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Former Member

 setting the tone for the PPP!


Imagine that! It is using the same vitriolic racist, unfounded, extremist and nasty diatribe  it used against Obama to attempt to define people standing up for the rights of citizens against a rapacious, corrupt cabal This pig who uses terms as Husain Obambi, Muslim born, Marxist Nazi, lazy welfare ready, uneducated fraud, born elsewhere, to define Obama is the voice for the PPP!


Posting the AFC gentleman under the label of terrorist with no evidence that they burnt buildings or had any part of incendiary statements coercing others to burn or pillage makes you a low life pig.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

His racial commentary is indeed repugnant and vitriolic .  On the www , these comments are more freely expressed given the supposed cloak of anonymity . However , I have heard such comments and worse from many white professionals who , if they post online would post only the nicest things about people of color . They would also be nice to minorities in person but express distasteful racial commentary among themselves .  It is really hard to understand people's true intent and sentiment. It is even worse with online commentary .

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by raymond:

why waste time with him...

I am not wasting time.  I am actually making the lines clear so we see him, Cobra,Yuj, in the same light. Even Nehru is a saint compared to these pigs.


Amral is not reining in their racism. He has not moral authority even if he has the ability to  say a damn thing about anyone else making any kind of statement. I do not think any other transgressing of the forum rules from one to infinity can be appealed to any more as a basis for not posting here if they remain unenforced. 


I am simply tagging them so he understand that. It is also a plus if one ones to contrast moral center with this pig and his claims, his support for the PPP and his accusations against the AFC. If he is them ( the PPP) then not him has to be good!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by raymond:

why waste time with him...

I am not wasting time.  I am actually making the lines clear so we see him, Cobra,Yuj, in the same light. Even Nehru is a saint compared to these pigs. Amral is not reining in their racism. He has not moral authority even if he has the ability to  say a damn thing about anyone else making any kind of statement. I do not think any other transgressing of the forum rules from one to infinity can be appealed to any more as a basis for posting here. I am simply tagging them so he understand that.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by raymond:

why waste time with him...

I am not wasting time.  I am actually making the lines clear so we see him, Cobra,Yuj, in the same light. Even Nehru is a saint compared to these pigs. Amral is not reining in their racism. He has not moral authority even if he has the ability to  say a damn thing about anyone else making any kind of statement. I do not think any other transgressing of the forum rules from one to infinity can be appealed to any more as a basis for posting here. I am simply tagging them so he understand that.


 You are just a twit....a hapless  lout and to that end you are to be pitied rather than be reviled even though you present as revolting.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by raymond:

why waste time with him...

I am not wasting time.  I am actually making the lines clear so we see him, Cobra,Yuj, in the same light. Even Nehru is a saint compared to these pigs. Amral is not reining in their racism. He has not moral authority even if he has the ability to  say a damn thing about anyone else making any kind of statement. I do not think any other transgressing of the forum rules from one to infinity can be appealed to any more as a basis for posting here. I am simply tagging them so he understand that.



I would guess such commentary is allowed as it fosters discussion, rebuttal and understanding of different view points and perspectives .That would be my guess.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by raymond:

why waste time with him...

I am not wasting time.  I am actually making the lines clear so we see him, Cobra,Yuj, in the same light. Even Nehru is a saint compared to these pigs. Amral is not reining in their racism. He has not moral authority even if he has the ability to  say a damn thing about anyone else making any kind of statement. I do not think any other transgressing of the forum rules from one to infinity can be appealed to any more as a basis for posting here. I am simply tagging them so he understand that.


 You are just a twit....a hapless  lout and to that end you are to be pitied rather than be reviled even though you present as revolting.


Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by raymond:

why waste time with him...

I am not wasting time.  I am actually making the lines clear so we see him, Cobra,Yuj, in the same light. Even Nehru is a saint compared to these pigs. Amral is not reining in their racism. He has not moral authority even if he has the ability to  say a damn thing about anyone else making any kind of statement. I do not think any other transgressing of the forum rules from one to infinity can be appealed to any more as a basis for posting here. I am simply tagging them so he understand that.



I would guess such commentary is allowed as it fosters discussion, rebuttal and understanding of different view points and perspectives.That would be my guess.



In academia, there is something called the long debate. It is pertains to the analysis to the eternal questions, the ones ie what is beauty, justice, truth, the proper modes of conduct etc.


For coherency as to worthy analysis over bilge, authoritative vs imbecility and the necessity for a minimum of eccentricity  one leaves these to the academy where we reference them if we are not a part of it or question them when we are properly accredited to know of what we speak. If  simply left to the authority of  ribald crowd knowledge of the eternal question reduces  to that of the cat.


That is what we are getting here with no enforcement of rudimentary rules. These  rules take conversation from the clearly inane, insipid and stupid to a level where while we can disagree we can still find community.


No one has a handle how one can live ones life but we, if we are not a lunatic, know the difference between the domain of feeling an opinion and the domain of knowledge at a tolerable  minimum.


