word of Jesus who had said to him, 'Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.' So he went out and wept bitterly." (Matt. 26:69-75)

 What did I deny? I said my piece. It was not on account on the need to build a mosque but as that idiot above said, he wants to build a mosque on the ruins of Buckingham palace and Westminster Abby. That is the Muslim way. Why do you think we have the Dome on the rock and minarets on Haga Sophia etc Muslim triumphalism. Now where in the world or on what macabre reasoning you bring st Peter into this?

I read above that you do not "give a damn about churches or mosques or ashrams or sacred tree."


Yet when some zealous fellow, supported by Mayor Bloomberg, decided to build a mosque in Manhattan, you took to the streets with your bricks, vociferously protesting the horror of this dastardly act!



Methinks you do care, despite what you claim!


Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by TI:

D2 piling up his rocks for the protest against the new mosque they putting up in Manhattan.  

I do not give a damn about churches or mosques or ashrams or sacred tree. I care you do not force it down my throat or on account of your holy writ presumes you are the authority on my life.


As I said, were to be religious I would be a Buddhist and next an animist of whatever ilk The most unfortunate that we are stuck with Abraham and his dysfunctional children. Abrahamic religions have been the bane of us all for 2000 years.

What, you are still not protesting vociferously about building of mosques in Manhattan? Are you denying your convictions as Peter denied Jesus? Woe be to you!

Immediately a rooster crowed and Peter remembered the word of Jesus who had said to him, 'Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.' So he went out and wept bitterly." (Matt. 26:69-75)

 What did I deny? I said my piece. It was not on account on the need to build a mosque but as that idiot above said, he wants to build a mosque on the ruins of Buckingham palace and Westminster Abby. That is the Muslim way. Why do you think we have the Dome on the rock and minarets on Haga Sophia etc Muslim triumphalism. Now where in the world or on what macabre reasoning you bring st Peter into this?

I read above that you do not "give a damn about churches or mosques or ashrams or sacred tree."


Yet when some zealous fellow, supported by Mayor Bloomberg, decided to build a mosque in Manhattan, you took to the streets with your bricks, vociferously protesting the horror of this dastardly act!



Methinks you do care, despite what you claim!


When did you see me in NY with rocks? I said I did not support the idea and I still think it is a finger in the eye  that a mosque should be built there. However, the system said it is permissible. What you think seldom intersects with what I think. Let me reiterate; I am an atheist. I think this god delusion is the worse for the planet. BTW we are the fastest growing religion and we do not have rituals, ideology or churches!


Atheists are growing, Islam is growing, and both Christianity and Judaism are declining. The new pool of atheists are coming from disillusioned Christians and Jews. There are actually more practicing Muslims in Florida than practicing Jews, strange as it may seem.  At this rate, the future world lies between the atheists and Muslims.  Then we will see if atheism will make inroads into Islam, or vice versa.

Originally Posted by TI:

Atheists are growing, Islam is growing, and both Christianity and Judaism are declining. The new pool of atheists are coming from disillusioned Christians and Jews. There are actually more practicing Muslims in Florida than practicing Jews, strange as it may seem.  At this rate, the future world lies between the atheists and Muslims.  Then we will see if atheism will make inroads into Islam, or vice versa.

Judaism is not a proselytizing religion so their numbers are understood. There is no evidence that Christianity is declining. Some 2 and a half billion people call it their faith and if history is a guide...they are not going anywhere.


Atheists are not simply those who say the believe in no god as western atheistic. The Chinese ancestor worship and African ancestor worship as well as animists are all atheists . They do not believe in god but in an anthropic principle that says we are here by sheer luck and the "religion" is to embrace its tenuous hold so animist respect nature as a living being of which they are a part. In that sense even a rock is a brother. BTW in a direct sense even  Bhuddist who believe in the 8 fold way are atheist. That is a hell of a lot of people in the unbeliever clan.

Islam is dead set on converting the world...that is their Sisyphean task and I do not envy them. Of all the religion it would be the least I would choose followed by Christianity and Judaism. They do not make much logical sense and I am sure if there is a god he/she/it cannot be illogical.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by TI:

The fact is Muslims have their own rules of behavior in their own communities and among their own people. If they want to beat their children or their brothers that is their own business. 

