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A researcher on international migration at Oxford University, England, has reported that some 780,000 Guyanese have left these shores over the past 48 years.

Simona Vezzoli in a recent study said most of the migrants are now settled in Canada, England and the U.S.

Vezzoli’s disclosure comes amid calls by various stakeholders across the country for the publishing of the National Census Report 2012.

On Tuesday, Alliance For Change (AFC) Leader Khemraj Ramjattan told the National Assembly that the Government was playing games with Guyanese, and did not want to publish the report as it would show the areas where the Government has failed.

He noted that the ruling party constantly harps about large-scale development in the country, but was not providing the evidence contained in the National Census Report 2012.

According to Ramjattan, the Government boasts of the provision of jobs, but some 1000 persons migrate every month. He said this will be reflected in the census report, which he claims the Government is hiding.

Researcher Simona Vezzoli

Researcher Simona Vezzoli

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader
Khemraj Ramjattan

However, Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh said the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) was firmly committed to the continued strengthening of the national statistics system to provide strong evidence-based policy decisions.

He said the results from the census are being compiled, noting that the completion of a preliminary report was somewhat hampered by challenges of access to households and enterprises, particularly in mining areas in Regions One, Seven and Eight.

Singh anticipates that the preliminary report will be available by the end of the first half of the year.

The main report will provide information on a number of areas including changing age structure of the population, composition of the labour market, employment, ethnicity, gender, religion, education, quality of life and fertility rates, among others.

The analysis is also expected to include projections on the country’s population by 2050, based on current trends.

Replies sorted oldest to newest


I hate when you guys speak about just Indo people.. This migration has affected every race and it's a hugh brain drain.

Afro Guyanese are fleeing because it is not a level playing field.

Originally Posted by Chief:


I hate when you guys speak about just Indo people.. This migration has affected every race and it's a hugh brain drain.

Afro Guyanese are fleeing because it is not a level playing field.

You are talking haaaag Wash. You, like Carib, blame the coolie for the blackman
problems. So who do you blame the coolie man problems on?




780,000 Guyanese have left these shores over the past 48 years"

This is bombshell information. It will send shock waves far and wide.

Let's reflect: more Guyanese than the current population migrated since Independence in 1966.

This amounts to a massive drain of skills, knowledge, experience, potential, personal wealth, etc.

And the outflow continues unabated.

Something big has to change to stem the tide. Let the experts identify that big thing.


780,000/48 = 16,250 per year or an average of 313 persons per week.


If like the Corrupt PPP/C claims, Guyana is a bed of Roses, why would 313 persons leaves the shore of Guyana every week?


 Every young person dream today is of leaving Guyana to anywhere.

Last edited by Former Member

It is wonderful to hear of a formal research of this magnitude.


We at RHEDC is currently reviewing data with regards to the US Census and the ACS.


The NYC Dept of Planning has also published a report on the new New Yorkers where Guyanese are ranked #5 in NYC and #2 in Queens.



Vish M
Originally Posted by Chief:

A researcher on international migration at Oxford University, England, has reported that some 780,000 Guyanese have left these shores over the past 48 years.

Forty eight years - from 1964 to 2012.


PNC -- 1964 to 1992 == 28 years.


PPP -- 1992 to 2012 == 20 years.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
 So who do you blame the coolie man problems on?


On the "coolie".  Its a "collie" govt now, who are in power only because of their overwhelming support of Indians. 


Burnham died long ago and huge numbers of people migrated since then.  Indeed the exodus to the Caribbean began around 2000 when it became more difficult to migrate to North America.


Skeldonman is stuck in time. Every ill is because of the PNC who are out of office some 22 years.


Since the beginning of this year there are so many  Guyanese who were murdered that people are lining up at every port of exit..


Last edited by Chief
Originally Posted by kp:

In that   research also stated that seventy percent of the migration took place during the PNC era and that the last 18 years had increasing remigration.

Where in the study does it say so.  Guyanese began to emigrate under the Cheddi era after 1961.  It accelerated in the late 60s when Canada and the USA loosened their immigration policies.  It further accelerated in the late 70s as Guyana began to crumble. It has remained high since then.


We have seen many sad stories of re migrants.  Maybe some return to retire, spreading their social securities checks in a lower cost society.  But be honest, not many return to Guyana seeking employment.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldonman is stuck in time. Every ill is because of the PNC who are out of office some 22 years.


Since the beginning of this year there are so many  Guyanese who were murdered that people are lining up at every port of exit..


The problem is that migration is now more difficult.  The Islands no longer want Guyanese because there is massive unemployment there.  The USA has made it more difficult by raising the cost of compliance with immigration rules and reducing the categories of people who can be sponsored.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by kp:

In that   research also stated that seventy percent of the migration took place during the PNC era and that the last 18 years had increasing remigration.