Racism, religious bigorty, flaming, trolim etc are all universally at a minimum flagged on any forum.  These "rules  are the issue of pure and simple  experience  who is the one true mistress" in the proper management of these communities. That is the the bony structure of a forum community.  With Rev Al, Cobra, and Yui  one gets a community of cats.

Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:

His racial commentary is indeed repugnant and vitriolic .  On the www , these comments are more freely expressed given the supposed cloak of anonymity . However , I have heard such comments and worse from many white professionals who , if they post online would post only the nicest things about people of color . They would also be nice to minorities in person but express distasteful racial commentary among themselves .  It is really hard to understand people's true intent and sentiment. It is even worse with online commentary .

You are correct with the above except those dedicated online forums are communities of like minds or  nursery communities for people of like minds.


This pig bring stormfront pics and sentiments of those communities here and at minimum it should not be tolerated by management.


The cloak of anonymity is thin. Anyone can with a link finger print any computer coming to this site. That would be a doorbell to ring any time the machine is on the web.


The man is at the basic level an insecure moron. At worse he is a pretentious racist. There is no in between.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

I hate Rev Al. Me and him is going to fight it out one day.  Just like how me and Churchill will fight it out one day.  But Rev Al is right about Obama. Obama is a snake and he is got to go.

Churchill is old! He is in his sixties! Unless you are his age then you have to let it go. Further, that is a big dude, He simply has to sit on you and unless you can bench press 300 plus you are toast! You have a free hand on Rev Al...even age is no excuse here.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Just as d2 and others claim that the ppp is corrupt without evidence, I suppose rev al can make the same assumptions about the afc and mo fiah slow fiah. Especially since their supporters and leadership like gerhard and ramjattan incite the people to riot.

One does not even need a smell test here to know what is self evident.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Then I may have to hire Guyanese4eva is my backup.  He is know to lift alot of weight all 500 pounds at once.

Allow me to correct you . It is 315 lbs on the bench press as of now . I used to be able to do 350 . Took me a long time to get to that level .  I hope I can at least stay at 315 lbs . Im running on a calorie deficit to get more ripped.


I see you still havent learnt the basic " know your enemy , know yourself and you will always be successful "


Im sorry I wont back anyone up in a useless confrontation . I feel sorry for your outcome if indeed one day you are matched up with an opponent . You have an angry mind ..already a predisposition to loss.

Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Then I may have to hire Guyanese4eva is my backup.  He is know to lift alot of weight all 500 pounds at once.

Allow me to correct you . It is 315 lbs on the bench press as of now . I used to be able to do 350 . Took me a long time to get to that level .  I hope I can at least stay at 315 lbs . Im running on a calorie deficit to get more ripped.


I see you still havent learnt the basic " know your enemy , know yourself and you will always be successful "


Im sorry I wont back anyone up in a useless confrontation . I feel sorry for your outcome if indeed one day you are matched up with an opponent . You have an angry mind ..already a predisposition to loss.

I eat close to 35 hundred calories normally and i am still running a deficit. I did 12 miles biking single track this morning and used 1472 according to my monitor. I am going to the gym at 6 and will run 33 mins or 3 miles to warm up and that will be another 340. Then I work out for 90 mins on weights and machines  and that is usually another 400. I know my output on average is about 2500 and I work out one on one off but abs every day. I also bike almost daily as well. I bike  twice my daily ride on week ends. I eat all the time to keep up and that is only if I take in 1600 cal or so in 2 of energy  shakes. 


Originally Posted by cain:

Iman doan wanna boast but.

nah neva mind.

if you are working out every day and pressing over 300 you are around 160 lbs at 6 feet and has to eat at least 5k calories daily. That is a couple of chickens daily!


I am 5'7 and 156  and has to eat all the time. I used to be almost 180 a couple of years ago and once I started working out it fell off like hot butter. I am muscular but not bulky. I am strong cardio wise....ride up 3000 feet easily on single tracking but I only work out with light weights. I bench press 140 and that is a lot for me.


I eat all the time.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Then I may have to hire Guyanese4eva is my backup.  He is know to lift alot of weight all 500 pounds at once.

Allow me to correct you . It is 315 lbs on the bench press as of now . I used to be able to do 350 . Took me a long time to get to that level .  I hope I can at least stay at 315 lbs . Im running on a calorie deficit to get more ripped.


I see you still havent learnt the basic " know your enemy , know yourself and you will always be successful "


Im sorry I wont back anyone up in a useless confrontation . I feel sorry for your outcome if indeed one day you are matched up with an opponent . You have an angry mind ..already a predisposition to loss.

I eat close to 35 hundred calories normally and i am still running a deficit. I did 12 miles biking single track this morning and used 1472 according to my monitor. I am going to the gym at 6 and will run 33 mins or 3 miles to warm up and that will be another 340. Then I work out for 90 mins on weights and machines  and that is usually another 400. I know my output on average is about 2500 and I work out one on one off but abs every day. I also bike almost daily as well. I bike  twice my daily ride on week ends. I eat all the time to keep up and that is only if I take in 1600 cal or so in 2 of energy  shakes. 



