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Originally Posted by Cobra:

This is Granger's idea, not mine. He will lose the election because he chose to invoke a dictator spirit into election campaign. This dictator is making waves not only on GNI, but all over the world on social medias.

To the contrary, Burnham is being invoked as a hero in PNC strongholds, and this especially so among the younger voters.  This will be a rallying cry.


The PNC isn't going to get votes from PPP supporters, and they aren't even trying.  They expect that many PPP supporters will stay home, and more than you think will vote Nagamootoo.


Now I know that the PPP is in deep fear that the trend of declining support will continue, and that they will continue to be a minority gov't.  What will they do?  Threaten to call snap elections?  A consecutive loss of its majority will signal to the PPP that they would have lost any claim to a mandate to run Guyana.

Originally Posted by seignet:

That is the reason why I prefer a strong Third Party. These fools will shuffle the PNC every time.


I hope the WPA taking notes on the letter by the Minister.

The WPA leadership have already said that the current PPP regime is as bad as Burnham was.  And yet it will invoke the Jagdeo/Ramotar monstrosity. 


Stop wishful thinking caribny, this time around the P.P.P/C would regain the majority. The A.F.C has lost its overseas financial base, locally their supporters are at an all time low. Even the village that once voted A.F.C are beating their chest saying Never again....never again. The P.P.P is swiftly regaining lost grounds, while securing the present ones. A majority victory awaits the P.P.P/C mark my word...

Originally Posted by Conscience:

P.P.P would regain the majority on the 11th May 2015....a fact the A.F.C/A.P.N.U has to live with.

Should the PPP win I would never come into Political again. I will visit Social as I had always done in the past, Political was always a place where people get vulgar and I'm heading down that path beacuse of nincompoops. I say if that's what Guyana needs is a future with a corrupt Government then so be it, give it to them.

It will be a sad sad time for Guyana if the PPP gets in especially majority, which aint happening, you people here who back that corrupt government even though you know deep down they are as we see them,(yes you know they are dam corrupt if you don't you must be in a friggen daze for the last upteen years).. but it's just the colour of your skin that stands between the choice you think you should make and the real truth as you dam well know and your choice is...


From the 12th of May...G.N.I would experience good riddance, the P.P.P would regain the majority and "cain" if he stick to his words, would excuse himself from G.N.I. As stated earlier, that would be good riddance from this forum 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

From the 12th of May...G.N.I would experience good riddance, the P.P.P would regain the majority and "cain" if he stick to his words, would excuse himself from G.N.I. As stated earlier, that would be good riddance from this forum 

Would you promise the same as I after the PPP gets their asses thrown out and spare us all the bellyaching and bullshit talk?

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Home > LETTERS > AFC is very comfortable being APNU’s poodle

