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That's the approximate number of Guyanese who currently reside in Guyana as of 2020.

Of that amount, approximately 210,824 or 26% of the population are between the ages of 0-14.

And those aged 0-19 make up 295,827 of Guyana's populace, or approximately 37% of your population.

210,824 subtracted from 786,552 gets you 575,728.

295,827 subtracted from 786,552 gets you 490,725

But for argument sake, lets go with the higher of the two figures which comprise of teenagers (15-17) not eligible to vote. In Guyana, you are eligible to vote from the age of 18.

Even if you were to remove those 15-17 teenagers from that tally, you would have to rationalize that every single person who is eligible to vote actually came out to vote. 

And YET, ladies and gentlemen, we are led to believe that the number of registered voters listed in the initial count and recount stood at 661,378.


That would mean 84% of your entire population voted, when 26% of your populace are between 0-14. (+110%)

That would mean 84% of your entire population voted, when 37% of your populace are between 0-19. (+121%)

That would mean every single person who is of the age to vote, came out to vote.

Do you see what I am seeing?? The numbers simply do NOT add up!

Here are my sources for the demographics:

Demographics of Guyana

2020 Demographics Guyana

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Rochelle posted:

That's the approximate number of Guyanese who currently reside in Guyana as of 2020.

Of that amount, approximately 210,824 or 26% of the population are between the ages of 0-14.

And those aged 0-19 make up 295,827 of Guyana's populace, or approximately 37% of your population.

210,824 subtracted from 786,552 gets you 575,728.

295,827 subtracted from 786,552 gets you 490,725

But for argument sake, lets go with the higher of the two figures which comprise of teenagers (15-17) not eligible to vote. In Guyana, you are eligible to vote from the age of 18.

Even if you were to remove those 15-17 teenagers from that tally, you would have to rationalize that every single person who is eligible to vote actually came out to vote. 

And YET, ladies and gentlemen, we are led to believe that the number of registered voters listed in the initial count and recount stood at 661,378.


That would mean 84% of your entire population voted, when 26% of your populace are between 0-14. (+110%)

That would mean 84% of your entire population voted, when 37% of your populace are between 0-19. (+121%)

That would mean every single person who is of the age to vote, came out to vote.

Do you see what I am seeing?? The numbers simply do NOT add up!

Here are my sources for the demographics:

Demographics of Guyana

2020 Demographics Guyana

Your analysis is flawed. Your percentages were taken from the 2015 Demographics of Guyana, and they were estimates. Also, the OLE contains names of voters who reside abroad who can vote if they are present in Guyana on Election Day. The last census was completed in 2012. All statistics after 2012 are estimates.

Try again.

Long Live Democracy.

@BGMAN posted:

Your analysis is flawed. Your percentages were taken from the 2015 Demographics of Guyana, and they were estimates. Also, the OLE contains names of voters who reside abroad who can vote if they are present in Guyana on Election Day. The last census was completed in 2012. All statistics after 2012 are estimates.

Try again.

Long Live Democracy.

The 2015 figures I used as reference does not differentiate much from the 2020 figures of the number of Guyanese (741,962 to 786,552) growth within 5 years, as determined by the UN.

Yes, let's reference the census figures, shall we:

1970 - 701,718

1980 - 759,567

1991 - 723,673

2002 - 751, 223

2012 - 746,955

In the past 50 years, the highest average increase of persons residing in Guyana within a 10-year span was roughly 57,800.

Even if we were to take that figure, and add it to the 2012 census figures, you would have approximately 804,750 persons TOTAL as of 2022. 

And even if we were to take that 804k to suggest 661,378 Guyanese voted in these elections, or approximately 82% of your population, including those abroad who would have had to have a local address to obtain an ID card, you would be gravely mistaken. 

2015 Election Total Registered Voters = 585,727 (compared to 415,970 total cast and counted votes)

2011 Election Total Registered Voters = 475,496 (compared to 346,717 total cast and counted votes)

2006 Election Total Registered Voters =492,369 (compared to 341,426 total cast and counted votes)

2001 Election Total Registered Voters = 440,185 (compared to 403,734 total cast and counted votes)

Guyanese abroad were also voting in the above elections. If we were to use the census figures of 2002 and 2012 to compare it against the number of registered voters in the 2001 and 2011 elections, on average 58% and 63% of Guyanese voted, respectively. This is far more believable than 80+% of  Guyanese who were apparently eligible to vote in the 2020 elections.