Im impressed . Can't say that I know many people even half as active / fit as you are .

Originally Posted by cain:

Iman doan wanna boast but.

nah neva mind.


"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable" - Socrates 400BC


Not about boasting , but  rather the challenge , hard work and exhilaration of pushing one's self to new limits . I started at a meager 135 lbs on the bench press with a bodyweight of 180 lbs. Today , Im at 315 lbs on the bench press 10 reps .Its about being a positive force Cain.


Let me share with you the inspirational story of Sri Chinmoy :



Sri Chinmoy began weightlifting in 1985, at the age of 54. Bill Pearl, former Mr. Universe, acted as Master of Ceremonies at many of Sri Chinmoy's strength exhibitions. Introducing one of Sri Chinmoy's weightlifting exhibitions in 1999, Bill Pearl wrote: "Today you are going to see some amazing feats of strength that I myself - and I have been in the industry for fifty-five years - would not even attempt to perform."[73] Sri Chinmoy, said his motivation for lifting was to inspire others, especially those of an older generation.


“If I can inspire anybody in this world, then I feel that my life is meaningful. With my weightlifting, I am offering my physical strength to inspire people


Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Guyanese4eva:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Then I may have to hire Guyanese4eva is my backup.  He is know to lift alot of weight all 500 pounds at once.

Allow me to correct you . It is 315 lbs on the bench press as of now . I used to be able to do 350 . Took me a long time to get to that level .  I hope I can at least stay at 315 lbs . Im running on a calorie deficit to get more ripped.


I see you still havent learnt the basic " know your enemy , know yourself and you will always be successful "


Im sorry I wont back anyone up in a useless confrontation . I feel sorry for your outcome if indeed one day you are matched up with an opponent . You have an angry mind ..already a predisposition to loss.

I eat close to 35 hundred calories normally and i am still running a deficit. I did 12 miles biking single track this morning and used 1472 according to my monitor. I am going to the gym at 6 and will run 33 mins or 3 miles to warm up and that will be another 340. Then I work out for 90 mins on weights and machines  and that is usually another 400. I know my output on average is about 2500 and I work out one on one off but abs every day. I also bike almost daily as well. I bike  twice my daily ride on week ends. I eat all the time to keep up and that is only if I take in 1600 cal or so in 2 of energy  shakes. 



Im impressed . Can't say that I know many people even half as active / fit as you are .

I did not do anything for almost 2 years. You need friends. I have group who ride all the time. Usually there are between 4 to 6 all the time. The trails are outside my house and they are great. My gym is a block away and it is also a meetup point since we hang out there for lunch and in the evening. It is a sort of yuppy mall with Starbucks, 4 restaurants, wholefoods, and lots of little stores plus the gym ( actually there are 5 upscale gyms within 3 blocks of me)

Originally Posted by cain:


 It is lifestyle. I live in a self contained, gated community  of 219 condos and around 1500 people so there are activities of all sorts in and around me.


 We are also close to an Olympic training pool ( we had an Olympian) lots of tennis  courts and tracks to run, baseball fields, soccer fields within walking distance plus great bike paths off road on road and single tracking ( aggressive mountain biking). 


If you are around people that do stuff  you tend to do the same things. I was also never much of  a couch rat. 

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by D2:
 I was also never much of  a couch rat. 

Apparently some other variety, then.

I happen to like rats for t heir resiliency and tenacity at getting by on their own keen sense. They are survives. They have no fear and be they from the gutter to the field or the sewer they do so by their wits. They most certainly do not have to make shit up.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by D2:
 I was also never much of  a couch rat. 

Apparently some other variety, then.

I happen to like rats for t heir resiliency and tenacity at getting by on their own keen sense. They are survives. They have no fear and be they from the gutter to the field or the sewer they do so by their wits. They most certainly do not have to make shit up.

One time I was in England.  There was a man who lived in the house next to where I was staying.  The man had about 4 huge white pet rats in cages.  Those were his pets. That is some nasty stuff.  Nothing to like about these pests. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 setting the tone for the PPP!


Imagine that! It is using the same vitriolic racist, unfounded, extremist and nasty diatribe  it used against Obama to attempt to define people standing up for the rights of citizens against a rapacious, corrupt cabal This pig who uses terms as Husain Obambi, Muslim born, Marxist Nazi, lazy welfare ready, uneducated fraud, born elsewhere, to define Obama is the voice for the PPP!


Posting the AFC gentleman under the label of terrorist with no evidence that they burnt buildings or had any part of incendiary statements coercing others to burn or pillage makes you a low life pig.

Rev is a PPP/C untouchable on this forum. See how Amral exercised his moral authority and closed the other thread in contrast but kept the one started by Rev opened.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
They most certainly do not have to make shit up.

Which is reserved exclusively for Stormborn.

living in that industrial wasteland  and age has surely messed with your brains that you sit by your computer simply hoping for something to do. Get your pitiful behind back to Guyana or move to Vancouver.




