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Former Member

I wish to remind AFC supporters that the so called coalition is headed to defeat.


If that is not bad enough, Moses and Ramjattan sold them out.


Why ?


Well, the so called accord stand only if the coalition were to win and now that it is certain that they are headed to defeat, Granger is under no obligation and no longer has to abide with the agreement of coalition.


In simple terms, Granger can decide to give the AFC Zero seats and in effect, kill the AFC.


Folks, Moses and Ramjattan sold the AFC for nothing. And to quote Ramjattan, The AFC would become dead meat if it forms a coalition with the PNC.


Well, the AFC is now dead meat.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Well, the so called accord stand only if the coalition were to win and now that it is certain that they are headed to defeat, Granger is under no obligation and no longer has to abide with the agreement of coalition.


In simple terms, Granger can decide to give the AFC Zero seats and in effect, kill the AFC.

The agreement signed between the PNC-APNU and AFC is simply a private matter between the organisations and it absolutely has no effect on the management of parliament and the constitution of Guyana.


The merger of the two entities is to legally transfer the former PNC members of AFC into the PNC group.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I wish to remind AFC supporters that the so called coalition is headed to defeat.


If that is not bad enough, Moses and Ramjattan sold them out.


Why ?


Well, the so called accord stand only if the coalition were to win and now that it is certain that they are headed to defeat, Granger is under no obligation and no longer has to abide with the agreement of coalition.


In simple terms, Granger can decide to give the AFC Zero seats and in effect, kill the AFC.


Folks, Moses and Ramjattan sold the AFC for nothing. And to quote Ramjattan, The AFC would become dead meat if it forms a coalition with the PNC.


Well, the AFC is now dead meat.

Bai, wheh yuh getting dese stupidy notions from, eh?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


In simple terms, Granger can decide to give the AFC Zero seats and in effect, kill the AFC.



If APNU AFC win then  Granger CANNOT renege on his deal.  Stop trying to create panic with your AFC obsession.  If the AFC is so unimportant why is every post from you on this subject?



The PNC coalition is headed to defeat.


I am saying that there is no agreement in place for Granger to give the AFC anything when the coalition loses.


That is a fact.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I wish to remind AFC supporters that the so called coalition is headed to defeat.


If that is not bad enough, Moses and Ramjattan sold them out.


Why ?


Well, the so called accord stand only if the coalition were to win and now that it is certain that they are headed to defeat, Granger is under no obligation and no longer has to abide with the agreement of coalition.


In simple terms, Granger can decide to give the AFC Zero seats and in effect, kill the AFC.


Folks, Moses and Ramjattan sold the AFC for nothing. And to quote Ramjattan, The AFC would become dead meat if it forms a coalition with the PNC.


Well, the AFC is now dead meat.

Bai, wheh yuh getting dese stupidy notions from, eh?


Is this your contribution ? 


Please try again.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Well, the so called accord stand only if the coalition were to win and now that it is certain that they are headed to defeat, Granger is under no obligation and no longer has to abide with the agreement of coalition.


In simple terms, Granger can decide to give the AFC Zero seats and in effect, kill the AFC.

The agreement signed between the PNC-APNU and AFC is simply a private matter between the organisations and it absolutely has no effect on the management of parliament and the constitution of Guyana.


The merger of the two entities is to legally transfer the former PNC members of AFC into the PNC group.


In effect, Granger can chose to only transfer one or two or Zero members of the AFC to the PNC when they lose the election.


They are at the mercy of the PNC and Granger when they lose the election.


AFC is doomed.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Granger CANNOT renege

is that legally binding? I am asking because I do not know. I personally believe in legal documentation. It gets ugly, it least in the business world, when there are no signed legal documents. 


Valid Point.

 It is a serious question from a business perspective so if you do not have the answer please do not respond with anything. 

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Granger CANNOT renege

is that legally binding? I am asking because I do not know. I personally believe in legal documentation. It gets ugly, it least in the business world, when there are no signed legal documents. 


Valid Point.

 It is a serious question from a business perspective so if you do not have the answer please do not respond with anything. 


Yuji knows about business. That's all that I can say. I do not blow my horn.


I should have said,  valid question.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Can someone post the signed agreement of the accord ?

why would that matter unless it's legally binding. Please stop trying to score political points for goodness sake you are just creating noise...

Stop posting nonsense.