@Rochelle: No amount of fraud computations will justify the observations of CARICOM, OAS, AND ABCDE. FLAPNU lost the election and have people like you spreading propaganda about PPP fraud. You have to have been living on Mars to think that PPP could have committed rigging. Please note of the video put out yesterday of Lolofeel explaining how the voting and verification process works and why it is impossible to penetrate the firewall and commit fraud. The lies you guys peddle is delusional.



Let me repeat what I said before. Every statistic after the 2012 Census are only estimates. People migrate permanently, study abroad and work temporarily abroad. In order to do any meaningful statistical modelling, you have to minimize the use of assumptions and estimates. Also, for most of the Guyanese living abroad whose names are on the voters list, their names will remain on the voters list because when they die abroad, GECOM is not notified of their death.

As Lowenefield himself stated in 2015, it is highly impossible for anyone to impersonate another person and vote.

Long Live Democracy.

@BGMAN posted:


Let me repeat what I said before. Every statistic after the 2012 Census are only estimates. People migrate permanently, study abroad and work temporarily abroad. In order to do any meaningful statistical modelling, you have to minimize the use of assumptions and estimates. Also, for most of the Guyanese living abroad whose names are on the voters list, their names will remain on the voters list because when they die abroad, GECOM is not notified of their death.

As Lowenefield himself stated in 2015, it is highly impossible for anyone to impersonate another person and vote.

Long Live Democracy.

If every statistic after the 2012 census are only estimates, than it stands to reason any election numbers to follow depend on the law of averages, the very averages Jagdeo and PPP/C fought hard to maintain instead of starting from a clean slate to conduct house-to-house registrations. 

I provided for you actual figures from both official census numbers and registered voters. Using the same "law of averages" there is NO WAY you or others can prove that over 80% of Guyanese were eligible to vote in the 2020 elections, when, on average, close to half the Guyanese population of 19 years of age or younger. 

It stands to reason that Mr. Lowenfield's numbers are far more legitimate than figures PPP so depends upon on the basis of a bloated list of 661k eligible voters. 

If this is indeed a fight for transparence and democracy, care to explain why PPP/C was abhorrently against conducting house-to-house registrations? 


That's not how the people voted.  Over 50% voted for the PPP.  This lawyer cannot see past her nose.   every week, Lowenfiels and Mingo changed the tally. Your math is poor.  You and the PNC cannot run a cake shop how can you run a country.   Look at the 28 years of Burham/Hoyte rule and take another look at Granger's rule during the last five years.  What did you see?  A broken infrastructure, manufacturing on the decline, Sugar was killed and bauxite production dropped.,The treasury is empty and the President tried to revived National Service which is a money losing cause.  What else do you see? BLM?  Look what they are doing in Trinidad.  Guyana is next.

@Rochelle posted:


It stands to reason that Mr. Lowenfield's numbers are far more legitimate than figures PPP so depends upon on the basis of a bloated list of 661k eligible voters. 

If this is indeed a fight for transparence and democracy, care to explain why PPP/C was abhorrently against conducting house-to-house registrations? 

For Lowenfield numbers to have any legitimacy at all he has to establish the source of his numbers. So far he has not done so. Everyone was witness to the numbers shown below so until they are challenged in an Election court via an elections petition, those are the official legitimate numbers.

Secondly, the H2H exercise was not objected to because it would have created a cleaner list. The PPP objected to it solely because they viewed it as yet another effort by the Coalition to further delay the elections as well as an effort to disenfranchise valid voters. After-all they, like Lowenfield clearly stated in 2015 believe that it is impossible for dead people as well as people not presently at the polling places to vote. The ink stain on voters' fingers alone last for about a week.

The current certified record shows that about 70% of eligible voters voted on March 2, 2020 and more of those voted for the PPP/C than the Coalition. That is the record. Everything else is as the Caricom Observers stated, "fishing expeditions".

Please note also that the certified tabulation below also states VALID VOTES so no need for further confusion there.