These people, who you detest passionately or at least pretend to detest just to score political points should not be banned. They should be left for the public to see and judge for themselves. You should lock horns with them to show us how they are dangerous to society. You need to stand and fight like a man. The purpose of the forum is allow everyone to voice their opinions on issues. We, the audience, are interested in their political beliefs.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by D2:
 I was also never much of  a couch rat. 

Apparently some other variety, then.

I happen to like rats for t heir resiliency and tenacity at getting by on their own keen sense. They are survives. They have no fear and be they from the gutter to the field or the sewer they do so by their wits. They most certainly do not have to make shit up.

One time I was in England.  There was a man who lived in the house next to where I was staying.  The man had about 4 huge white pet rats in cages.  Those were his pets. That is some nasty stuff.  Nothing to like about these pests. 

You may not like them but they have dominion over the planet. They human virus is its only competitor. Look at it from their perspective; we are an infestation, a virtual nectrotizing germ that has laid waste more of this planet than any other living creature. To the rest of the animal world we are absolutely the most horrible pestilence that can ever be hoped for.


Because were are at the top of the food chain, we think we are better. From the planet's perspective we are a disease and very few of us if any of us have shown any sense of deep respect and understanding for our world.


We even have contempt for the animists of our specie who see this planet as part of themselves and label even the stones brother and sister and call the streams mother. No to the rest of us civilized of the human species they are the backward ones. Wake up. We are the pestilence not the rat.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



These people, who you detest passionately or at least pretend to detest just to score political points should not be banned. They should be left for the public to see and judge for themselves. You should lock horns with them to show us how they are dangerous to society. You need to stand and fight like a man. The purpose of the forum is allow everyone to voice their opinions on issues. We, the audience, are interested in their political beliefs.

 We do not give serial killers and rapists a voice. They begin with having  diseased thoughts, voicing them and even taking practice runs to hone their skills. Why should I give racists, bigots or corruptocrats a forum? I bulldoze them if I can.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



It is now public knowledge that Storm has been put in his place by admin for trying to muzzle freedom of speech as implemented by his idol Burnham. He is a cry baby who just cannot debate but will freely use distasteful terms in attacking other posters.


Fact is that this is a political discussion forum and not a kindergarden school where bullies like Storm will try to promote "my way or the highway". This is totally unacceptable. I hope that he grows up and act like a real man and take back as much as he can dish out. In politics, you either engage or just stay away from the debates.


Now that he is still licking his wounds........


Let us talk about a term that he liberally uses.. racist. He is the biggest racist on this forum. He detest people of Indian origin and will label anyone who defend Indo Guyanese issues are racist. He attacks the mothers and sisters of those who are of Indian origin. This is totally unacceptable.


He attacks Indo Guyanese women and has openly discusses his hate for them. He calls follower of Vedic dharma "boat people" and he defends the Afro Guyanese who either killed or relocated 3000 Indo Guyanese under the Burnham dictatorship era.


I have defended Indo Guyanese and have posted about crimes committed against them under the PNC dictatorship era. I have not once used the "N" word or promoted hate against Afro Guyanese and I challenge anyone who accuse me of doing so to post such proof. And stop using terms like "you are a racist" against those who defend one group or another.


If speaking out on issues that affects one group or race of people is considered racist then Storm, Carib and others are extreme racists. My point is that those who cannot debate, use the easy way out to score political points by calling those who defend the rights of one group of people as racist.


Afro Guyanese and Indo Guyanese have a history of racial problems affecting both groups and if we do not discuss or engage, then how can we ever resolve these outstanding issues while politicians from all sides milk these issues for political gain ?


Freedom of expression and freedom of speech is enshrined in our constitutions and we must preserve it or die.


We cannot bury our heads in the sand and not recognize that the Afro Guyanese community do not have problems as much as our Indo Guyanese community have  issues. What is so wrong in someone pointing it out ?


Those who disagree can engage and debate. Until then, those like Storm who use the term "racist: liberally for political gain are cowards and bullies who cannot engage and debate but seek the easiest way out.


CNN recently did an excellent article called "Blacks in America" in which it pointed out the lack of a father figure in many single black mother's families. Was CNN racist in doing so ? My point is that we need to engage for the betterment of all people and races for the betterment of all people.


CNN can also do an article on the high suicide rates in Indo Guyanese families or alcohol and spousal abuse in Indo Guyanese families. This would not be considered racist but bring important issues to the table for discussions.


Read Storms everyday response very carefully and you will taste the hate and in many cases attempts at bullying. Cyber bully might be the right term.


Al has a right to speak out and he did so. Kudos to admin for preserving free speech.






Originally Posted by yuji22:



It is now public knowledge that Storm has been put in his place by admin for trying to muzzle freedom of speech as implemented by his idol Burnham. He is a cry baby who just cannot debate but will freely use distasteful terms in attacking other posters.