I started this thread. Please start your own if you so choose.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Well, the so called accord stand only if the coalition were to win and now that it is certain that they are headed to defeat, Granger is under no obligation and no longer has to abide with the agreement of coalition.


In simple terms, Granger can decide to give the AFC Zero seats and in effect, kill the AFC.

The agreement signed between the PNC-APNU and AFC is simply a private matter between the organisations and it absolutely has no effect on the management of parliament and the constitution of Guyana.


The merger of the two entities is to legally transfer the former PNC members of AFC into the PNC group.


In effect, Granger can chose to only transfer one or two or Zero members of the AFC to the PNC when they lose the election.


They are at the mercy of the PNC and Granger when they lose the election.


AFC is doomed.

They are already merged with the PNC-APNU.


Should the PNC-APNU win the election, David Granger indeed can select one, two .. four or none from the the AFC group.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Well, the so called accord stand only if the coalition were to win and now that it is certain that they are headed to defeat, Granger is under no obligation and no longer has to abide with the agreement of coalition.


In simple terms, Granger can decide to give the AFC Zero seats and in effect, kill the AFC.

The agreement signed between the PNC-APNU and AFC is simply a private matter between the organisations and it absolutely has no effect on the management of parliament and the constitution of Guyana.


The merger of the two entities is to legally transfer the former PNC members of AFC into the PNC group.


In effect, Granger can chose to only transfer one or two or Zero members of the AFC to the PNC when they lose the election.


They are at the mercy of the PNC and Granger when they lose the election.


AFC is doomed.

They are already merged with the PNC-APNU.


Should the PNC-APNU win the election, David Granger indeed can select one, two .. four or none from the the AFC group.


Thank you DG.


So in effect, the AFC is at the mercy of Granger and the PNC when they lose and Granger can choose to offer the AFC ZERO seats while Moses and Ramjattan can do nothing about it.


Well, one begins to question the motives of Moses and Ramjattan and or their lack of good judgement when this so called accord was signed.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

So in effect, the AFC is at the mercy of Granger and the PNC 

so lemme get nor DG have seen any documents, however, you are drawing a conclusion..


You are behaving like a jackass. 


I am basing my judgement on what the AFC and PNC told Guyanese. If you can provide a copy of this document to prove otherwise,  please do so.


Until then, please start your own thread and stop making a fool of yourself.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Well, the so called accord stand only if the coalition were to win and now that it is certain that they are headed to defeat, Granger is under no obligation and no longer has to abide with the agreement of coalition.


In simple terms, Granger can decide to give the AFC Zero seats and in effect, kill the AFC.

The agreement signed between the PNC-APNU and AFC is simply a private matter between the organisations and it absolutely has no effect on the management of parliament and the constitution of Guyana.


The merger of the two entities is to legally transfer the former PNC members of AFC into the PNC group.


In effect, Granger can chose to only transfer one or two or Zero members of the AFC to the PNC when they lose the election.


They are at the mercy of the PNC and Granger when they lose the election.


AFC is doomed.

They are already merged with the PNC-APNU.


Should the PNC-APNU win the election, David Granger indeed can select one, two .. four or none from the the AFC group.


Thank you DG.


So in effect, the AFC is at the mercy of Granger and the PNC when they lose and Granger can choose to offer the AFC ZERO seats while Moses and Ramjattan can do nothing about it.


Well, one begins to question the motives of Moses and Ramjattan and or their lack of good judgement when this so called accord was signed.

Correct that AFC is at the mercy of the PNC.


Of note ..


1. The President is the only elected official to form the government.


2. It is the President who appoints the Prime Minister and other members of the cabinet.


3. The President, solely at his will, can remove the Prime Minister and any member of his administration.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

3. The President, solely at his will, can remove the Prime Minister and any member of his administration.

So DG tell us what the PPP is doing to allay the fears of blacks that it is the Indo KKK and aims to annihilate them?


You can debate as to what Granger will or will not do, but at least he took the time to acknowledge that Indians have valid reasons for not trusting the PNC, so the onus on the PNC was to show good faith.


Now what is the PPP doing t show good faith.


Oh I know that any discussion of Afro and mixed identified Guyanese is irrelevant in your eyes.  Even as the mixed identified population is the fastest growing group, and will begin to heavily define Guyanese politics by the next election.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Well, the so called accord stand only if the coalition were to win and now that it is certain that they are headed to defeat, Granger is under no obligation and no longer has to abide with the agreement of coalition.