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Last edited by Former Member


Please read my last post thoroughly. The OLE includes both Guyanese living in and outside of Guyana. All registered Guyanese are protected by the Constitution. 

Lowenfield’s fraudulent numbers cannot stand up in a court of law. He has no authority to remove or add any vote from the original count and the recount. Not even the Commission can do this.

The purpose for house to house registration was to disenfranchise a section of the population. President Hoyte tried that in 1990 and he failed. Guyana currently has a system of continuous registration with a claims and objections period. 

Long Live Democracy.


Lowenfield could have easily gone to court yesterday and prove that his numbers are legitimate but he hid from doing so. He must have learned that he was expected in court because it was posted in all the newspapers. In fact the demand for his presence in court yesterday was much stronger than the status of the application filed with the COA when he put down all his tools and claimed that he cannot do anything including presenting his report to the Chairwoman. It could easily be said that Lowenfield is a coward. 

@Former Member posted:

I posted the video of hundreds of Afro Guyanese at PPP rally wearing the party red shirt. Afro are flying PPP flags on their house. Jagdeo was walking about in GT and was surrounded by AFRO ... all these video and pictures I posted here. 

Here is we boss again ... who vex vex . 

These are the new swing voters in Guyana. PNC ran a purely race based campaign and forgot that Guyana now has a swing voters base. 

Good for democracy and an end to race based politics.

Stamp out racism now !!! Kudos PPP.

@Rochelle posted:

If every statistic after the 2012 census are only estimates, than it stands to reason any election numbers to follow depend on the law of averages, the very averages Jagdeo and PPP/C fought hard to maintain instead of starting from a clean slate to conduct house-to-house registrations.

Guyana laws specifically state that an election must be held within three months after the defeat of a government by a non-confidence vote.

It stands to reason that GECOM must have its records up-to-date to have an election within the specified time period.

It begs the question on what Steve Surujbally - 2002 to 2017 - and James Patterson - 2017 to 2019 - did to maintain the up-to-date records.

Last edited by Former Member
@Rochelle posted:

You mean the SORs, the same of which relies on a bloated OLE.

All APNU propaganda. The claim made by APNU that over 100 K voters who voted in the 2020 election were either deceased or out of the country is mind boggling. For one to believe this, they must also be of the opinion that international community, the observers and APNU representatives were also in on it too, right? These are all fairy tales for the supporters of APNU that make them sleep soundly at night. Not thing more


Gecom's chairman has to go with the first count which shows the PPP wins by 15336 votes.   You cannot jump off from a cliff and when you are halfway down you changed your mind and decided that you want to turn back.  You can't run a cake shop (Burnham's Coop shops) you can't run a country.  Just think about how the PNC bankrupt the country.   Don't ask for proof you would only succeed in making a fool out of yourself.



"The national recount process then, despite some of its administrative failings, despite some of its minor flaws, is not an indictment of the 2020 polls and the Team categorically rejects the concerted public efforts to discredit the 2020 poll up to the disastrous Region 4 tabulation. Despite our concerns, nothing that we witnessed, warrants a challenge to the inescapable conclusion that the recount results are acceptable and should constitute the basis of the declaration of the results of the March 02, 2020 elections. Any aggrieved political party has been afforded the right to seek redress before the courts in the form of an election petition."

@Rochelle posted:

As he indicated, the process heavily relies on the returning officers. Do recall GECOM invited those same ROs for questioning on why poll books went missing but not one showed up. This interview is proof that fraud occurred.

And the RO was working for GECOM, PPP or PNC?.. they were working for GECOM who the government control. Guyana currently has a curfew, ports are lock down... no one can go any where, so what prevent GECOM from summons them for questioning. Yo'all have no time for this, but busy shouting fraud occurred. Yo'all is the smartest people on planet earth... 

Sadly GECOM has not provided these witnesses to date. And you claimed the interview is proof that fraud occurred... you more bad that Basil Williams.

@Former Member posted:

And the RO was working for GECOM, PPP or PNC?.. they were working for GECOM who the government control. Guyana currently has a curfew, ports are lock down... no one can go any where, so what prevent GECOM from summons them for questioning. Yo'all have no time for this, but busy shouting fraud occurred. Yo'all is the smartest people on planet earth... 