Fact is that this is a political discussion forum and not a kindergarden school where bullies like Storm will try to promote "my way or the highway". This is totally unacceptable. I hope that he grows up and act like a real man and take back as much as he can dish out. In politics, you either engage or just stay away from the debates.


Now that he is still licking his wounds........


Let us talk about a term that he liberally uses.. racist. He is the biggest racist on this forum. He detest people of Indian origin and will label anyone who defend Indo Guyanese issues are racist. He attacks the mothers and sisters of those who are of Indian origin. This is totally unacceptable.


He attacks Indo Guyanese women and has openly discusses his hate for them. He calls follower of Vedic dharma "boat people" and he defends the Afro Guyanese who either killed or relocated 3000 Indo Guyanese under the Burnham dictatorship era.


I have defended Indo Guyanese and have posted about crimes committed against them under the PNC dictatorship era. I have not once used the "N" word or promoted hate against Afro Guyanese and I challenge anyone who accuse me of doing so to post such proof. And stop using terms like "you are a racist" against those who defend one group or another.


If speaking out on issues that affects one group or race of people is considered racist then Storm, Carib and others are extreme racists. My point is that those who cannot debate, use the easy way out to score political points by calling those who defend the rights of one group of people as racist.


Afro Guyanese and Indo Guyanese have a history of racial problems affecting both groups and if we do not discuss or engage, then how can we ever resolve this outstanding issues while politicians from all sides milk this issues for political gain ?


Freedom of expression and freedom of speech is enshrined in our constitutions and we must preserve it or die.


We cannot bury our heads in the sand and not recognize that the Afro Guyanese community do not have problems as much as our Indo Guyanese community have  issues. What is so wrong in someone pointing it out ?


Those who disagree can engage and debate. Until then, those like Storm who use the term "racist: liberally for political gain are cowards and bullies who cannot engage and debate but seek the easiest way out.


CNN recently did an excellent article called "Blacks in America" in which it pointed out the lack of a father figure in many single black mother's families. Was CNN racist in doing so ? My point is that we need to engage for the betterment of all people and races for the betterment of all people.


CNN can also do an article on the high suicide rates in Indo Guyanese families or alcohol and spousal abuse in Indo Guyanese families. This would not be considered racist but bring important issues to the table for discussions.


Read Storms everyday response very carefully and you will taste the hate and in many cases attempts at bullying. Cyber bully might be the right term.


Al has a right to speak out and he did so. Kudos to admin for preserving free speech.






It is the matter of screaming fire in a theater you dumb prick. The admin closed one thread for infractions or perceived infraction no less but left the other open. I guess they have their reasons.



I guess lying comes very easy to you. No need for me to respond to your bilge. You are the typical example of the bigot masking behind freedom of speech.


With a substandard education you cannot grasp the implication of your useless swill. You are doomed to be a moron.





Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



It is now public knowledge that Storm has been put in his place by admin for trying to muzzle freedom of speech as implemented by his idol Burnham. He is a cry baby who just cannot debate but will freely use distasteful terms in attacking other posters.


Fact is that this is a political discussion forum and not a kindergarden school where bullies like Storm will try to promote "my way or the highway". This is totally unacceptable. I hope that he grows up and act like a real man and take back as much as he can dish out. In politics, you either engage or just stay away from the debates.


Now that he is still licking his wounds........


Let us talk about a term that he liberally uses.. racist. He is the biggest racist on this forum. He detest people of Indian origin and will label anyone who defend Indo Guyanese issues are racist. He attacks the mothers and sisters of those who are of Indian origin. This is totally unacceptable.


He attacks Indo Guyanese women and has openly discusses his hate for them. He calls follower of Vedic dharma "boat people" and he defends the Afro Guyanese who either killed or relocated 3000 Indo Guyanese under the Burnham dictatorship era.


I have defended Indo Guyanese and have posted about crimes committed against them under the PNC dictatorship era. I have not once used the "N" word or promoted hate against Afro Guyanese and I challenge anyone who accuse me of doing so to post such proof. And stop using terms like "you are a racist" against those who defend one group or another.


If speaking out on issues that affects one group or race of people is considered racist then Storm, Carib and others are extreme racists. My point is that those who cannot debate, use the easy way out to score political points by calling those who defend the rights of one group of people as racist.


Afro Guyanese and Indo Guyanese have a history of racial problems affecting both groups and if we do not discuss or engage, then how can we ever resolve this outstanding issues while politicians from all sides milk this issues for political gain ?


Freedom of expression and freedom of speech is enshrined in our constitutions and we must preserve it or die.


We cannot bury our heads in the sand and not recognize that the Afro Guyanese community do not have problems as much as our Indo Guyanese community have  issues. What is so wrong in someone pointing it out ?


Those who disagree can engage and debate. Until then, those like Storm who use the term "racist: liberally for political gain are cowards and bullies who cannot engage and debate but seek the easiest way out.


CNN recently did an excellent article called "Blacks in America" in which it pointed out the lack of a father figure in many single black mother's families. Was CNN racist in doing so ? My point is that we need to engage for the betterment of all people and races for the betterment of all people.