In simple terms, Granger can decide to give the AFC Zero seats and in effect, kill the AFC.

The agreement signed between the PNC-APNU and AFC is simply a private matter between the organisations and it absolutely has no effect on the management of parliament and the constitution of Guyana.


The merger of the two entities is to legally transfer the former PNC members of AFC into the PNC group.


In effect, Granger can chose to only transfer one or two or Zero members of the AFC to the PNC when they lose the election.


They are at the mercy of the PNC and Granger when they lose the election.


AFC is doomed.

They are already merged with the PNC-APNU.


Should the PNC-APNU win the election, David Granger indeed can select one, two .. four or none from the the AFC group.


Thank you DG.


So in effect, the AFC is at the mercy of Granger and the PNC when they lose and Granger can choose to offer the AFC ZERO seats while Moses and Ramjattan can do nothing about it.


Well, one begins to question the motives of Moses and Ramjattan and or their lack of good judgement when this so called accord was signed.

Correct that AFC is at the mercy of the PNC.


Of note ..


1. The President is the only elected official to form the government.


2. It is the President who appoints the Prime Minister and other members of the cabinet.


3. The President, solely at his will, can remove the Prime Minister and any member of his administration.


This paints a very clear picture and is contrary to what the AFC is promoting and saying to ordinary Guyanese.


One can look back at Guyana's History and be reminded of what PNC did to the United Force.


This is quite dangerous for those who are AFC supporters and are considering voting PNC.


In effect, the AFC is giving the PNC a blank cheque to do whatever they wish to do.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

What does the AFC have to hide ?


Was the so called accord fake ?


Was this so called accord an effort to fool and deceive Guyanese ?

Show us the PPP accord with Civic, you know that Bantustan where the PPP dumps blacks so that they remain outside of the PPP power structure.


In fact show us evidence that Civic even exists as an independent entity.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
The agreement signed between the PNC-APNU and AFC is simply a private matter between the organisations and it absolutely has no effect on the management of parliament and the constitution of Guyana.


The merger of the two entities is to legally transfer the former PNC members of AFC into the PNC group.

you are a diapered ole fool who, mercifully, is blissfully unaware of how stupid you are






Please ignore the noise and distraction to this thread by those who are attempting to derail it.


This is a very, very important matter for discussion.


AFC in effect gives the Granger absolute power to do whatsoever he wants to do.


So in effect the PNC can give the AFC two seats and Moses is not telling the truth when he says that the AFC can bring down the PNC if they (PNC) do not abide with the terms of this so called agreement because the AFC will not have enough seats in parliament to remove the PNC through a no confidence motion.


Granger in effect, has absolute power to do whatsoever he wants to do and can manipulate what the future of the AFC looks like.


AFC will be at the mercy of the PNC.


Who wants to vote and give the PNC a blank cheque ?


They have a horrible record of dictatorship, rigging and bankrupting Guyana.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

3. The President, solely at his will, can remove the Prime Minister and any member of his administration.

So DG tell us what the PPP is doing to allay the fears of blacks that it is the Indo KKK and aims to annihilate them?


You can debate as to what Granger will or will not do, but at least he took the time to acknowledge that Indians have valid reasons for not trusting the PNC, so the onus on the PNC was to show good faith.


Now what is the PPP doing t show good faith.


Oh I know that any discussion of Afro and mixed identified Guyanese is irrelevant in your eyes.  Even as the mixed identified population is the fastest growing group, and will begin to heavily define Guyanese politics by the next election.

Irrelevant to the specific issues of the discussions.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Oh I know that any discussion of Afro and mixed identified Guyanese is irrelevant in your eyes.  Even as the mixed identified population is the fastest growing group, and will begin to heavily define Guyanese politics by the next election.

Irrelevant to the specific issues of the discussions.

AAAh yes now why would an Indo KKK member think that any discussion of Africans and mixed (collectively now over 50% of the population when we include the 40% who are too young to vote) is of any relevance.


After all any discussion of people deemed not to be important is irrelevant. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

So in effect, the AFC is at the mercy of Granger and the PNC 

so lemme get nor DG have seen any documents, however, you are drawing a conclusion..


You are behaving like a jackass. 


I am basing my judgement on what the AFC and PNC told Guyanese. If you can provide a copy of this document to prove otherwise,  please do so.


Until then, please start your own thread and stop making a fool of yourself.

