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Former Member

 setting the tone for the PPP!


Imagine that! It is using the same vitriolic racist, unfounded, extremist and nasty diatribe  it used against Obama to attempt to define people standing up for the rights of citizens against a rapacious, corrupt cabal This pig who uses terms as Husain Obambi, Muslim born, Marxist Nazi, lazy welfare ready, uneducated fraud, born elsewhere, to define Obama is the voice for the PPP!


Posting the AFC gentleman under the label of terrorist with no evidence that they burnt buildings or had any part of incendiary statements coercing others to burn or pillage makes you a low life pig.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

His racial commentary is indeed repugnant and vitriolic .  On the www , these comments are more freely expressed given the supposed cloak of anonymity . However , I have heard such comments and worse from many white professionals who , if they post online would post only the nicest things about people of color . They would also be nice to minorities in person but express distasteful racial commentary among themselves .  It is really hard to understand people's true intent and sentiment. It is even worse with online commentary .

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by raymond:

why waste time with him...

I am not wasting time.  I am actually making the lines clear so we see him, Cobra,Yuj, in the same light. Even Nehru is a saint compared to these pigs.


Amral is not reining in their racism. He has not moral authority even if he has the ability to  say a damn thing about anyone else making any kind of statement. I do not think any other transgressing of the forum rules from one to infinity can be appealed to any more as a basis for not posting here if they remain unenforced. 


I am simply tagging them so he understand that. It is also a plus if one ones to contrast moral center with this pig and his claims, his support for the PPP and his accusations against the AFC. If he is them ( the PPP) then not him has to be good!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by raymond:

why waste time with him...

I am not wasting time.  I am actually making the lines clear so we see him, Cobra,Yuj, in the same light. Even Nehru is a saint compared to these pigs. Amral is not reining in their racism. He has not moral authority even if he has the ability to  say a damn thing about anyone else making any kind of statement. I do not think any other transgressing of the forum rules from one to infinity can be appealed to any more as a basis for posting here. I am simply tagging them so he understand that.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by raymond:

why waste time with him...

I am not wasting time.  I am actually making the lines clear so we see him, Cobra,Yuj, in the same light. Even Nehru is a saint compared to these pigs. Amral is not reining in their racism. He has not moral authority even if he has the ability to  say a damn thing about anyone else making any kind of statement. I do not think any other transgressing of the forum rules from one to infinity can be appealed to any more as a basis for posting here. I am simply tagging them so he understand that.


 You are just a twit....a hapless  lout and to that end you are to be pitied rather than be reviled even though you present as revolting.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by raymond:

why waste time with him...

I am not wasting time.  I am actually making the lines clear so we see him, Cobra,Yuj, in the same light. Even Nehru is a saint compared to these pigs. Amral is not reining in their racism. He has not moral authority even if he has the ability to  say a damn thing about anyone else making any kind of statement. I do not think any other transgressing of the forum rules from one to infinity can be appealed to any more as a basis for posting here. I am simply tagging them so he understand that.



I would guess such commentary is allowed as it fosters discussion, rebuttal and understanding of different view points and perspectives .That would be my guess.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by raymond:

why waste time with him...

I am not wasting time.  I am actually making the lines clear so we see him, Cobra,Yuj, in the same light. Even Nehru is a saint compared to these pigs. Amral is not reining in their racism. He has not moral authority even if he has the ability to  say a damn thing about anyone else making any kind of statement. I do not think any other transgressing of the forum rules from one to infinity can be appealed to any more as a basis for posting here. I am simply tagging them so he understand that.


 You are just a twit....a hapless  lout and to that end you are to be pitied rather than be reviled even though you present as revolting.


Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by raymond:

why waste time with him...

I am not wasting time.  I am actually making the lines clear so we see him, Cobra,Yuj, in the same light. Even Nehru is a saint compared to these pigs. Amral is not reining in their racism. He has not moral authority even if he has the ability to  say a damn thing about anyone else making any kind of statement. I do not think any other transgressing of the forum rules from one to infinity can be appealed to any more as a basis for posting here. I am simply tagging them so he understand that.



I would guess such commentary is allowed as it fosters discussion, rebuttal and understanding of different view points and perspectives.That would be my guess.



In academia, there is something called the long debate. It is pertains to the analysis to the eternal questions, the ones ie what is beauty, justice, truth, the proper modes of conduct etc.


For coherency as to worthy analysis over bilge, authoritative vs imbecility and the necessity for a minimum of eccentricity  one leaves these to the academy where we reference them if we are not a part of it or question them when we are properly accredited to know of what we speak. If  simply left to the authority of  ribald crowd knowledge of the eternal question reduces  to that of the cat.


That is what we are getting here with no enforcement of rudimentary rules. These  rules take conversation from the clearly inane, insipid and stupid to a level where while we can disagree we can still find community.


No one has a handle how one can live ones life but we, if we are not a lunatic, know the difference between the domain of feeling an opinion and the domain of knowledge at a tolerable  minimum.


Racism, religious bigorty, flaming, trolim etc are all universally at a minimum flagged on any forum.  These "rules  are the issue of pure and simple  experience  who is the one true mistress" in the proper management of these communities. That is the the bony structure of a forum community.  With Rev Al, Cobra, and Yui  one gets a community of cats.

Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:

His racial commentary is indeed repugnant and vitriolic .  On the www , these comments are more freely expressed given the supposed cloak of anonymity . However , I have heard such comments and worse from many white professionals who , if they post online would post only the nicest things about people of color . They would also be nice to minorities in person but express distasteful racial commentary among themselves .  It is really hard to understand people's true intent and sentiment. It is even worse with online commentary .

You are correct with the above except those dedicated online forums are communities of like minds or  nursery communities for people of like minds.


This pig bring stormfront pics and sentiments of those communities here and at minimum it should not be tolerated by management.


The cloak of anonymity is thin. Anyone can with a link finger print any computer coming to this site. That would be a doorbell to ring any time the machine is on the web.


The man is at the basic level an insecure moron. At worse he is a pretentious racist. There is no in between.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

I hate Rev Al. Me and him is going to fight it out one day.  Just like how me and Churchill will fight it out one day.  But Rev Al is right about Obama. Obama is a snake and he is got to go.

Churchill is old! He is in his sixties! Unless you are his age then you have to let it go. Further, that is a big dude, He simply has to sit on you and unless you can bench press 300 plus you are toast! You have a free hand on Rev Al...even age is no excuse here.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Just as d2 and others claim that the ppp is corrupt without evidence, I suppose rev al can make the same assumptions about the afc and mo fiah slow fiah. Especially since their supporters and leadership like gerhard and ramjattan incite the people to riot.

One does not even need a smell test here to know what is self evident.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Then I may have to hire Guyanese4eva is my backup.  He is know to lift alot of weight all 500 pounds at once.

Allow me to correct you . It is 315 lbs on the bench press as of now . I used to be able to do 350 . Took me a long time to get to that level .  I hope I can at least stay at 315 lbs . Im running on a calorie deficit to get more ripped.


I see you still havent learnt the basic " know your enemy , know yourself and you will always be successful "


Im sorry I wont back anyone up in a useless confrontation . I feel sorry for your outcome if indeed one day you are matched up with an opponent . You have an angry mind ..already a predisposition to loss.


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