CNN can also do an article on the high suicide rates in Indo Guyanese families or alcohol and spousal abuse in Indo Guyanese families. This would not be considered racist but bring important issues to the table for discussions.


Read Storms everyday response very carefully and you will taste the hate and in many cases attempts at bullying. Cyber bully might be the right term.


Al has a right to speak out and he did so. Kudos to admin for preserving free speech.






It is the matter of screaming fire in a theater you dumb prick. The admin closed one thread for infractions or perceived infraction no less but left the other open. I guess they have their reasons.



I guess lying comes very easy to you. No need for me to respond to your bilge.






Your response proves my point about your behavior. Keep licking your wounds.......

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



It is now public knowledge that Storm has been put in his place by admin for trying to muzzle freedom of speech as implemented by his idol Burnham. He is a cry baby who just cannot debate but will freely use distasteful terms in attacking other posters.


Fact is that this is a political discussion forum and not a kindergarden school where bullies like Storm will try to promote "my way or the highway". This is totally unacceptable. I hope that he grows up and act like a real man and take back as much as he can dish out. In politics, you either engage or just stay away from the debates.


Now that he is still licking his wounds........


Let us talk about a term that he liberally uses.. racist. He is the biggest racist on this forum. He detest people of Indian origin and will label anyone who defend Indo Guyanese issues are racist. He attacks the mothers and sisters of those who are of Indian origin. This is totally unacceptable.


He attacks Indo Guyanese women and has openly discusses his hate for them. He calls follower of Vedic dharma "boat people" and he defends the Afro Guyanese who either killed or relocated 3000 Indo Guyanese under the Burnham dictatorship era.


I have defended Indo Guyanese and have posted about crimes committed against them under the PNC dictatorship era. I have not once used the "N" word or promoted hate against Afro Guyanese and I challenge anyone who accuse me of doing so to post such proof. And stop using terms like "you are a racist" against those who defend one group or another.


If speaking out on issues that affects one group or race of people is considered racist then Storm, Carib and others are extreme racists. My point is that those who cannot debate, use the easy way out to score political points by calling those who defend the rights of one group of people as racist.


Afro Guyanese and Indo Guyanese have a history of racial problems affecting both groups and if we do not discuss or engage, then how can we ever resolve this outstanding issues while politicians from all sides milk this issues for political gain ?


Freedom of expression and freedom of speech is enshrined in our constitutions and we must preserve it or die.


We cannot bury our heads in the sand and not recognize that the Afro Guyanese community do not have problems as much as our Indo Guyanese community have  issues. What is so wrong in someone pointing it out ?


Those who disagree can engage and debate. Until then, those like Storm who use the term "racist: liberally for political gain are cowards and bullies who cannot engage and debate but seek the easiest way out.


CNN recently did an excellent article called "Blacks in America" in which it pointed out the lack of a father figure in many single black mother's families. Was CNN racist in doing so ? My point is that we need to engage for the betterment of all people and races for the betterment of all people.


CNN can also do an article on the high suicide rates in Indo Guyanese families or alcohol and spousal abuse in Indo Guyanese families. This would not be considered racist but bring important issues to the table for discussions.


Read Storms everyday response very carefully and you will taste the hate and in many cases attempts at bullying. Cyber bully might be the right term.


Al has a right to speak out and he did so. Kudos to admin for preserving free speech.






It is the matter of screaming fire in a theater you dumb prick. The admin closed one thread for infractions or perceived infraction no less but left the other open. I guess they have their reasons.



I guess lying comes very easy to you. No need for me to respond to your bilge.






Your response proves my point about your behavior. Keep licking your wounds.......

 You do not have a point to refute or argue. You listed a bunch clearly unsubstantial lies that it is as asking me if I beat my wife today and waiting for a response.


Take the one about vadic people being called boat people by me. They are call themselves that in Guyana. JAIAG was an political organization using a play on "Boat People". I wish I can claim coinage but I cannot. I do not even think I ever used the word to reference Indians. It is too indo centric for me.


You need to educate yourself some more on about who you are and why others call themselves jihage. That is one point of ignorant prattle on that useless bunch of lies and it probably took you a whole night to write.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



It is now public knowledge that Storm has been put in his place by admin for trying to muzzle freedom of speech as implemented by his idol Burnham. He is a cry baby who just cannot debate but will freely use distasteful terms in attacking other posters.


Fact is that this is a political discussion forum and not a kindergarden school where bullies like Storm will try to promote "my way or the highway". This is totally unacceptable. I hope that he grows up and act like a real man and take back as much as he can dish out. In politics, you either engage or just stay away from the debates.


Now that he is still licking his wounds........


Let us talk about a term that he liberally uses.. racist. He is the biggest racist on this forum. He detest people of Indian origin and will label anyone who defend Indo Guyanese issues are racist. He attacks the mothers and sisters of those who are of Indian origin. This is totally unacceptable.