Where in the study does it say so.  Guyanese began to emigrate under the Cheddi era after 1961.

Guyanese have migrated way before the nineteen twenties -1920's.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by kp:

In that   research also stated that seventy percent of the migration took place during the PNC era and that the last 18 years had increasing remigration.

Where in the study does it say so.  Guyanese began to emigrate under the Cheddi era after 1961.

Guyanese have migrated way before the nineteen twenties -1920's.

Prior to 1960 Guyana was a country of net IMMIGRATION.  The numbers of Guyanese leaving was less than the numbers of Bajans, St Lucians, Vincentians, and Grenadians arriving.  That changed around 1960 when there was an upsurge of people fleeing what they saw as PPP communism.  And migration opportunities in the UK and political instability in Guyana ended immigration from the Caribbean.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by kp:

In that   research also stated that seventy percent of the migration took place during the PNC era and that the last 18 years had increasing remigration.

Where in the study does it say so.  Guyanese began to emigrate under the Cheddi era after 1961.

Guyanese have migrated way before the nineteen twenties -1920's.

Prior to 1960 Guyana was a country of net IMMIGRATION.  The numbers of Guyanese leaving was less than the numbers of Bajans, St Lucians, Vincentians, and Grenadians arriving.  That changed around 1960 when there was an upsurge of people fleeing what they saw as PPP communism.  And migration opportunities in the UK and political instability in Guyana ended immigration from the Caribbean.

Immigration opportunities always existed freely prior to independence and indeed was used by Guyanese to settle in the UK.


The Bajans, St Lucians, Vincentians, and Grenadian, primarily settled at MacKenzie, Wismar and Christianburg much earlier than the 1930's. Most retain their linkage to their countries, visiting constantly and even returning after retirement.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by kp:

In that   research also stated that seventy percent of the migration took place during the PNC era and that the last 18 years had increasing remigration.

Where in the study does it say so.  Guyanese began to emigrate under the Cheddi era after 1961.

Guyanese have migrated way before the nineteen twenties -1920's.

Prior to 1960 Guyana was a country of net IMMIGRATION.  The numbers of Guyanese leaving was less than the numbers of Bajans, St Lucians, Vincentians, and Grenadians arriving.  That changed around 1960 when there was an upsurge of people fleeing what they saw as PPP communism.  And migration opportunities in the UK and political instability in Guyana ended immigration from the Caribbean.

Immigration opportunities always existed freely prior to independence and indeed was used by Guyanese to settle in the UK.


The Bajans, St Lucians, Vincentians, and Grenadian, primarily settled at MacKenzie, Wismar and Christianburg much earlier than the 1930's. Most retain their linkage to their countries, visiting constantly and even returning after retirement.

And your point is?

Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldonman is stuck in time. Every ill is because of the PNC who are out of office some 22 years.


Since the beginning of this year there are so many  Guyanese who were murdered that people are lining up at every port of exit..


Chief, there are more crimes in Guyana now because people are doing a lot better than th PNC days. During PNC days, there were more beggars(remember the long lines for food) than average and well to do folks. Only the people who were kissing the PNC ass holes or looking for an ako(ass kissing opportunity) were able to accumulate any wealth. We know now more people have computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators and other luxurious items than the days of the PNC. As a result, more businesses have opened up.
You put 2 and 2 together and realise why we have more crimes. Remember now, people can get killed for a cell phone, ahead phone or even a cd or a dvd. With progress, crime will follow. 


explain why each and ever one of you left the shores of Guyana.I left for peace and quiet, I left because my house got robbed while I was asleep, I was drugged, all this happened during the PNC era.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by kp:

In that   research also stated that seventy percent of the migration took place during the PNC era and that the last 18 years had increasing remigration.

Where in the study does it say so.  Guyanese began to emigrate under the Cheddi era after 1961.

Guyanese have migrated way before the nineteen twenties -1920's.

Prior to 1960 Guyana was a country of net IMMIGRATION.  The numbers of Guyanese leaving was less than the numbers of Bajans, St Lucians, Vincentians, and Grenadians arriving.  That changed around 1960 when there was an upsurge of people fleeing what they saw as PPP communism.  And migration opportunities in the UK and political instability in Guyana ended immigration from the Caribbean.

Emigration started in the mid 60s. When I first arrived in America in 1970, there were only about 20 Guyanese in Minnesota. Some of my friends who came from New York told me they left Guyana between 1965 and 1968.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldonman is stuck in time. Every ill is because of the PNC who are out of office some 22 years.