Non Muslims seem to be experts at giving advice and explaining Islamic behavior to Muslims.  They feel it is their right to interfere and advise Muslims on how they should and should not live, yet ignore the state of their own societies. 

Yet these experts are the first to agree when someone is thrown off a plane if they pray, or their headwear is banned, or quick to oppose the building of a mosque.

Maybe these experts should look at their own issues, and not be so quick to judge others. The world would be a better place.


Are you saying Muslims should practise physical abuse without repercussions? Is that why some of them kill their girl children? If they live in a society which this is not the norm, should they be held to a different standard?

This here is not about killing girl children. These are threats against their Paki brothers. I for one don't care if Pakis drop lashes on other Pakis, whether it is right or wrong. The problem is that other people seem to care so much, they writing epistles on the subject. The British authorities have not mentioned anything, but GNIers are up in arms to see a Paki get some lash.

Meanwhile when Paki children get killed by drones, I hear nothing, except for some cheers!

Where is ASJ?

Originally Posted by TI:

Atheists are growing, Islam is growing, and both Christianity and Judaism are declining. The new pool of atheists are coming from disillusioned Christians and Jews. There are actually more practicing Muslims in Florida than practicing Jews, strange as it may seem.  At this rate, the future world lies between the atheists and Muslims.  Then we will see if atheism will make inroads into Islam, or vice versa.

SO THAT LEAVE ME AND D2 to rule the world!!

Last edited by Chief
Originally Posted by TI:

Atheists are growing, Islam is growing, and both Christianity and Judaism are declining. The new pool of atheists are coming from disillusioned Christians and Jews. There are actually more practicing Muslims in Florida than practicing Jews, strange as it may seem.  At this rate, the future world lies between the atheists and Muslims.  Then we will see if atheism will make inroads into Islam, or vice versa.

The Bible sey alyuh coming upon the face of the earth. And the Book also stated alyuh tribulations upon the infidels. It also stated, the masses will be blinded by the obvious-the anti christ. Unrighteouness will be upon the earth, so who else can the muslims target other than their own brothers, the children of generations of Abraham-the Jews and Christians. Go and try it in India, dem Othodox Hindus beat the devil out of alyuh Mohammadans.  

Suh, the Bible is authentic.


It is pleasing to know what will become of the anti-christ followers. The Bible tells us that too.


Jump up and wave. In death yuh will find out they were no vigins ONLY FIAH-Desmond Hoyte waiting fuh yuh.


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by TI:

The fact is Muslims have their own rules of behavior in their own communities and among their own people. If they want to beat their children or their brothers that is their own business. 

Non Muslims seem to be experts at giving advice and explaining Islamic behavior to Muslims.  They feel it is their right to interfere and advise Muslims on how they should and should not live, yet ignore the state of their own societies. 

Yet these experts are the first to agree when someone is thrown off a plane if they pray, or their headwear is banned, or quick to oppose the building of a mosque.

Maybe these experts should look at their own issues, and not be so quick to judge others. The world would be a better place.


Are you saying Muslims should practise physical abuse without repercussions? Is that why some of them kill their girl children? If they live in a society which this is not the norm, should they be held to a different standard?

This here is not about killing girl children. These are threats against their Paki brothers. I for one don't care if Pakis drop lashes on other Pakis, whether it is right or wrong. The problem is that other people seem to care so much, they writing epistles on the subject. The British authorities have not mentioned anything, but GNIers are up in arms to see a Paki get some lash.

Meanwhile when Paki children get killed by drones, I hear nothing, except for some cheers!

Where is ASJ?


Like you ah call fuh backup?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Did muslims work on the sugar estates in Guyana and do any still work there?

They were educated and worked with the Recruiters back in India. Many were the Chokedars and kidnapping was their main business. They were good at it, many young Bangla girl were kidnapped and sold to the madams who provided services to Mughals aristocracy. Dey were favoured ppl and knew how to coin connections with the English. The East India Company at the time of Indentureship only relied on the Mughal autocrats, Brahmins and Rajputs. Even the Englishman with his Christianity practiced discrimination among the lower castes.


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