AFC is very comfortable being APNU’s poodle


MAKE no mistake about it. The big difference between the 2011 and the 2015 election is that the AFC and APNU/PNCR will end the deception of being separate with distinct options for the people of Guyana. They were one before the 2011 elections, but decided to go to the 2011 polls as Separate but Together. In the 2015 election they will end the deception and become One and the Same. AFC will end up as Granger’s poodle, a role they were very comfortable with in the 10th Parliament.I challenge them to tell the people, particularly those in Regions 5 and 6 and also in Regions 2 and 3, that this is not so. Let them come out clearly and say that they will not form a coalition with the PNCR as the junior partner. The partnership in 2011 election was for AFC to campaign in areas that are known PPP support based and not to do so in the PNC/APNU support-based areas.
The truth is that both APNU and AFC know that they cannot win an election by themselves. They have conceded that the PPP can win and will win the 2015 elections, by majority or by plurality. The AFC knows that it is a small political party and all it can do is huff and puff and beat its chest. APNU knows that it is a political party that has over its entire history placed its fortune on ethnic politics and that it will never win any free and fair election as an ethnic political party. This is the starting point for the 2015 elections.
Having conceded and accept these facts, these two political parties are scrambling for a new kind of dispensation that can change their destiny. They decided a long time ago that they needed to form a pre-election coalition. They have met and decided that a pre-election coalition is a must for them. There is nothing wrong with this kind of analysis. Every political party must consider what is best for them in any election. It is a prudent thing always for political parties and politicians to consider.
But the emergence of a pre-election coalition between APNU and AFC is taking place amid deceit and lies, wicked games and mixed messages. AFC was aggressive through most of 2014, particularly after November 2014, in trying to persuade the people in Regions 5 and 6 and also in Regions 2 and 3 that they will not form a coalition with APNU/PNC. In African-Guyanese communities, they elevated the possibility of AFC and APNU in a coalition and gave the impression that this is under active consideration.
Why the different messages? Clearly, they recognised that in Regions 2, 3, 5 and 6 and in parts of Regions 4, 1, 7, 8 and 9, the possibility of the AFC becoming part of APNU would turn away those who supported them in 2011. They know that the possibility of the AFC being a part of the PNCR/APNU platform would spell doom for them. Yet throughout all of their public uttering in certain parts of Guyana that they will not form a coalition with the PNCR or APNU, whichever form that group takes, they were having secret meetings with APNU to conclude on just that coalition. This is wicked deception and can only come from the minds of people like Nagamoottoo, Ramjattan and Hughes, etc.
The secret meetings, however, were not so secret and they got caught lying to people. They changed the tune – they then proclaimed that they would embrace a coalition with the PNCR if it would allow the AFC to be the senior partner with the top of the ticket. In a public meeting in Berbice and in other public fora, the AFC now takes the position that they are not forming a coalition with the PNCR, but that the PNCR is seeking to join the AFC. What crap are they trying to foist on innocent people? The truth is the coalition is a non-starter unless Granger is at the top of the ticket and that is because the AFC knows that the only possibility of an APNU/AFC coalition is the AFC playing a junior partner role, jumping to the tune of APNU.
The truth is that having decided that their only hope might be a coalition between the AFC and the PNC the AFC is now trying to ensure that they will not be marginalised by the PNCR in a coalition with that party. Their bold pronouncement that they must be given the top spot and must be the senior partner in any coalition is merely a bargaining posture to ensure that they are not marginalised from the very beginning. They want to ensure that they share the top positions and they are guaranteed enough places in Parliament. They are well aware of what happened in the 1960s with the United Force when the PNC used the coalition to destroy the United Force (UF).
These are people who speak eloquently on transparency. Both APNU and AFC have accused the PPP/C Government of not being transparent. They have argued that they will conduct government business in a transparent manner. Yet they have a history that is a hefty albatross around their necks. The PNC/APNU illegally controlled the Government for almost three decades, a period in which dictatorship dominated and transparency was never an option that the PNC Government even contemplated.
It was during that period when secret wars were waged against innocent people. People were hounded through the Income Tax Department. People were arrested without any probable causes. People were killed in conspiracies that were the purview of only a few. The Headquarters of the PNC, Congress Place, was the seat of government. Party paramountcy prevailed. The present Commission of Inquiry into the Walter Rodney assassination is a good insight into the secrets and non-transparency of the PNC Government. That is what APNU brings to government and the people of Guyana have not forgotten that.
This is what the AFC is joining and this is what they are offering to the people of Guyana. In playing hide and seek with the Guyanese public as to whether they will join in a coalition with the PNC, they are well aware of the albatross APNU/PNC carries. They know that the people will not forgive them for betraying the trust they placed in them when in 2011 the AFC was privileged to have seven seats in Parliament. Yet their effort to demonstrate to people that they will not be playing second fiddle to the PNC is a futile effort.
The people have seen them in the 10th Parliament for the last three years. Since the 2011 elections, the coalition between the AFC and APNU has been revealed with all of its ugly and heinous stripes. In spite of all of their pronouncements, these two parties have worked together before the last elections. In the last elections, they agreed that the AFC will work almost exclusively in the PPP strongholds. They were separate but together. It was purely a racist approach. AFC concentrated in the Indo-Guyanese area and APNU focused their efforts in the Afro-Guyanese areas.
That was how the AFC decided on their Presidential Candidate. They wanted an East Indian as their candidate because they want to be able to lead the Opposition campaign in these communities. This is what they will do in the coming election, but the separate but together will morph finally to one and the same – the AFC playing Granger’s poodle.
All Guyana knew that Walter Rodney and several other Guyanese who opposed the PNC were assassinated. Yet we are all in awe and shock with the revelations from the Rodney COI. Has anyone noticed that the AFC has said not a word about this sordid part of Guyana’s history? It is the past, yes, but it beckons our future too. Many of the people in charge of APNU today were the young Turks then and come out of the belly of dictatorship and repression. But the AFC cannot say anything, including Nagamoottoo who wrote extensively about the crimes of the PNC then. Now cat has cut his tongue because Granger wants him to be quiet.
When the PNCR at a press conference claimed that the sugar industry should be closed, Ramjattan and the AFC supported the proposal made by Tony Viera. They did not even know what the proposal was but APNU wanted them to blindly support replacing the sugar industry with aquaculture. Nagamoottoo has said plainly that the Chinese are not welcome as investors in Guyana because APNU expects them to say so. When Nagamoottoo wanted to be Speaker APNU told the AFC to put forward Trotman. Really, the AFC has been a loyal and malleable poodle to Granger and the AFC.
Since 2011, we have seen the truth – every time Granger and APNU call on the AFC to jump, they have done so. They opposed the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Bill when they admitted that they have no amendment to make and they have no problem with the bill itself. But they voted against it because that is what APNU wanted. They voted against Amaila because that is what APNU wanted. AFC joined APNU and voted against the One Lap Top Programme. They voted against more than $90B in the national budgets for 2012, 2013 and 2014 because that is what Granger wanted. They voted against programmes to help the Amerindian people because APNU said so. They voted against salaries for the staff of the President because that is what APNU wanted. The history is long and the truth is AFC is very comfortable playing the poodle of APNU. The poodle status of the AFC is unchanged whether they go to the 2015 elections as Separate but One or as One and the Same.