Since the beginning of this year there are so many  Guyanese who were murdered that people are lining up at every port of exit..


Chief, there are more crimes in Guyana now because people are doing a lot better than th PNC days. During PNC days, there were more beggars(remember the long lines for food) than average and well to do folks. Only the people who were kissing the PNC ass holes or looking for an ako(ass kissing opportunity) were able to accumulate any wealth. We know now more people have computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators and other luxurious items than the days of the PNC. As a result, more businesses have opened up.
You put 2 and 2 together and realise why we have more crimes. Remember now, people can get killed for a cell phone, ahead phone or even a cd or a dvd. With progress, crime will follow. 

what a dumb theory,some people can make themselves look stupid to defend crime and corruption.there is more crime in a gutto than a residential area,how you explain this professor 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldonman is stuck in time. Every ill is because of the PNC who are out of office some 22 years.


Since the beginning of this year there are so many  Guyanese who were murdered that people are lining up at every port of exit..


Chief, there are more crimes in Guyana now because people are doing a lot better than th PNC days. During PNC days, there were more beggars(remember the long lines for food) than average and well to do folks. Only the people who were kissing the PNC ass holes or looking for an ako(ass kissing opportunity) were able to accumulate any wealth. We know now more people have computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators and other luxurious items than the days of the PNC. As a result, more businesses have opened up.
You put 2 and 2 together and realise why we have more crimes. Remember now, people can get killed for a cell phone, ahead phone or even a cd or a dvd. With progress, crime will follow. 

what a dumb theory,some people can make themselves look stupid to defend crime and corruption.there is more crime in a gutto than a residential area,how you explain this professor 

Sorry you fail to comprehend what I had to say.

Originally Posted by kp:

explain why each and ever one of you left the shores of Guyana.I left for peace and quiet, I left because my house got robbed while I was asleep, I was drugged, all this happened during the PNC era.

it is too bad you could not  leave your brain and your racist instincts in guyana

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldonman is stuck in time. Every ill is because of the PNC who are out of office some 22 years.


Since the beginning of this year there are so many  Guyanese who were murdered that people are lining up at every port of exit..


Chief, there are more crimes in Guyana now because people are doing a lot better than th PNC days. During PNC days, there were more beggars(remember the long lines for food) than average and well to do folks. Only the people who were kissing the PNC ass holes or looking for an ako(ass kissing opportunity) were able to accumulate any wealth. We know now more people have computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators and other luxurious items than the days of the PNC. As a result, more businesses have opened up.
You put 2 and 2 together and realise why we have more crimes. Remember now, people can get killed for a cell phone, ahead phone or even a cd or a dvd. With progress, crime will follow. 

what a dumb theory,some people can make themselves look stupid to defend crime and corruption.there is more crime in a gutto than a residential area,how you explain this professor 

Sorry you fail to comprehend what I had to say.

you know i am not too smart,but some time try some honesty 

Originally Posted by kp:

explain why each and ever one of you left the shores of Guyana.I left for peace and quiet, I left because my house got robbed while I was asleep, I was drugged, all this happened during the PNC era.

I left in 1970 because of racial prejudice from a blackman.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

We know now more people have computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators and other luxurious items than the days of the PNC . . .

ahmmm, OK, i seeee . . .


PPP antimanism can force one to wander into some strange parts of ignar illogicland


somewhere . . . a bunch of "negra" Howard University graduates are laughing their freakin heads off contemplating this moron calling himself skeldon_man

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by kp:

explain why each and ever one of you left the shores of Guyana.I left for peace and quiet, I left because my house got robbed while I was asleep, I was drugged, all this happened during the PNC era.

I left in 1970 because of racial prejudice from a blackman.

one blackman make you leave guyana,you coward how dare you curse people like moses that stay  and fight for a free guyana

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

We know now more people have computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators and other luxurious items than the days of the PNC . . .

ahmmm, OK, i seeee . . .


PPP antimanism can force one to wander into some strange parts of ignar illogicland


somewhere . . . a bunch of "negra" Howard University graduates are laughing their freakin heads off contemplating this moron calling himself skeldon_man

a bunch of "negra" Howard University graduates are laughing their freakin heads off contemplating you, a transvestite separating your tong panties. Come out of the closet, you protest this "antiman" thing too much, too long.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by kp:

explain why each and ever one of you left the shores of Guyana.I left for peace and quiet, I left because my house got robbed while I was asleep, I was drugged, all this happened during the PNC era.

I left in 1970 because of racial prejudice from a blackman.

one blackman make you leave guyana,you coward how dare you curse people like moses that stay  and fight for a free guyana

Warria, yeah dat blackman was the boss who decided whether I got paid or not.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by kp:

explain why each and ever one of you left the shores of Guyana.I left for peace and quiet, I left because my house got robbed while I was asleep, I was drugged, all this happened during the PNC era.