Sadly GECOM has not provided these witnesses to date. And you claimed the interview is proof that fraud occurred... you more bad that Basil Williams.

There are no credible witnesses and the lawyer knows that.  The interview provided no answers. Without any facts, you cannot win a case.

@Former Member posted:

I posted the video of hundreds of Afro Guyanese at PPP rally wearing the party red shirt. Afro are flying PPP flags on their house. Jagdeo was walking about in GT and was surrounded by AFRO ... all these video and pictures I posted here. 

Here is we boss again ... who vex vex . 

That is the only solution, afro-guyanese MUST come out in full force and show that they voted for the PPP. Not even Caricom can move Granger out. Certainly the PNC ain gonna listen to the PPP. 

@Rochelle posted:

As he indicated, the process heavily relies on the returning officers. Do recall GECOM invited those same ROs for questioning on why poll books went missing but not one showed up. This interview is proof that fraud occurred


The evidence which you are basing your case on is all hearsay, no real evidence. File an election petition post declaration and go to court with whatever evidence there is . I am not a lawyer but that would be the most logical thing to do rather than blowing smoke and causing confusing in the country.

@Former Member posted:

I posted the video of hundreds of Afro Guyanese at PPP rally wearing the party red shirt. Afro are flying PPP flags on their house. Jagdeo was walking about in GT and was surrounded by AFRO ... all these video and pictures I posted here. 

Here is we boss again ... who vex vex . 

The great man himself.

@Ramakant-P posted:

For once you are correct.   Do you still support PNC criminality? Do you still want to kill coolies because you couldn't get on the ground floor of the PPP? What is the relationship between you and Jagdeo? Why do you hate him so much?

Hey Rama, do you still beat your wife? Do you still support fraud by Jagdeo and Ali? Does Jagdeo pass some of the loot to you? Why do you love him so much? BTW, I thought you wrote the headlines, which you confirmed, because of the bad English.

@Tola posted:

DG, why are you so selective in your reprimand to some posters almost immediately and ignore posters who obviously support your political cause ? 

ReportS were sent to the moderator, worse than the above and no action was taken. Your moderating is biased.  

Hey Rama, do you still beat your wife?

 What is worst than this. Would you Tolerate that kind of language?

Posters got SUSPENDED for such behaviour, DJ is getting SOFT.

@kp posted:

Hey Rama, do you still beat your wife?

 What is worst than this. Would you Tolerate that kind of language?

Posters got SUSPENDED for such behaviour, DJ is getting SOFT.

I always respond in like fashion to statements about myself.  Ramakant wanted to know if I  still support PNC criminality? and Do you still want to kill coolies?  Since these are fabrications and serious allegations he opened himself to similar treatment.  Do fo do na obeah!

@Former Member posted:

Totaram ....

Hopefully, you will avoid the inclusion of GCDF's members wives in your conversations.

Conduct yourself in a proper manner.

Demerara _GUY = Moderator

I will if you let them know that they should not make unfounded, serious allegations like Ramakant did:   Ramakant wanted to know if "I  still support PNC criminality? and Do you still want to kill coolies?"  Since these are fabrications and serious allegations he opened himself to similar treatment.  Do fo do na obeah!  

@Totaram posted:

I always respond in like fashion to statements about myself.  Ramakant wanted to know if I  still support PNC criminality? and Do you still want to kill coolies?  Since these are fabrications and serious allegations he opened himself to similar treatment.  Do fo do na obeah!

Did he attack your family? How LOW can you get?

 PNC having a Field Day on GNI, insulting people mother, wife and daughter.

 Damn Gutter RATS.

@Totaram posted:

Hey Rama, do you still beat your wife? Do you still support fraud by Jagdeo and Ali? Does Jagdeo pass some of the loot to you? Why do you love him so much? BTW, I thought you wrote the headlines, which you confirmed, because of the bad English.

@Former Member posted:

Totaram ....

Hopefully, you will avoid the inclusion of GCDF's members wives in your conversations.

Conduct yourself in a proper manner.

