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One in seven people think US staged 9/11 attack

London, Aug 29 (IANS) One in seven people in the US and in Britain think America was itself involved in staging the 9/11 terror attack that left around 3,000 people dead, according to a poll.

A survey, which interviewed 1,000 people in Britain and the same number in the US, found that 14 percent Britons and 15 percent Americans think the US administration was involved in the tragedy, says the Daily Mail.

The polled people were asked: 'It is generally accepted that these attacks were carried out by Al Qaeda. However some people have suggested there was a wider conspiracy that included the American government. Do you, yourself, believe that there was a wider conspiracy, or not?'

The belief that there was a conspiracy was more common among younger people, with 24 percent) of 16 to 24-year-olds believing the theory.

However, about two thirds of those polled - 68 percent - said they did not think there was a conspiracy.

The survey was carried out for BBC documentary 'The Conspiracy Files - Ten Years On' that studies why so many people believe there is a 'darker truth' behind the attack.

It was carried out by Gfk NOP in both the countries through telephone polls.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

One in seven people think US staged 9/11 attack

Not surprising! The U.S. has one of the dumbest populations in the world. Many can't even read and write properly. No wonder they are fast degenerating to a third world status.
Originally posted by Mad Max:
One in seven people think US staged 9/11 attack

Not surprising! The U.S. has one of the dumbest populations in the world. Many can't even read and write properly. No wonder they are fast degenerating to a third world status.

You hang with the wrong crown or you are mad to the max.
Originally posted by Mad Max:
One in seven people think US staged 9/11 attack

Not surprising! The U.S. has one of the dumbest populations in the world. Many can't even read and write properly. No wonder they are fast degenerating to a third world status.

well said is indeed degenerating at a fast rate too.
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by Mad Max:
One in seven people think US staged 9/11 attack

Not surprising! The U.S. has one of the dumbest populations in the world. Many can't even read and write properly. No wonder they are fast degenerating to a third world status.

well said is indeed degenerating at a fast rate too.

Faster than guyana?
Originally posted by Alexander:
God Bless America, it is the most beautiful country in he whole world, Guyana included.

True that...but it have some real stupiddity people. Look at the the Republican presidential candidates. It makes our own CN look like Jefferson.
Originally posted by bird:
Them have enough plane flights for all them who want to run or them going to pump up innertubes and rafts to sail the seas running.

mee too...but the problemis how many ah dem can afford fu go back...uncle Sam is taking back all dem money rass
Originally posted by baseman:
The truth is now stale and boring, so conspiry theories makes for great book selling and movie making.
The conspiracy theory that it was done by a guy in a cave in Afghanistan is still going strong.
Originally posted by Henry:
Originally posted by baseman:
The truth is now stale and boring, so conspiry theories makes for great book selling and movie making.
The conspiracy theory that it was done by a guy in a cave in Afghanistan is still going strong.

Big Grin partybanana

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