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

This big barefaced spy equipment liar Leslie Ramsammy has no credibility.

He gave signed permission for Roger Khan to buy spy equipment from The Spy Shop in the US and then denied through his teeth.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P was a victim of their own success at the November 2011 polls, this time around the party is expected to correct those mistakes and rebound with a majority.

Do you have this imprinted on your backside and each time you run out of things to say, ask someone in your strange circle of friends take a look down there and read it off for you as you type?

Probably also got it done in braille so they could rub it as they read out the words.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Conscience:

I'm a person of my words, the P.P.P is near to stay decades and decades to come, get used to it "cain".

Saaayyyy whatttt???  So you staying off the forum when the PPP gets turfed? Spare the fellas here the agony of reading fluff.


Oi Counieman I know you reading...what do you know about this here man? Come on let's gyaff about what Gilly posted here:


"This big barefaced spy equipment liar Leslie Ramsammy has no credibility.

He gave signed permission for Roger Khan to buy spy equipment from The Spy Shop in the US and then denied through his teeth."


Stop wishfully thinking the P.P.P would lose "cain".On the 12th of May you're be one of the most disappoint men on G.N.I, but yet again if you're a man of your words, your absence would be greatly appreciated. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

I'm a person of my words, the P.P.P is near to stay decades and decades to come, get used to it "cain".

The words of a mindless parrot mean nothing.

The long-suffering masses aren't asses to let the PPP ride roughshod over them for decades and decades to come.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

 this time around their election machinery is well grease.



Bai, ah love yuh


You are our very own Baghdad Bob.


I don't think you wanna be a PPP spokesman and talk about how well greased you guys are this time around

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

I'm a person of my words, the P.P.P is near to stay decades and decades to come, get used to it "cain".

The words of a mindless parrot mean nothing.

The long-suffering masses aren't asses to let the PPP ride roughshod over them for decades and decades to come.




Leff de man alone. He busy greasin up fuh May 11th!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Gilbakka" would you also make a vow like "cain" and stay off G.N.I when the P.P.P regain the majority on the 11th MAY 2015?....good riddance

Conscience, the PPP is losing elections on May 11. Period.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

I'm a person of my words, the P.P.P is near to stay decades and decades to come, get used to it "cain".

The words of a mindless parrot mean nothing.

The long-suffering masses aren't asses to let the PPP ride roughshod over them for decades and decades to come.




Leff de man alone. He busy greasin up fuh May 11th!

Hmmm... Shaitan, yuh mek a mistake hey bai. Me have a long ting between me leg.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Gilbakka" I would like you to be as brave as "cain" and make a vow to stay off G.N.I. when the P.P.P regains a majority on the 11th May 2015. Don't be a chicken...