Demerara _GUY = Moderator

@Totaram posted:

I will if you let them know that they should not make unfounded, serious allegations like Ramakant did:   Ramakant wanted to know if "I  still support PNC criminality? and Do you still want to kill coolies?"  Since these are fabrications and serious allegations he opened himself to similar treatment.  Do fo do na obeah!  

Totaram ...

Focused issue .. making statements about a person's wife.

Note carefully, Totaram ... as stated earlier ---

Conduct yourself in a proper manner.

Should you continue to work against the Forum Rules, enforcement actions will be administered against you.

Demerara _GUY = Moderator

@Rochelle posted:

That's the approximate number of Guyanese who currently reside in Guyana as of 2020.

Of that amount, approximately 210,824 or 26% of the population are between the ages of 0-14.

And those aged 0-19 make up 295,827 of Guyana's populace, or approximately 37% of your population.

210,824 subtracted from 786,552 gets you 575,728.

295,827 subtracted from 786,552 gets you 490,725

But for argument sake, lets go with the higher of the two figures which comprise of teenagers (15-17) not eligible to vote. In Guyana, you are eligible to vote from the age of 18.

Even if you were to remove those 15-17 teenagers from that tally, you would have to rationalize that every single person who is eligible to vote actually came out to vote. 

And YET, ladies and gentlemen, we are led to believe that the number of registered voters listed in the initial count and recount stood at 661,378.


That would mean 84% of your entire population voted, when 26% of your populace are between 0-14. (+110%)

That would mean 84% of your entire population voted, when 37% of your populace are between 0-19. (+121%)

That would mean every single person who is of the age to vote, came out to vote.

Do you see what I am seeing?? The numbers simply do NOT add up!

Here are my sources for the demographics:

Demographics of Guyana

2020 Demographics Guyana

Dawling, what stchupidness you talking here?  The ship has set sail babe!

Last edited by Former Member
@Totaram posted:

Hey Rama, do you still beat your wife? Do you still support fraud by Jagdeo and Ali? Does Jagdeo pass some of the loot to you? Why do you love him so much? BTW, I thought you wrote the headlines, which you confirmed, because of the bad English.

The words I used are for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true.

@Django posted:

Rama ,are you supporting such move ?

Why are you supporting Granger to stay in office when he lost the election? If this is not taken care of now, Granger WILL BE GUYANA'S PUTIN. I suppose you don't see it this way. Your justification for Granger staying on is "valid" votes. However, you cannot reason that valid votes are the votes marked with an "X" and stamped. As for the ballot boxes without the documents, there is video evidence of PNC operatives repeating what Mingo and Lolofeel instructed the folks to do. Ask Mingo and Lolofeel dor the documents. A Partnership for Negro Unity lost the election.

@cain posted:

DG, you are after Totaram because he replied to this post by Rama, so how could his reply be out of order.

The Mud Water River  Guy had discriminated against Totaram when he responded to Bibi's personal attacks.

He is not a fair and just moderator; that is, it is a known fact that he does not treat rivals or disputants equally.

@Mitwah posted:

The Mud Water River  Guy had discriminated against Totaram when he responded to Bibi's personal attacks.

He is not a fair and just moderator; that is, it is a known fact that he does not treat rivals or disputants equally.

D_G should clap a BAN on your ass for calling him The Mud Water River Guy. I don't know if you have a wife, but let a poster ask you if you are still beating your wife and see how it feels. Bringing Rama's wife into the discussion is a NO NO.

@kp posted:

D_G should clap a BAN on your ass for calling him The Mud Water River Guy. I don't know if you have a wife, but let a poster ask you if you are still beating your wife and see how it feels. Bringing Rama's wife into the discussion is a NO NO.

Are you Ramakant's spokesman?  Ramakant, among other things, wanted to know if I still want to kill coolies.  Asking him if he still beats his wife is not about his wife but about his actions.  I could ask why he brought innocent coolies into the discussion.  This display of feigned chivalry  by people like KP and DG is really sickening and an insult to liberated women. 

@Totaram posted:

Are you Ramakant's spokesman?  Ramakant, among other things, wanted to know if I still want to kill coolies.  Asking him if he still beats his wife is not about his wife but about his actions.  I could ask why he brought innocent coolies into the discussion.  This display of feigned chivalry  by people like KP and DG is really sickening and an insult to liberated women. 