He attacks Indo Guyanese women and has openly discusses his hate for them. He calls follower of Vedic dharma "boat people" and he defends the Afro Guyanese who either killed or relocated 3000 Indo Guyanese under the Burnham dictatorship era.


I have defended Indo Guyanese and have posted about crimes committed against them under the PNC dictatorship era. I have not once used the "N" word or promoted hate against Afro Guyanese and I challenge anyone who accuse me of doing so to post such proof. And stop using terms like "you are a racist" against those who defend one group or another.


If speaking out on issues that affects one group or race of people is considered racist then Storm, Carib and others are extreme racists. My point is that those who cannot debate, use the easy way out to score political points by calling those who defend the rights of one group of people as racist.


Afro Guyanese and Indo Guyanese have a history of racial problems affecting both groups and if we do not discuss or engage, then how can we ever resolve this outstanding issues while politicians from all sides milk this issues for political gain ?


Freedom of expression and freedom of speech is enshrined in our constitutions and we must preserve it or die.


We cannot bury our heads in the sand and not recognize that the Afro Guyanese community do not have problems as much as our Indo Guyanese community have  issues. What is so wrong in someone pointing it out ?


Those who disagree can engage and debate. Until then, those like Storm who use the term "racist: liberally for political gain are cowards and bullies who cannot engage and debate but seek the easiest way out.


CNN recently did an excellent article called "Blacks in America" in which it pointed out the lack of a father figure in many single black mother's families. Was CNN racist in doing so ? My point is that we need to engage for the betterment of all people and races for the betterment of all people.


CNN can also do an article on the high suicide rates in Indo Guyanese families or alcohol and spousal abuse in Indo Guyanese families. This would not be considered racist but bring important issues to the table for discussions.


Read Storms everyday response very carefully and you will taste the hate and in many cases attempts at bullying. Cyber bully might be the right term.


Al has a right to speak out and he did so. Kudos to admin for preserving free speech.






It is the matter of screaming fire in a theater you dumb prick. The admin closed one thread for infractions or perceived infraction no less but left the other open. I guess they have their reasons.



I guess lying comes very easy to you. No need for me to respond to your bilge.






Your response proves my point about your behavior. Keep licking your wounds.......

 You do not have a point to refute or argue. You listed a bunch clearly unsubstantial lies that it is as asking me if I beat my wife today and waiting for a respinse.


Take the one about vadic people being called boat people by me. They are call themselves that in Guyana. JAIAG was an political organization using a play on "Boat People" 


I think you need to educate yourself some more on
about who you are and why others call themselves jihage. That is one point of ignorant prattle on that useless bunch of lies it probably took you a whole night to write.



Keep exposing your ignorance and hate and lack of knowledge for engaging in a debate. Did you run to admin yet ? Or are you still licking your wounds ?


BTW it is Vedic not Vadic. I will not stoop to your level. 


“Brutal Facts” exposing the racist PPP regime

By Editor

July 24, 2012


As Lindeners remain resolute, the protests continue and based on conversations with locals on the ground, the goal of the movement has expanded to include arrest and murder charges against the officer responsible for giving the command to shoot and those who did shoot live rounds at peaceful protesters.


The protest has moved beyond the 5 day peaceful vigil to and indeterminable number of days of protest. As one protesters shared with BrutalFactsGT, “we don’t have jobs anyway, we will be here until our goals are achieved. The blood of our brothers who were shot down like dogs in the street will not be shed in vain.”

Reports from Cabinet insiders reveal that the PPP/C lead Government of Guyana is carefully reviewing its options.


Pressure is mounting as Chinese, Brazilian and local gold and diamond miners, loggers and business men who use Linden as a throughway daily are incensed with the PPP/C and insisting that the government must do something.


It was reported to BrutalFacts that Agriculture Minister Leslie Ramsammy said to his friend that they are losing millions of dollars in the shipment of lumber from linden daily and that business man Toolsie Persaud who is a sawmill owner is calling his office all daily and beseeching the president to do something. Reports are that if the situation in Linden worsens, business men who support the PPPC will come out in open condemnation of the Government. Even the Indian sellers who ply their business of fish, greens and ground Provisions throughout the communities in Linden are fed up with Ramotar’s incompetence since they are now unable ply their trade and services and earn money to feed their own families.


It is clear that the PPPC allowed their contempt for the opposition and lack of respect for African Guyanese to override the need for a clear and thoughtful assessment of what has now become “the Linden problem”. It is clear that no assessment was done of the consequences of raising rates of a poverty stricken people who had been relegated to depending on the goodness of family members in the Diaspora to survive, who have been cut off from any decent media for 20 years and who have been summarily relegated to refugee status by a regime bent on promoting an apartheid system in Guyana where only the Indian elite and their friends and family benefit from the nation’s natural resources and development plans.


Today in Linden, a town of some sixty thousand people with five thousand gainfully has been so backed into a corner that they are left with no choice but to see the struggle through to the end.


The Government of Guyana will soon be forced to back-peddle on the Linden issue. We have recently heard none of the usual arrogant and intractable statements regarding the rate hikes and we are beginning to see clear signs that Lindeners will emerge victorious if they maintain the struggle and stay the course.


