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5 Recent Regional Films Bollywood Can Take Inspiration From

Martini Shots, Bollywood, Sun Jul 10 2016, Authors: Manik Saggar (Editorial Team), 

There hasn't been a better time for films in this country than right now.

Not only our films are earning more globally but they actually are becoming better. It might be down to the fact that the filmmakers are more empowered, both in terms of technology and resources. Or perhaps a change in approach itself as the filmmakers are now more honest and willing to take more risks.

And it's not the big-budgets of Bollywoodn or down South that are producing the most engaging cinema these days, it's each and every part of the country.

Here are some recent regional films Bollywood can learn a lesson or two:

Court, Marathi

5 Recent Regional Films Bollywood Can Take Inspiration From

To have such an impressive film from such a young filmmaker goes to show how secure are we as a nation of cinema lovers. This Chaitanya Tamhane film won tons of acclaim for showing the warped Indian legal system that is still present in our country today. The sharp script and fierce direction made this film a true triumph.

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Sairat, Marathi

5 Recent Regional Films Bollywood Can Take Inspiration From

Yes, it is Sultan who will probably break all the commercial records this year, but it is Sairat that might well be the most important movie of the year. Tackling a thorny subject of inter-caste marriage, the film happily embraces the cliches and by the end of it delivers something truly unique. Think artsy movies don't earn? Well, Sairat, made on a budget of 4 crore, has grossed over 100 crore worldwide.

Read more5 Movies That You Should Binge-Watch This Weekend


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