These fellas don't understand that rhetorical question is asked just for effect, or to lay emphasis on some point being discussed, when no real answer is expected. A rhetorical question may have an obvious answer, but the questioner asks it to lay emphasis to the point.


@Ramakant-P posted:

OK! Guys!  It's you know it off. My name has been mentioned over twenty times on this thread.   

Totaram if I offended you please do forgive me. I'm sorry!

It is KP who was getting his knickers in a knot.  I accept your apology and apologise for mentioning the stuff about wife beating etc.  It is hot in Ontario so your walk today would be very invigorating.  You could stop at one of those Indian shops in Brampton and ask if they have bhang.  Let me know what you find out.  Do you know the Russell Peters joke about sending his dad to a store in Brampton to buy punani to treat his cold?   

@Mitwah posted:

The Mud Water River  Guy had discriminated against Totaram when he responded to Bibi's personal attacks.

He is not a fair and just moderator; that is, it is a known fact that he does not treat rivals or disputants equally.

We have two Mud Riva, Uppa Mud Riva and Lowa Mud Riva.  Both with beautiful scenes and Swiss farmers, who know fa milk cow and mek cheese.  


@Totaram posted:

It is KP who was getting his knickers in a knot.  I accept your apology and apologise for mentioning the stuff about wife beating etc.  It is hot in Ontario so your walk today would be very invigorating.  You could stop at one of those Indian shops in Brampton and ask if they have bhang.  Let me know what you find out.  Do you know the Russell Peters joke about sending his dad to a store in Brampton to buy punani to treat his cold?   

I walked 3.4 miles in 90 mins today.  I used to walk a 20-minute mile but not anymore. They don't wear masks in some of the Indian stores. I didn't know that you are inro bhang.

Bhang is an edible mixture made from the buds, leaves, and flowers of the female cannabis, or marijuana, plant. In India, it's been added to food and drinks for thousands of years and is a feature of Hindu religious practices, rituals, and festivals — including the popular spring festival of Holi.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I walked 3.4 miles in 90 mins today.  I used to walk a 20-minute mile but not anymore. They don't wear masks in some of the Indian stores. I didn't know that you are inro bhang.

Bhang is an edible mixture made from the buds, leaves, and flowers of the female cannabis, or marijuana, plant. In India, it's been added to food and drinks for thousands of years and is a feature of Hindu religious practices, rituals, and festivals — including the popular spring festival of Holi.

I never had bhang but I will try it when next in India.  I thought with marijuana now legal in Canada bhang would be available. Do you know that it is the Indian indentured labourers who took ganja to the Caribbean?  


It is KP who was getting his knickers in a knot.

 It is OK and justifiable to tell a man If he still beats his wife and to my dismay, having the MAN to apologize. I guess PNC rules. Enablers such as Tola and Mitwah  defending Totaram's demeaning actions.

Mitwah, I warned you several times, leave my family out of this Rum Shop/ forum, otherwise you will suffer the consequences.

@kp posted:

It is KP who was getting his knickers in a knot.

 It is OK and justifiable to tell a man If he still beats his wife and to my dismay, having the MAN to apologize. I guess PNC rules. Enablers such as Tola and Mitwah  defending Totaram's demeaning actions.

Mitwah, I warned you several times, leave my family out of this Rum Shop/ forum, otherwise you will suffer the consequences.

Ok Mr. NinKomPoop. 

@Sheik101 posted:

Really? Explain dis bai. Me curious.

So bhang is a marijuana based drink.  Apparently it is served at some Indian celebrations. The part about ganja being taken to the Caribbean by the indentured labourers is acknowledged in Jamaica for example and "ganja" is a an Indian word.  I am curious about that old Guyanese folk song ganja mani ya, ganja mani yo, give me a shilling , me want fo buy (or something like that).


@Totaram posted:

So bhang is a marijuana based drink.  Apparently it is served at some Indian celebrations. The part about ganja being taken to the Caribbean by the indentured labourers is acknowledged in Jamaica for example and "ganja" is a an Indian word.  I am curious about that old Guyanese folk song ganja mani ya, ganja mani yo, give me a shilling , me want fo buy (or something like that).


No wonder dem swami does be high like a kite when they meditating. 😃


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