Pompous when cornered.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Well, the so called accord stand only if the coalition were to win and now that it is certain that they are headed to defeat, Granger is under no obligation and no longer has to abide with the agreement of coalition.


In simple terms, Granger can decide to give the AFC Zero seats and in effect, kill the AFC.

The agreement signed between the PNC-APNU and AFC is simply a private matter between the organisations and it absolutely has no effect on the management of parliament and the constitution of Guyana.


The merger of the two entities is to legally transfer the former PNC members of AFC into the PNC group.


In effect, Granger can chose to only transfer one or two or Zero members of the AFC to the PNC when they lose the election.


They are at the mercy of the PNC and Granger when they lose the election.


AFC is doomed.

They are already merged with the PNC-APNU.


Should the PNC-APNU win the election, David Granger indeed can select one, two .. four or none from the the AFC group.


Thank you DG.


So in effect, the AFC is at the mercy of Granger and the PNC when they lose and Granger can choose to offer the AFC ZERO seats while Moses and Ramjattan can do nothing about it.


Well, one begins to question the motives of Moses and Ramjattan and or their lack of good judgement when this so called accord was signed.

Should they win,  can see Granger/PNC being generous towards the AFC with some "administrative" functions.  As they re-establish their old order, the AFC will eventually be relegated, thinned-out and pushed aside, totally diluted.  The PNC/GDF coalition is more key to the PNC power-play than any political alliance.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Should they win,  can see Granger/PNC being generous towards the AFC with some "administrative" functions.  As they re-establish their old order, the AFC will eventually be relegated, thinned-out and pushed aside, totally diluted.  The PNC/GDF coalition is more key to the PNC power-play than any political alliance.

Should APNU AFC win Nagamootoo will have veto power over Granger.  He will have to get his 12 seats as the last thing that the coalition gov't will want is to start with a major fight.  Granger doesn't strike me as a man who likes open and nasty conflict.


So with 12 seats Nagamootoo will be able to hold Granger hostage if Granger attempts to renege.


In fact I predict that Granger will find himself between a rock and a hard place.  Nagamootoo holding veto to get what he wants, and more hardline PNCites who will use the deal and the veto as evidence that Granger is "soft".  Maybe we might hear "David Persaud", as Granger tries to hold on to the coalition.


Phase I is winning.  Phase II is governing and that might be even more difficult.


Now please tell us which African group will have similar rights of veto over Prime Minister Bharat Jagdeo, should the PPP win.  I predict that Harper will be quickly dropped as she brings no votes, and I am not sure has the temperament to withstand the viciousness of politics.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Well, the so called accord stand only if the coalition were to win and now that it is certain that they are headed to defeat, Granger is under no obligation and no longer has to abide with the agreement of coalition.


In simple terms, Granger can decide to give the AFC Zero seats and in effect, kill the AFC.

The agreement signed between the PNC-APNU and AFC is simply a private matter between the organisations and it absolutely has no effect on the management of parliament and the constitution of Guyana.


The merger of the two entities is to legally transfer the former PNC members of AFC into the PNC group.


In effect, Granger can chose to only transfer one or two or Zero members of the AFC to the PNC when they lose the election.


They are at the mercy of the PNC and Granger when they lose the election.


AFC is doomed.

They are already merged with the PNC-APNU.


Should the PNC-APNU win the election, David Granger indeed can select one, two .. four or none from the the AFC group.


Thank you DG.


So in effect, the AFC is at the mercy of Granger and the PNC when they lose and Granger can choose to offer the AFC ZERO seats while Moses and Ramjattan can do nothing about it.


Well, one begins to question the motives of Moses and Ramjattan and or their lack of good judgement when this so called accord was signed.

Should they win,  can see Granger/PNC being generous towards the AFC with some "administrative" functions.  As they re-establish their old order, the AFC will eventually be relegated, thinned-out and pushed aside, totally diluted.  The PNC/GDF coalition is more key to the PNC power-play than any political alliance.

Well lets ensure the coalition wins so we can evaluate your various theories. Nothing wrong wid dat right?


If you are proven right then we can go back to re-electing your PPP govt.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

What does the AFC have to hide ?


Was the so called accord fake ?


Was this so called accord an effort to fool and deceive Guyanese ?

The Accord is not a fake like Bharrat-Varshni wedding certificate.

Jagdeo deceived Guyanese that Varshni was First Lady.

Why yuh don't ask Conscience to post the signed BJ-V accord?


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