Cain would be stupid to leave. So would anyone. The imperative is to face down evil even when the hour is darkest and faith is forced precariously to the cliff's edge. The reality that evil cannot win, that corruption cannot be the norm and that the balance of justice always swings back to the center means hope springs eternal. It is why we live

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Gilbakka" I would like you to be as brave as "cain" and make a vow to stay off G.N.I. when the P.P.P regains a majority on the 11th May 2015. Don't be a chicken...

Conscience, I repeat: the PPP will lose general and regional elections on May 11.

Start updating your curriculum vitae.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Gilbakka" I would like you to be as brave as "cain" and make a vow to stay off G.N.I. when the P.P.P regains a majority on the 11th May 2015. Don't be a chicken...

Cain would be stupid to leave. So would anyone. The imperative is to face down evil even when the hour is darkest and faith is forced precariously to the cliff's edge. The reality that evil cannot win, that corruption cannot be the norm and that the balance of justice always swings back to the center means hope springs eternal. It is why we live

I'll still be here, the PPP ain't winning a dam thing.


Should they win what sense is it to come here and try educate these illiterate fools how them their errors,anyway?

I better off go back to my book writing...right Gilly?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Gilbakka" I would like you to be as brave as "cain" and make a vow to stay off G.N.I. when the P.P.P regains a majority on the 11th May 2015. Don't be a chicken...

Cain would be stupid to leave. So would anyone. The imperative is to face down evil even when the hour is darkest and faith is forced precariously to the cliff's edge. The reality that evil cannot win, that corruption cannot be the norm and that the balance of justice always swings back to the center means hope springs eternal. It is why we live

I'll still be here, the PPP ain't winning a dam thing.


Should they win what sense is it to come here and try educate these illiterate fools how them their errors,anyway?

I better off go back to my book writing...right Gilly?

Seriously....are you writing? 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

I'm a person of my words, the P.P.P is near to stay decades and decades to come, get used to it "cain".

The words of a mindless parrot mean nothing.

The long-suffering masses aren't asses to let the PPP ride roughshod over them for decades and decades to come.




Leff de man alone. He busy greasin up fuh May 11th!

Hmmm... Shaitan, yuh mek a mistake hey bai. Me have a long ting between me leg.




I apologize. I could swear you were a woman according to how I vaguely recall someone referencing you.


Anyways, no offense intended.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Gilbakka" I would like you to be as brave as "cain" and make a vow to stay off G.N.I. when the P.P.P regains a majority on the 11th May 2015. Don't be a chicken...

Cain would be stupid to leave. So would anyone. The imperative is to face down evil even when the hour is darkest and faith is forced precariously to the cliff's edge. The reality that evil cannot win, that corruption cannot be the norm and that the balance of justice always swings back to the center means hope springs eternal. It is why we live

I'll still be here, the PPP ain't winning a dam thing.


Should they win what sense is it to come here and try educate these illiterate fools how them their errors,anyway?

I better off go back to my book writing...right Gilly?

Seriously....are you writing? 

"how them their errors"  what the heck is this?  hehehe  I meant "on their errors".


Well Stormy, I have been putting together little snippets of growing up and the differences to N,A.  I also have a story I'm working on but seem to be at a a stand still at the moment, it is along the lines of a Stephen King novel.

Now, here's the thing. When all done, the difficult part comes where I integrate both into one. I don't believe this has ever been done. Sounds crazy.


The plan is to do them using different type so if someone just wants to read the autobiography, they would read let's say the print in italics, totally disregarding the rest. Same for the book. My life would wind up being one great mother of a horror story I guess.


The cake shop party had given A.P.N.U a deadline, while A.P.N.U publicly announce for their own campaign, the A.F.C seems desperate as A.P.N.U continues to shelf their "secret talks'.


The AFC is a mushroom party which has been built by the rejects from the two major parties.  Some of their members have abandoned them and now they are grasping at straws.  If this union is to take place, then the PNC will have to have 90% of their members on their list of candidates. Only then can the AFC have the Leadership.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The cake shop party had given A.P.N.U a deadline, while A.P.N.U publicly announce for their own campaign, the A.F.C seems desperate as A.P.N.U continues to shelf their "secret talks'.


Cake Shop party AFC is already closed. The owner of the AFC cake shop is trying to sell his stock of Stale Bread to APNU. So far Granger told them to haul their A**




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