The big problem now is that the PPPC must find a way to bring charges against the Commander in Charge Clifton Hicken. This will be especially difficult in light of his drug dealing contacts, his connections to Rohee and his knowledge of compromised people and places.


Clearly, the PPPC must find a graceful way out of this situation, but “dis time nah lang time” and the usual cover-up, band-aids and impotent commissions which result in delayed and incomplete findings will not do. Clearly rate increases must be tabled, clearly the murders must be punished, clearly investment must come to Linden, clearly the communications blackout must be lifted on Linden and clearly the PPPC must commit to fairness and equality under the law for all citizens of Guyana.




More toilet paper news from the AFC. This is article from terrorist Benchshop's website. The AFC have reduced themselves to posting from terrorist websites.


Fat boy Gerhard walked away for the debate last night with his tail between his legs as his snake oil bottle was smashed by the government.


The AFC is finished but they still continue to promote a pattern of hate and lies.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:


It is the matter of screaming fire in a theater you dumb prick. The admin closed one thread for infractions or perceived infraction no less but left the other open. I guess they have their reasons.



I guess lying comes very easy to you. No need for me to respond to your bilge.






Your response proves my point about your behavior. Keep licking your wounds.......

 You do not have a point to refute or argue. You listed a bunch clearly unsubstantial lies that it is as asking me if I beat my wife today and waiting for a respinse.


Take the one about vadic people being called boat people by me. They are call themselves that in Guyana. JAIAG was an political organization using a play on "Boat People" 


I think you need to educate yourself some more on
about who you are and why others call themselves jihage. That is one point of ignorant prattle on that useless bunch of lies it probably took you a whole night to write.



Keep exposing your ignorance and hate and lack of knowledge for engaging in a debate. Did you run to admin yet ? Or are you still licking your wounds ?


BTW it is Vedic not Vadic. I will not stoop to your level. 

You and debate are antithetical. As for being informed that is a laugh. Let me also give you an update again. Guyanese are more a ramayan people than vedic. That is your Brahmin bullshit coming through.


Don't try to correct my system auto correction as factual mistake. That is begging the question.




Everyone on the Courantyne is saying that the Alliance gone FUH Channa. 


Wah you all gun do when it's election time again?


Linden want free electricity while Agricola, Sophia, and Rumveldth thiefin big time.


Bosai, Chineman company, invested in the business and they expect a nice return from their investment. Bosai will kick ass with the help of the powerful Chinese gov't is moving like a Juggernauth through third world countries.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Everyone on the Courantyne is saying that the Alliance gone FUH Channa. 


Wah you all gun do when it's election time again?


Linden want free electricity while Agricola, Sophia, and Rumveldth thiefin big time.


Bosai, Chineman company, invested in the business and they expect a nice return from their investment. Bosai will kick ass with the help of the powerful Chinese gov't is moving like a Juggernauth through third world countries.

Balgobin bhai like you right side brain stop talking to the left side. Look at the results of the past 3 elections and you may be able to see that the support for the parasitic PPP/C have been on the decline. What will the PPP do differently to re-gain the support from those who may not have migrated? Right now many on the Corentyne and other parts of Berbice feel that it's a waste of time to vote. They are most likely to stay away from the polls. This will give APNU the winning edge. No?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Everyone on the Courantyne is saying that the Alliance gone FUH Channa. 


Wah you all gun do when it's election time again?


Linden want free electricity while Agricola, Sophia, and Rumveldth thiefin big time.


Bosai, Chineman company, invested in the business and they expect a nice return from their investment. Bosai will kick ass with the help of the powerful Chinese gov't is moving like a Juggernauth through third world countries.


They gone for Choka.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Everyone on the Courantyne is saying that the Alliance gone FUH Channa. 


Wah you all gun do when it's election time again?


Linden want free electricity while Agricola, Sophia, and Rumveldth thiefin big time.


Bosai, Chineman company, invested in the business and they expect a nice return from their investment. Bosai will kick ass with the help of the powerful Chinese gov't is moving like a Juggernauth through third world countries.


They gone for Choka.

Bhai, I grow my own bigan and tomatos. I had bigan choka for lunch with wiri-wiri pepper. BTW, it is a known fact that consumption of channa can improve ones control of blood sugar and insulin secretion. The relatively large amounts of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), including acetic, propionic, and butyric acid, provide fuel to the cells that line your intestinal wall; the fibers can help lower your risk of colon problems, including your risk of colon cancer.


The people of Guyana is seeing Ramjattan as presidential material and Ramotar as a puppet.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:


The people of Guyana is seeing Ramjattan as presidential material and Ramotar as a puppet.

I warned you about fantasies before the last election and I repeat it.  I will not debate about whether those who supported the AFC in regions5/6 are upset with them.


What I will tell you though is that there is no way that most Guyanese see Ramjattan as a president.  The votes that you all got last time were due to Nagamootoo.


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