I left in 1970 because of racial prejudice from a blackman.

one blackman make you leave guyana,you coward how dare you curse people like moses that stay  and fight for a free guyana

Warria, yeah dat blackman was the boss who decided whether I got paid or not.

i tell you try  to be a  little honest.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by kp:

explain why each and ever one of you left the shores of Guyana.I left for peace and quiet, I left because my house got robbed while I was asleep, I was drugged, all this happened during the PNC era.

I left in 1970 because of racial prejudice from a blackman.

one blackman make you leave guyana,you coward how dare you curse people like moses that stay  and fight for a free guyana

Warria, yeah dat blackman was the boss who decided whether I got paid or not.

i tell you try  to be a  little honest.

Warria, yeah dat blackman was the boss who decided whether I got paid or not.


Dis ah truth bai. Me na lie to you.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by kp:

In that   research also stated that seventy percent of the migration took place during the PNC era and that the last 18 years had increasing remigration.

Where in the study does it say so.  Guyanese began to emigrate under the Cheddi era after 1961.

Guyanese have migrated way before the nineteen twenties -1920's.

Prior to 1960 Guyana was a country of net IMMIGRATION.  The numbers of Guyanese leaving was less than the numbers of Bajans, St Lucians, Vincentians, and Grenadians arriving.  That changed around 1960 when there was an upsurge of people fleeing what they saw as PPP communism.  And migration opportunities in the UK and political instability in Guyana ended immigration from the Caribbean.

Immigration opportunities always existed freely prior to independence and indeed was used by Guyanese to settle in the UK.


The Bajans, St Lucians, Vincentians, and Grenadian, primarily settled at MacKenzie, Wismar and Christianburg much earlier than the 1930's. Most retain their linkage to their countries, visiting constantly and even returning after retirement.

And your point is?

His point is after the PPP took over every thing was reversed.

Guyanese run for their lives to every Caribbean Island.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

We know now more people have computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators and other luxurious items than the days of the PNC . . .

ahmmm, OK, i seeee . . .


PPP antimanism can force one to wander into some strange parts of ignar illogicland


somewhere . . . a bunch of "negra" Howard University graduates are laughing their freakin heads off contemplating this moron calling himself skeldon_man

a bunch of "negra" Howard University graduates are laughing their freakin heads off contemplating you, a transvestite separating your tong panties. Come out of the closet, you protest this "antiman" thing too much, too long.

ahmmm, them "negras" still can't stop laughing at a certain low-IQ hood-n-sheet wannabe from dalitland . . . u wanna know why?

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by kp:

explain why each and ever one of you left the shores of Guyana.I left for peace and quiet, I left because my house got robbed while I was asleep, I was drugged, all this happened during the PNC era.

I left in 1970 because of racial prejudice from a blackman.

one blackman make you leave guyana,you coward how dare you curse people like moses that stay  and fight for a free guyana

The more Skeldonman open his mouth the more foolish he sounds.

Further anyone who condemns the PPP he LABEL  them PNC.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by kp:

explain why each and ever one of you left the shores of Guyana.I left for peace and quiet, I left because my house got robbed while I was asleep, I was drugged, all this happened during the PNC era.

I left in 1970 because of racial prejudice from a blackman.

one blackman make you leave guyana,you coward how dare you curse people like moses that stay  and fight for a free guyana

Warria, yeah dat blackman was the boss who decided whether I got paid or not.

i tell you try  to be a  little honest.

Warria, yeah dat blackman was the boss who decided whether I got paid or not.


Dis ah truth bai. Me na lie to you.

so in the whole of guyana you could not find a next job,well  if all the guyanese think like you,guyana will be empty

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldonman is stuck in time. Every ill is because of the PNC who are out of office some 22 years.


Since the beginning of this year there are so many  Guyanese who were murdered that people are lining up at every port of exit..


Chief, there are more crimes in Guyana now because people are doing a lot better than th PNC days. During PNC days, there were more beggars(remember the long lines for food) than average and well to do folks. Only the people who were kissing the PNC ass holes or looking for an ako(ass kissing opportunity) were able to accumulate any wealth. We know now more people have computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators and other luxurious items than the days of the PNC. As a result, more businesses have opened up.
You put 2 and 2 together and realise why we have more crimes. Remember now, people can get killed for a cell phone, ahead phone or even a cd or a dvd. With progress, crime will follow. 


businesses HAS QUADRUPLED IN NYC and murders went down by nearly 300%/

All over America businesses booomed from since the 80's and major crimes went down tremendously.


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